There’s been plenty of speculation in our circles on what the recent riots may precipitate. My take is that the current round ends once all the rioters get bored or fatigued and run out of easy stuff to loot. Hopefully, we’ve reached that point.
The bigger problem that we’ve now got on our hands is that a new standard was set for what they can do with impunity. If you know that you can burn a church in front of the White House, while the president cowers in a bunker, where do you stop at that point? Anyone willing to burn down a church isn’t operating under any moral constraints beyond their own destructive imagination.
New guidelines have also been imposed on us for just how little it takes to get your life wrecked by speaking out. In fact, you don’t even have to speak out. Your wife can do it and you’ll still get fired from your job. Please implore your Boomer family members to delete their social media accounts. Reasonable sentiments like “all lives matter” are sufficient to summon anvils out of the sky.
Corporations, even the ones getting looted, are saluting and even donating money to organizations that benefit the rioters. White imbeciles are getting on their knees. I even saw a literal boot kissing incident. The Republican Party, whose only purpose is to give us the impression we have political representation, is also endorsing the madness. You don’t grovel to people you want to stop.
My advice on “prediction making” is constantly forecast the worse. Avoid getting specific on how worse will happen. It will happen, so don’t get cocky and try to call out the shot. Just trust that the universe always finds a way and you, too, can be Nostradamus. At Christmas time, who’d ever heard of COVID-19 or George Floyd? The virus was already spreading around while George was strung out on a cocktail of drugs.
Trial by combat is a popular option for African Americans whom the police are attempting to detain in response to their criminal activities. Usually that makes for an entertaining episode of Live PD but sometimes it leads to them ending up dead. In a country with hundreds of millions of people, that means there’s no shortage of these incidents to use as a trigger.
We’ve got an unsustainable economy undergoing a profound and unprecedented crisis, a substantial deranged white population capable of the most abject cowardice, no responsible leadership whatsoever, communities that have basically gone feral, leftist terrorists acting with impunity and plenty of stuff to burn and steal. These are just a few of our problems, not to mention the fact that we can’t even honestly discuss plainly observable reality anymore. So yeah, the worst is yet to come.
A more productive endeavor than clairvoyance is figuring out how we can better organize to ensure the welfare and safety of our families. The most important lesson from these riots is that we’ve got to do that for ourselves. This dying country isn’t getting any more peaceful or prosperous.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
“All lives matter” is a Hitler quotation excerpted directly from Mein Kampf, isn’t it? Wait!, that was Richard Spencer when he gave that speech at Texas A&M back when he was the media appointed leader of the Alt-Right movement, whatever the hell that was. It’s all coming back to me now.
But seriously, I’ve quoted from The Basic Laws of Human Stupidity many many times in these veins. The basic problem is of course that ‘always and invariably intelligent people will underestimate the number of stupid people in circulation within a given population.’ A “given population” can be as large as the good ol’ US of A, or as small as a community of a thousand people or less, and/or “communities” formed from religions (or the lack thereof) and the multitudes of “gainful employment” and various walks of life. The principle applies in any case.
A second problem is that human stupidity takes on all sorts of forms the average person is mostly unaware of.
A third problem is, as studies have shown, that the lack of self-awareness amongst incompetent people is directly proportional to such persons’ incompetence itself; whereas competent people tend towards underestimating their level of competence. Of course, anyone who has ever successfully ran a business for any length of time understands most all of that fully. Some of the stupidest, most incompetent employees I ever had work for me tended also to be extremely overconfident in their knowledge base and abilities otherwise; whereas the smartest and most competent were also the most humble and ‘down to earth,’ tending almost invariably to at least slightly underestimate their intelligence and abilities.
The good ol’ US of A has its share of stupid, incompetent people, lots and lots of ‘villains,’ and a goodly proportion ultra-stupid persons t’boot. And then some! None of which realization is exactly rocket science, but speaking of a profession with more than its share of stupid people,…
Missing link for Jefferson’s thoughts:
Corrected link:
The study of money, above all other fields in economics, is one in which complexity is used to disguise truth or to evade truth, not to reveal it.
John Kenneth Galbraith (1975) [1]
“There’s been plenty of speculation in our circles on what the recent riots may precipitate.”
The collapse of the Northern States and their Pacific Rim colonies, hopefully.
On a lighter note, all of this has revealed the weakness and ineffectiveness of the general, and of many state governments.
When the Feds gave in on marijuana legalisation,they already showed up their weakness, back then. No doubt, there were many asking the question; “If they’ll concede this, what else might they give in on?” They also showed that they have double standards, where it concerns normies vs. Lefties.
In any case, the cat’s out of the bag. Those who aren’t Southern, or interior/rural Westerners, can now do whatever they wish, without consequences. They can even storm their state capitols.
Nothing conclusive is going to come of recent weeks and months, because, in the end, the genuine hard sentiment that exists is only a kernel that is wrapped by layers and layers of regime-change tactics (from the virus proliferation, the crash of the economy to the riots) that are being orchestrated because a select group of people who, as yet to be identified, want President Trump out of the Oval Office.
For better or worse, the Corporate-Globalist service economy in this country will make a hasty recovery, jobs and stocks will post record gains, the rioters (who will never give up their cherished dreams of making life a hell for everybody) will fail to ignite something larger and more genuine, and, whether you like it or not, Trump will recover his lost steam with incessant rallies that stir up his base.
Life will go one as it is, and, indeed, as it has been in recent decades.
I see no profound signs that Americans are chomping at the bit to quit their jobs just so they can go wade around the swamps and hillsides just to shoot at each other.
The country does not want that, and who can blame them for that??
Great article Mr. Shackleford, you mentioned about imploring people to delete their social media accounts. I used to have a social media account from when my cousins got me on there, but I got rid of it a couple years ago because to be quite honest the whole idea of putting my personal life an information all over the internet for everyone to see just seems like a bad idea to me because of future jobs risks from it as you mentioned, but also because you never know who will use it to stalk you an find out where you live because so many people willingly give these people all they need to rob you or who knows what else. I had lost appeal of it anyways an was only getting on it once a year by the time I got rid of it, because I didn’t like it much.
I made a Twitter a couple days ago for Identity Dixie under the name @JohnnyReb1635, and was the first time I had returned to any social media for some time. I followed some nice people on this site, but good grief social media got even worse than when I had left an reminded me why I hated it. It’s completely marxist on there, and anti anything that’s not. Twitter is an addictive cesspool, be careful you don’t get sucked in to that endless filth of identity politics. The people on there are sure some bum nut jobs who will ruin your life if at all possible even if your a moderate democrat, if you value your time, your sanity, your quality of life than I recommend everyone to stay off social media. Needless to say I deleted the new account I made for this site, and I won’t be going back for any reason.