I am by no means a big influence on the dissident scene, much less in the world at large. But, I have had few young men ask me the same question I’ve been wondering these past few days, especially as we watch the world we know crumble around us. The question is a tough but simple one – “What can I do about it?”
At first, this all seems so hopeless. We aren’t organized on the same level as the antifa terrorists. What can some “memers,” writers, and podcasters do against communist mobs rampaging across the country? If there’s any testosterone left in our system, we often let that despair turn to rage. I’ve been guilty of this impulse. Yet, if you sit back and think about it, the South has had more than her fair share of disasters. All civilizations face adversity, the tough ones make it in the end.
Our ancestors didn’t sacrifice for a few statues and lonely artifacts. They died to ensure a brighter future for their posterity. They died for the existence of their descendants. They lived through hell on earth, before and after the War, to say, “We shall endure.” Our ancestors were the first to stand against this latest incarnation of Yankee Babylon. And, I’ll be damned if I’m going to be last of their line to do so.
So, to answer our existential question of what can we do – it’s actually pretty simple – we must endure. I don’t mean laying down and simply ignoring the world. I mean quietly and steadily building a future for the continuation of our people. It’s really that simple. Obtain a good job, find a decent woman, raise a family, and, more importantly, instill in them the legacy and heritage of our people. You must be sure to do everything possible that they start off better than you did. Let them know that they are not an accident of the universe, that they are a unique people that owes a debt to those that came before them. And, that they have a purpose for something that is greater than themselves.
We cannot stop what has been set in motion a hundred years before our existence, but we can begin to set things in motion which will have huge consequences a century from now. You owe it to your ancestors and your people to keep pushing forward. There is no other choice; we must endure the carnage of the current age so a bright future will be available for our sons and daughters.
The blackpill is for the coward. Wallowing in despair will not grant remorse or pity from the antifa terrorists and madmen destroying Dixie, along with the rest of Heritage America. Don’t give them that satisfaction. Just realize that the cavalry isn’t coming, we must secede in our minds, and, as honest, Southern, Christian men, understand that it’s up to us to raise healthy families and strong communities. We must endure watching the suffering and degradation of our ancestors, our cities destroyed, and the painful collapse into anarchy.
We can endure that for our future. We must endure.
-By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
Having thoughts of despair in such times as these is actually quite natural for any conscientious human being who loves his people and their way of life. I’ve been down that road before, so I know at least something of which I speak. The key is to not get trapped in despair, and the key to that is deep and abiding faith in the Almighty, and in the knowledge that “the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether.”
I’m too old and cantankerous to fall into despair over current events as I was once apt to do. I’ve been expecting something like this for a long time in any case (it isn’t that difficult to see the handwriting on the wall if you’ve been paying attention for the last, oh, forty years or so), and have therefore prepared myself mentally for it all to come crashing down. Of course I take no pleasure in seeing my people suffer, but ‘Merika has been asking for Divine judgment for as long as I can remember. For as the Proverbs teach us, ‘these six things, yea seven, are an abomination unto God.’ And as I’ve been saying basically “forever,” “the reason Weimerica still exists is because the iniquity of the Americanites is not yet full.” We don’t get to choose when it is full, and I personally question not God’s perfect timing.
Good post.
I’ve never been one to worry much about statues. It does the cause more to drive through the country side and see C.S.A. flags flying than seeing statues decorating downtowns in the urban areas which hate the statues.
The current preferred culture of the approved USA social construct hates George Washington just as much as General Lee, Old Glory as much as the Stars and Bars. The fight is in our hearts not our statues. Let them waste energy raging against the statues.
This is the time the Lord has granted us to steel ourselves for what lays ahead. Prepare, the fight cometh.
(Please read my entire message before you reply, because what Im about to say is very blunt and I dont want it you to take it the wrong way )
You make some Good points, but I don’t understand how you aren’t worrying about the statues as taking those down is the greatest insult to our ancestors an should enrage you, because while seeing people still continue to fly our flag is always very nice to see you need to remember those statues an artifacts still matter an it looks like your IMPLYING that you just don’t care that irreplaceable historical artifacts are being destroyed where future generations wont be able to see them just cause a few of us are still out there. Your ancestors fought an died for you as mine did for me so than why wouldnt you fight for their honor an courage, but instead just take those attacks no different than whites suffering with white guilt? You an I both know its not nothing, and YOU are part of the problem if you think it is. You mentioned that theyre tearing them down in urban areas an using that as justification for being ok with the assault, but you do realize that the monuments being destroyed ARENT just in urban cities right? Or are you just trying to justify why its no problem so you dont have to do anything about it . Firstly keep in mind that monuments/artifacts are at JUST as MUCH risk in small towns to because city slickers go there when they hear of a monument an trash it without consequence, and secondly what about southerners who have to live in cities for whatever reason? Well when you shrug your shoulders like that over monuments in the cities your forgetting the southern man in the city who loves his home just as much as the southern man in the country. Its people with YOUR mindset that YOU displayed here is why we lost the South to the commies to begin with, because that mentality is EXACTLY how we got to where we are now by people stepping back an allowing bad hings to happen that you try to think are small even when in reality you know thats not the case an using a small justification to make yourself feel better about it. Even the liberals understand that those monuments are important in preserving our history which is why theyre trying so hard to destroy it, they wouldnt destroy something that wasnt important to us. Not trying to be mean I’m just trying to wake you up to the flaws of your mindset on monuments cause what you said really got on the fightin side of me, but if what I said enrages you than good because we all need to stop being idle an shrugging our shoulders an I hope your now enraged enough to passionately fight for our cause as I am.
