As America continues to re-write its history for political correctness and a controlled narrative, it is fundamentally changing the core beliefs, morals, and freedoms it was founded upon. At this moment in the United States, events unfolding are reminiscent of the actions of ISIS in the Middle East, and what has traditionally happened throughout human history as civilizations try to fully conquer one another. Both the Democrats and Republicans are to blame for the truly divisive demagoguery that has occurred in America and ratcheted into high gear since the 1990s.
The hate and chaos occurring right now is a culmination of these past 25 years where both parties, Democrats especially, have played divisive politics to pit Americans against one another and to distract from bigger issues such as government corruption, an anti-American domestic policy, monopolistic practices by big corporations, unethical behavior by Big Pharma, a spiteful ruling class, globalization, and many other items of issue that are too many to list here. No, the focus of this article is the destruction wrought by the mainstream media (“MSM”) and the Left through toxic politics and policy. Every step of the way it has been deliberate and carefully staged, but also underpinned by three specific, clearly articulated frameworks.
Communities formed through religion have been part of the collective American heritage since the English arrived on the North American continent to about the mid-1990s, when church attendance rates began to dramatically drop. Religion, more about a community than an individual, has been under attack since the 1960s and 1970s by the Left. Fast forward to modern day and Americans feel more alone and isolated than in any other time period, which has a direct correlation with an all time low participation rate in church attendance.
Do you remember how everybody used to know each other in their neighborhood – what happened to that? Neighbors used to meet each other through their local church, thereby developing a community that supported one another. What about common decency and respect for one another? In these past two decades, the Left and the MSM have been telling their voters and viewers you don’t have to be Christian, men are evil, and that no one needs to get married and have a family. Instead, they’ve pushed children out of wedlock, or if you must get married, make sure you don’t have children (they’re a burden, per the MSM). Religion teaches a certain set of values to live by and guide our children, our future. In 2019 and 2020, the degeneracy has gotten so bad that the MSM and the Left peddle nonsense about 26 genders, transsexuals, and the value in promiscuity. Birth control affects a woman’s reproductive system even when they come off of it. In general, it makes it much harder to have a baby due to the hormone manipulation, which can be correlated with lower birth rates.
America used to value the traditional nuclear family, another institution which has slowly been eroded. The family nucleus raises a child in a healthy environment, where not only are values and morals taught and reinforced, but also they’re taught to think for themselves. If an individual grows up without learning a set of values or how to think, then it is inherently easy to control them; therefore, we have this unending attack on religion and the family. Religion fosters community, morals, and values, and a traditional family teaches and reinforces this with children. An American, who is alone and cannot think, is nothing but a sheep, someone who is easily controlled and manipulated.
Destruction of physical artifacts that embody the ideas, beliefs, and characteristics of past societies is a well-tested means of control and power. Physical destruction of culturally significant artifacts grants perpetrators the power to reject them as unimportant and to limit how well they can be known to future generations (our children and grandchildren). During Mao Zedong’s Cultural Revolution, thousands of Chinese historical sites were destroyed to rid the country of their traditionalist influences. In 2001, the Taliban destroyed the two Buddhas of Bamiyan, declaring that the massive statues were false idols. The current, systematic dismantling and defacing of historical statues and buildings, stoked by the Left, is occurring in America as an effort to gain further control and power – nothing more.

The ignorant rioters have been led by the hand via the leftist propaganda machine and are doing their bidding. Colleges have already been teaching bastardized American history classes for generations at this point. American history textbooks for college, high school, and middle school have already been altered to focus less on your inalienable rights and American history. Instead, these classes and textbooks play racial politics and focus on insignificant historical individuals and events for tribal indoctrination. Students never learn important subjects, such as why Jefferson Davis was actually a noble leader or the Founders’ designs for American government. Altering a nation’s history is a great way to destroy its identity and the cultural memory of its society and people. Identity is the foundation of a society and necessary for its future.
Political policies do matter, there is force behind legal codes and regulations. They outline legal behaviors, directions, limits, principles, and guidance for decision making. Through our foreign policy, basic governmental incompetence, and failed education system, it is easy to see that the Left and the Democratic Party neither care about their voters nor thei general state of their communities. Look at the states, counties, and cities that have been ruined by the Left. Look at Lyndon B. Johnson’s “Great Society” program established in 1964-65. Since the establishment of this policy, the statistical rates of black families with a father have plummeted, along with the destruction of the black middle-class. Although, the American Empire treats practically all of its various racial tribes with contempt and hatred.
Due to progressive policies, there is a mass exodus out of California, Illinois, and New York right now. The cities with the highest crime rates are all liberal bastions. Speaking of crime, let us not forget the current push to defund the police. If the police are defunded, then crime and cartel/mob influence will skyrocket. A general look at our education system for college and K-12 tells a dire picture for our youth. They are not learning what they need in order to think for themselves and make informed decisions. Math advancement in America is at an all time low.
