One Cannot Serve Both God and Mammon

The title of this article is a saying I learned from Identity Dixie (ID). To me, as a non-American and someone who is generally quite opposed to the U.S., as it is the American Empire that has its boot(s) on our necks and keeps any European nation from self-assertion and sovereignty. In addition to that oppression, the Empire poisons us with its culture, which dillutes our languages, our sayings, even our fables, folktales, and habits – everything is Americanized. However, Identity Dixie has been a source of some hope that the Southern people, under the yoke of the American Empire, can embrace their own freedom, liberty, and spark a revival in Southern identity.

I should perhaps introduce myself. I am Faust, a Dutch Nationalist and Germanicist, and I was once on the Rebel Yell podcast, this was years ago when it was still on TRS and I have been an avid follower before and since. Identity Dixie and Rebell Yell are not necessarilly interesting as Southern identitarians, even though as people have noted the Confederate flag has become a symbol of rebellion everywhere and you will sometimes see it even in the Netherlands. More than confederacy and rebellion against modernity, ID and Rebel Yell have been interesting as a platform of actual neo-reaction, with a focus on economics and middle-class identity; this is the actual formula for success moving forward.

This is why I chose the title of this article. “One Cannot Serve Both God and Mammon” and “High-Low versus Middle” are very important messages that can win a huge amount of people to our cause. Here in the Netherlands, people think much more in economic and class terms, something generally true for northern Europe. And, any movement without an economic message will never win over the middle-class or the politically aware working-class. I have taken the message of Identity Dixie, that nationalism is the ideology of the productive versus the parasite, and have been attempting to spread it to a Dutch audience. In this sense, the more data driven right-leaning platforms like Zero Hedge also play a role, and the moral message of Identity Dixie is best expanded upon with data, like explaining central banking, explaining fiat, and inflation. Attacking usury and supporting productivity should be a vital part of our platform.

Not just that, but we should not underestimate what the future holds. Technology is rapidly outpacing our ability to deal with it in a social context. Communication technology and cheap and fast travel have deregulated our patterns of living and information absorption. Humanity, evolved over the past 20,000 years to live in tribal groups of a few hundred people either hunting or farming with the seasons, is maladapted to a society that demands the ability to constantly deal with new information and innovation. Human society is already unable to deal with the technological innovation of the last century on any kind of scale, and it is only accelerating. We may well within the next century develop an AI more intelligent than any human, which could be our extinction. Embryo selection and CRISPR have the potential to change the median human to such a degree that we will not recognise it (imagine a 200 IQ average of giants with no propensity for disease). Usury, technology, and exploitation are things we have to get a handle on fast. If we do not, we will not only see a brazillification on racial grounds, but an increasing class divide not only financially but also, potentially, genetically. The wealthy, who will frequently have gotten their ill-begotten wealth through usury, will be able to pay for genetic improvements to themselves and their children above the standard of the common man, causing an inequality in our very genetic makeup.

It looks more and more like the true dystopian setting that accurately predicted the future was Cyberpunk, with a dash of Brave New World for seasoning. Megacorporations are already frequently more powerful than governments, or perhaps it is better to say, corporations and governments collude to allow the powerful to dodge our laws – in Western governments, that is. China and Russia don’t allow businessmen to humiliate or exploit them the way we in the West allow agenda-setting lobbyism and tax dodging. Money buys power in our nations and elite money is earned dishonestly. So, we already have overly powerful megacorps and gene alteration and things like google glass and pacemakers are just early steps towards cybernetics. Defund the police and we will have corporate police, enforcing laws only for those who pay. Automatization and gene alteration are destroying the ability of anyone under 100 IQ to compete in the market and they will be made superfluous. We are heading to a Cyberpunk future, but with no neon lights.

And, it is in that context that Southerners can make a difference. The American Empire, such as it is today, is the way Satan enters the world. It is the Empire’s financial and cultural power that truly destroys nations, more than the boots of the U.S. soldier. The American Empire is the main way these changes get spread and implemented across the world and America is the reason that any technological development will be only in favour of usurious elites and destructive to the common man. The end of the American Empire would mean a multipolar world of authentic cultures more able to deal with what is coming at us in the form of automatization, gene therapy, cybernetics and so on.  

“American culture” these days, even though it is fair to say that half of what is called American culture is not “American” or for that matter “culture,” is what poisons the public discourse everywhere and makes honest debate impossible. I have made videos addressing this, mainly relying on the concept of “spooks” by Stirner. American and, by extension, Western discourse is poisoned by spooks. Race, to an extent, is a spook. Inequality, environmentalism, and immigration, although they do matter, are all spooks. Because, the first and primary issue to address is elite power and exploitation of labour. You cannot solve any of the other issues without breaking the system such as it is. Reform is very, very unlikely to solve anything, if it can even be implemented.

Therefore, anything that reduces elite power is something I encourage. Southern separatism? Well, why not. It seems to have a very romantic allure, something Ivanhoe-esque even, to its supporters. And without art and romance, you cannot appeal to those that matter. But, you cannot do so either without clear goals and economic carrots to hand out. Southern separatism and productivist economics are things I would support even if only to break the back of the Empire, removing the corrupt elite, and establishing a multipolar world. I also think it is a moral stance to let a man keep the sweat of his brow and to let a people have their own nation; inasmuch, as anyone in the West today still knows who they are. Again, we don’t have much time to act before even the very notion of ourselves is eroded.

