I recently had a chat with a friend from Eastern Europe about the current mayhem afflicting America. He was incredulous that police brutality toward black people wasn’t a major, systemic issue. No politicians are denying it’s a problem, every major corporation and media outlet is saying it’s a problem, the police themselves are saying it’s a problem, and he’s watching white people get on their knees to apologize for it.
He also made a classic assumption that I’ve also noticed from Americans who live in places like Idaho – he sees black people engaging in violence with fury on their faces and assumes they must have a valid justification for it. This is because when considering why a conflagration occurs, people unfamiliar with our communities of color tend to estimate just how bad a problem would need to be for themselves to start wreaking havoc.
For ordinary white folks, that theoretical threshold is pretty damn high if they’re even willing to countenance the notion at all. They therefore make the faulty inference that black people have had to put up with quite a bit at the hands of white people before they exploded in righteous anger.
It’s quite a task to successfully explain to someone afflicted with naivete that this turmoil is propelled by the upper echelons of power for political purposes that are incomprehensibly insane and stupid. The most likely result is them telling you that you’re peddling conspiracy theories or simply a racist.
While this might be frustrating for you, the problem for the people in power is how they’re going to ratchet tensions down. If they don’t, their positions are going to become rather tenuous. I’m not sure if they’ll be able to do that effectively.
First, how does one resolve a crisis that doesn’t exist? There’ll be no more satisfactory evidence of a solution than there is evidence of systemic police brutality and murder. Go ahead, defund the police. Whoever’s left will still end up occasionally shooting black people when conflict flares up. Racial agitators don’t care about a municipal budget, they only care that black people get shot by the police. The reason for a shooting is of zero consequence to them.
Second, they’ve got a self-feeding frenzy on their hands. Giving black people (and “peaceful” protesters) moral absolution and greater physical leeway for inflicting violence simply leads to more violence. This leads to more fraught interactions with the police that will continue to keep them agitated.
Third, there’s been a campaign of fear which has effectively instilled the most abject cowardice in a massive swath of Heritage America. There’s now a general understanding that just getting filmed telling a black person “no” is sufficient to get your life ruined. All this groveling does is embolden the agitators even further.
Fourth, we’ve now got groups of armed blacks marching through the streets literally trying to incite a racial conflict. Even though some of them have assembled their firearms and attachments incorrectly, I take them seriously. They set up an armed barricade in Atlanta on Saturday and fired into a car, killing an 8-year old girl.
What happens if this stuff escalates? The chances seem pretty decent. Are these politicians going to order the National Guard in there to give pitched battle and put them down? No, of course not. We’d just have a fresh and dramatic escalation of the anarchy we’re stuck with right now.
What does this process eventually lead to?
Duh, a country that’s ungovernable.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Reckon your friend has ever read or heard the expression/admonition, “never assume nothin’; it makes an ASS outta U and ME”? If’n he has, he’s obviously not internalized its fundamental truth.
But, yes, this me-centric, white people-centric, Western-centric – whatever one prefers to denominate it – way of looking at the actions of disparate groups of people, well, not me, not white, not Western, hamstrings the shit out of “normie” white people and their ability to correctly assess the underlying character traits of said disparate groups. But, I mean, it’s in The Declaration – that all experience hath shown that mankind is more disposed to suffer while evils are sufferable than to right themselves – so it has to be true, right? Right. I mean, “mankind” means ALL of Mankind, including those of African extraction, right? Right. That being the case, obviously the threshold of the long train of abuses and usurpations pursuing invariably the same object, evincing a design to reduce [Black People] under absolute despotism has been met, and that is why they riot and act like feral animals, right? Right. What else could it be? Could it be … SATAN?! Nevvaaa!!!
“Tranquility is a Tall Order”
Yes, and should one seek tranquility in a crisis?
Should one be at ease while one’s civilization is burning, or one’s people under subjugation?
These are questions I’ve been wrestling with over the last decade, as it became clear to me that we are in a dysfunctional country with a lawless government and a nihilist anti-White Southern, anti-Christian, anti-male culture.
The best answer I’ve been able to contrive is that, no, I ought NOT be at ease with the situation, yet, because this could go on for decades, and is largely out of my control, I will seek moments of tranqulity in it, while still being ill at ease, in order to keep from blowing up.
if someone has found better than this, I eagerly seek your counsel and perspective.
Same. I can’t read or watch about joggers assaulting and intimidating whites who, for real, didn’t do anything, and not get piss boiling anger. But what the hell can I do? WHAT the hell would I do if caught in a situation like that?
Only option that seems sensible right now is to turn to the Lord for calm, strength, and wisdom cause we’re gonna need all three in the coming decades.
“First, how does one resolve a crisis that doesn’t exist?”
Huh? Trust me, the crisis exists. Why don’t you try walking in the neighborhood all by yourself after the sun goes down?