In one century we went from teaching Latin and Greek in high school to offering remedial English in college.
Joe Sobran
We’re living in a disturbing age. If you’re not significantly “woke” enough to the prevailing attitudes of the mob, you will be dragged through the gutter for a struggle session. Secrecy is the keystone to all tyranny. When any government (or leftists mob) undertakes to say to its populace: “This you may not read, this you may not know, this you may not say,” the end result is tyranny and oppression. Very little force is needed to control a man who has been hoodwinked in this fashion, contrary to being a free man that values liberty.
America is in sharp decline, get used to it and let’s make a change.
-By Gaius

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
This nation was formed by 3 parties – New England Yankees, White Southerners, and English Jewry.
In those days, White Southern Oligarchs were the most powerful people in the land, and so it was in the early decades of this country that things went The Southern Way.
New England, however, was very uncomfortable with that, however, because Southerners have a view that, goes absolutely nowhere.
Southerners are, as a whole, content to live decades, centuries, and millenia, within the same view. This came with Charles’ Cavaliers here, and The Scots-Irish, all who, though for varying reasons, wanted to get away from a then Modernizing Britain and seek their fortunes here, whilst being left alone.
New England was never like that, they, being founded on Religious Extremism and the notion that the whole point of life was to seek a pristinely moral Shiny City on a Hill.
New Englanders are, as a group, constitutionally incapable of establishing a status quo and maintaining that
New Englanders, as a culture, are obsessed with enacting egalitarianism and attaining virtue via intellectual asceticism and moral prudery.
As to The Jews : ——— they divide into two basic groups – those Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox being like Southerners – those who see every before them from the prism of the past, and, that so, they wish to be left alone to maintain their status quo.
The other Jews, more mainstream Conservative, Reform, and Rothschild-like secular Jews are constitutionally incapable of not tinkering with things, this because they always wish to see if something yet more favourable to them might be created.
In this, these Jews have the perfect allies in The New Englanders, and, indeed, many all over this country, in the big cities, today.
As of 2020, the role of The South in this nation is almost entirely degraded, and, that so, the vehicle of the nation is being driven by the other two, The New Englanders and The Secular Jews, as a car without a brake.
Driving a car without a brake is where we are, and, I suspect, where we will remain until some other kind of political force, such as a United Rural America, rises to remedy that – if such a thing can occur.
The Future Will Tell…
Right on, I’ll never understand why beliefs an values that have worked well for thousands of years always have to be challenged an replaced by beliefs an values that often fail.
Im perfectly content with having very similar viewpoints as those before me, and I don’t understand why its so frowned upon to feel that way. If something aint broke, dont try an patch it up cause then it will be broke. Living by that philosophy can help you avoid pointless problems that you wouldn’t have dealt with if you just left it alone.
Ive never understood New England culture, and the furthest north I’ve ever gone is Washington DC an personally I have no problem with that, but I am pretty ignorant about yanks.
Thank you, Dear Johnny!
Unfortunately, Southerners have been badly damaged by being in a union with New Englanders, this because the spirit of New England is ever wrestless to go on to something else, in it’s search for a panacea.
That said, as someone who knows Yankeeland well, has many Yankee friends, and who lived a dozen years in New England, and some years in other places, I can tell you this –
in smalltown and rural New England, there are a lot of Good-Ole-Boys who like to fish, hunt, and who believe in God, Tradition, Law & Order, and The Constitution.
We have a lot in common with these people – much more than we do with our fellow Southerners who, Blue voters and Judeo-Bolshevik Liberals inhabit our big cities in Dixie.
This is the complexity of our time – that, in stead of being divided along state and regional lines, we are principally divided as Big Cities and The Corporate-Globalist Government against Smalltown and Rural Areas.
To sum up – the spirit of The Northeast is very different than that of Dixie, and, that so, there are many individual exceptions to the rule, but, this spiritual difference is even more visible in the gap fissures that exist between Big Cities and the rest of the country.
As Southerners, I can tell you that in the struggle in which we are engaged, you will find most Yankee smalltowners and country folk with us – NOT against us.
So, there it is – a situation, the complexity of which many try to simplify, but, in doing so, they bastardize the truth of it.
Be well!
It’s nice to know that there are some good ole boys up there, I’ve never thought about yankeeland outside the major cities because thats all you ever hear about from up there so I always equate yankee to big city folks. I’d like to think that the small town rural yanks are on our side, but to be honest I’m really wary that they actually are as there’s lots of bolshievk liberals in small towns up there an out near the west coast to in places like Oregon, Washington, and New Mexico.
What makes their spirit so restless? Why can’t they be satisfied? Have to say in a rural vs big city fight I’d be for the rural area every time. I hate the big city, can’t stand being there more than a few hours.