The author mentioned what we could do an I think in the current political climate we’re in that now during the short term now would be the perfect time in the chaos to do some of our own activism to protest passionately against the rioters an others in a similar type protest to the Unite The Right Rally in 2017, obviously improved an nonviolent this time. People around the world have joined in the protests against us, and we ought to show them that we have big numbers to who will not kneel for anyone but our Lord An Savior. A lot of us here are fairly young an we could be loud an make noise to show that those liberal hacks tearing down our statues are outnumbered an that they are not unopposed. Having families is great an something I want an will help us “endure in the long term”, but what about right now? We are big enough we could get our way just like the protestors are, because if theres one thing I’ve learned lately is that these days the protesters have control. We need to protest peacefully, but powerfully with a powerful message that has to make the front page news. We could make history an send a message to those puesdo intellectuals in our politics who have betrayed the Southland an our people. We all need to stop being so defeatist on here an reclaim our communities in a civilized but forceful away, because otherwise whats the point of enduring the attacks when the grass isnt greener on the other side. Now’s the perfect time in history to put a wedge in this revolution the liberals are so desperate for or else we’re doomed to just endure while begging an pleaing to just live in a somewhat peaceful existence. If the liberals can protest enough to get the Minneapolis police department disbanded than we can protest enough for the South To Rise again!
Do Something!
Respectfully, Johnny Reb
“Just realize that the cavalry isn’t coming”
We are the cavalry, and nobody else.
Nobody in their right mind wants to live in a lawless, burning wasteland, no matter how much CNN tries to ‘glam’ these events up. Sure, some go along out of fear of the mob, or being accepted by their peers, or found ‘virtuous’ in the eyes of the prevailing orthodoxy, but secretly they look upon these events in sadness and disbelief. A large swath of America is not on board with this. The continual gaslighting of the public is certainly not a good sign, but we are not alone in our thinking. And yes, we will endure.
Great article Dixie Anon, but I have some questions to ask you. Firstly you said for us to find a decent woman an while that’s something I want, but where are 99% of the pretty young women during the ages 18-21 these days? They’re usually in college going from party to party, boyfriend to boyfriend, and doing things they shouldn’t (You know what all I’m talking about) which I personally have a major problem with an that would be a dealbreaker for me. None of the girls are serious anymore, I’ve noticed girls don’t get serious until their 30s these days about anything an they just go to college to get a stupid career rather than starting a family, then goes back home an gets a job/bumming off their parents until theyre 30-32. Once they hit that age, they’ve hit the wall so their value goes down an to be quite frank I never want to date these desperate woman in their 30s for various reasons, fellow men please don’t be the sucker who saves her an later has to pay alimony when she leaves you for someone else.
Also fellow young men who’ve decided to wait till your 40 to have kids like my Dad did, my first advice is please don’t. If you wait that long your gonna give your kids mental illnesses an other illnesses they wouldn’t have if you had your kids young like you should’ve, I’m a testament to that so please do the world a favor an not follow the majority of people waiting that long these days. They’re the reason why mental illness is such an epidemic these days by waiting that long so if you do this sincerely from me, your part of the problem by creating all these retards who would be normal if you had kids 19-22 instead. I know it’s not always intentional to wait this long, but you absolutely shouldn’t an I don’t care what excuse you come up with cause I’ve had to deal with the consequences of it so if you haven’t had kids by 30, forget it for your would be kids’s sake.
Also even if you do find a decent women, they likely won’t share our beliefs an are hopeless in getting with the program so to speak an if they do share them well someone else already got them because they’re a rare type of woman now. If you were my age now you probably wouldn’t be saying that, we have it a lot worse than you did when it comes to women an starting a family with someone who’s serious about it an not just looking for child support payments. Also you say it’s up to us to raise the kid, but if the mother leaves us she can easily take the kids away an raise them to be beta males or feminists an you won’t have any say in it at all in the courts cause they’ll just force you to pay child support. Even when your still paying child support your lucky enough if you get to even see your own kids at all, because of how the court system works. Everything’s destroyed an there just really isn’t hope anymore, your lucky to be older an already have the woman you want an your life in order.