Another reason to support Southern separatism is that Europe never had a single hegemon since Rome, which itself was an interlude in many ways, and became what it was through eternal conflict and competition between the many small polities and nations. From a Darwinian perspective, it is very likely that it was the constant internecine warfare that made Europeans the high IQ inventors of modernity that we are. Splitting up the Empire in different states would not only solve geopolitical, racial and, economic issues, but it would also create incentives for collective self improvement for the inhabitants of North America. Yes, I am a Social Darwinist, could you tell?

All in all, good going Identity Dixie and Rebel Yell, you are one of the best voices in this movement of what we can probably call International Nationalism, with a clear moral message, with a strong position on economics, and a voice that adds to the conversation. That is why I wrote this piece, to stick a feather in your cap. Additionally, the purpose of this piece is to motivate any readers to broaden their horizons and not be stuck only in the past but consider what the future will bring. Or, perhaps, what the future will do to us if we don’t grapple and control it.

-By Faust Lanser

You can check out my channel where I discuss such topics here:


  1. Note for the editors, not Cyberpunk 2077. I mean the novel. Video games are silly distractions and this one is far, far more recent than the novel by Bruce Bethke.


  2. Enjoyable reading, and perspective. Thank you for giving us an outside view of our movement.

    Our religious adherence, ethnic and cultural solidarity, and a strong economic nationalist plan is what will save us. Deo Vindice!

  3. Not to take away from your insightful article, but the ills you face from America started in Holland, and took root in America. The very first material possession massed produced, bought, sold and traded, was this black beauty, the Dutch oven, carried to the new lands, to fuel the economic and human engine, sold by newly formed Dutch companies, the very basis of the material based empire we have today, ruled by capital, with complete control of labor. I dreamed of organizing labor to combat these corporate oligarchs, but all can see the commies at Amazon and Whole Foods are vehemently opposed to a labor union with collective bargaining. Perversion of all stripes is the new “labor and paradise” of these red demons in power.
    Good luck and God Bless you in your endeavors in the Netherlands, I pray I can survive and fight the robots and keep my Dutch oven filled.
    I am truly sorry I can’t add more to your excellent article or be more helpful, I am just a tired old, working 7 days a week American Jack ass.

    Yankee by law, Southern by the grace of God.

    1. agreed. furthermore, if there is a slight critique of this article, is that money and economics and tech are worth nothing, if the nation and its God-ordained traditions and customs die. all good to criticize the global hegemon; which also has tentacles and roots in Russia and China mind you, no need to idolize them, else they become a new empire. however, one can’t base the nation merely on the material, because the material is more ephemeral than we think, specially due to relativity.

      for example, if it becomes economically and materially expedient to unite with the hypothetical Whitopian Midwest so as to keep access to Arctic oil pipeline (hoping Alberta and some other few Canadians join too lol), would Dixie survive culturally still? heck, wouldn’t it be more expedient just to abandon the South to the brown hordes (save Texas and New Orleans, and those are big maybes)? and speaking of IQ and genetic mods, wouldn’t some find it materially expedient, or simply pleasing, to insert themselves genes from other races, for traits such as brown physiques or Jewish IQ? and would that make the whole national project self-defeating?

      i understand, the article is from a Northern European, and the Hanseatic League was cool and all but still… don’t go overboard and repeat the same mistakes of before, guys. the Roman Empire died with good reason, but so did the pagan past before it. the time when Europe was at its apogee, yet without getting bourgeois secular globalist, was the time between the early middle ages and the revolutions, when Christendom (even the Protestant variant, at first) balanced both the northern European practicality and the southern European sentimentality, even the eastern European steppe mystic roughness, while keeping each national tribe independent – yet always in some degree of harmony with each other (and even with friendly/subject non-whites as well).

      it’s only since secularism arose in Northwestern Europe (including Paris/Germanic France there too ig) that we have total wars – in the vacuous materialist names of “popular will”, “sovereignty”, “economic prosperity”, to boot. so again, only a slight critique, rather an observation, which of course can be turned around and said that sometimes the focus on the sentimental/mystical can be too otherworldly and ineffective, or used as a cover. so yes, we can talk about money and the world, sentimentally and practically, as long as it’s all pointed towards the eternal God and the eternal national peoples called to him through their traditions… including the Dutch Nation, and Dixie, of course. (my nation, idk, the South American republics are Masonic constructs barely atop ancient colonies getting blended ever more brown, ever less ordered; but who knows, maybe there will be a small revival of Spanish Florida for castizos again)…

  4. “China and Russia don’t allow businessmen to humiliate or exploit them the way we in the West allow agenda-setting lobbyism and tax dodging. Money buys power in our nations and elite money is earned dishonestly.”
    What planet are you from?!?!?

    I get the point the author is making, and flawed as I believe it is, it lacks one – the main -point as alluded to in his choice of title; God. ONLY with our return to our God, the God of the Bible and Jesus as our saviour and following His precepts have we any chance. On a purely material plane, there are too many of ‘them’ , the jew owns all media and most capital, and the immoral and characterless will do anything for a buck. As many guns as we have, and as right as our cause is, we will not be able to bring this back or out w/o some Divine Intervention. Read Deuteronomy 28 my friends – its talking to US.

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