Sorry for the rant, but this article just isn’t as realistic anymore.
I most certainly agree with Mr. Morris about practically everything he wrote. That said, I agree with Mr. Owen – we are the cavalry and no one else.
God loves us, Southerners, enough to dangle from a rope of our own fashioning – both in the individual and collective sense.
He will not save Dixie anymore than he has saved so many other civilizations that have disappeared before.
God is love – and that love is allowing us to make choices about what lives and what dies, here in this mortal realm – especially in our civilizations and cultures.
I agree with Mark – a fight is most certainly coming, and I think it will not be about North, South, West or East, or about race, but about Smalltowners and Rural Folks making a war to stop those in the cities who wish to exercise dominion over us.
We see this in microcosm, over the last week – would-be rioters from the cities wandering out into, and past, the suburbs, only to be greeted by lines of armed residents and those in barefeet with fists at the ready.
Though I am an aging North Carolinian, The Lord has blessed me to live in 13 states, and, though each region has some cultural distinctions, Smalltown and Rural Folks everywhere have a great deal in common.
One could write pages about this, but, suffice it to say this – Smalltowners and Rural Folks have buckled and bent a lot to the needs and desires of Globalist cities, in recent decades. That trend, however, is about to stop. We are at the end of the line on that – no more flex left in the board before it either breaks or bounces back.
As to the author of the article, I can only agree with him – despair is not only a waste of time, it is a weakener, and one thing is for sure – we don’t need to be weakened anymore than we have allowed ourselves to be.
One thing I would add to his call for us to raise up good families and communities – it will all be moot, unless we do so with the attitude in mind that we train those around us to realize that we exist as we see fit, and, that so, we will not allow those alien to us to make us be anything but what we are, and, indeed, always have been.
“One thing I would add to his call for us to raise up good families and communities – it will all be moot, unless we do so with the attitude in mind that we train those around us to realize that we exist as we see fit, and, that so, we will not allow those alien to us to make us be anything but what we are, and, indeed, always have been.”
Our ancestors strove to build a peaceful and sane world, where all people were recognized as having divinity, children of God.
It really blows me away thinking about the Love and grace our forbears had before the civil war, and how all Americans were to be truly Blessed as the southern society came into form, right before it was usurped by the darkest of powers, and led down to an end that will benefit only the few.
As the Yankees close ranks among this mayhem, instead of telling them “you get what you f’kn deserve” just stand tall knowing the south fought for the true freedom of Christ on earth as he is in Heaven, health and sanity.
I am so proud to have Southern Roots, up, down and all around.
God Bless all of you.
Well, of course we need to endure. That is the mandate of nature, and the task for all creatures.
Stating the obvious is a cop out.
I’m one of those guys asking that question, what do I do.
Problem with blogs is, any actual discussion of how to endure (beyond the obvious of have a wife and kids and a good job…. which the boomers have been telling me all my life thanks) cant be discussed in an open forum.
What is needed is a meatspace forum to do so. Like the underground churches of the early christian period. The public square is occupied territory and we can’t be there.
Absolutely nothing can get done online (blogs, youtube, twitter etc.) anymore but talking without saying much of anything at all and certainly nothing that could be deemed radical or subversive in any actual sense.
Past this point, more intellectuals and “big thinkers” is going to have a serious diminishing return on real value, which is why the Dissident Right ecelebrities ate eachother alive. Too much competition internally to the already small dissident population, and no meaningful outreach to the uninitiated.
This is forum culture in a nutshell. Its a cul de sac.
We need to get offline.
Meatspace is where those wives and children are anyhow.
You are so very right about so many things. My hats are off to you. That said, you are not right about absolutely nothing being able to be done online.
No, Sir – online one very important thing can occur, and, indeed, nowhere else.
What is that?
Provide a porthole through which many of our lost brethren can find themselves.
After all, it was about 8 or 9 years back I found out about the existence of Dr. Michael Hill and The League, something about which I had absolutely no idea.
Southern Nationalism had been festering in my since, as a child, I played, and replayed, the battles of The War Between The States, with my toy soldiers – and, much to my reconstructed mama’s chagrin, The South always won.
No, Sir, it was an interview that our Michael Cushman made with Dr. Hill in a school gymnasium that unlocked within me many dormant things in me, which, in turn, have allowed me to unlock those same things in many others around me.
No, Sir – The Internet, functions like a kind of ephemereal minute man circuit, the way to get from the bonds of a misinformation induced coma to those underground churches of which you spake.
Without that, nothing else can be done.
And that is why we need Dixie Identiy and Occidental Dissent, and, as well, many other venues.
My mom is a yankee too. I love her anyhow.
This blogosphere has done those things you’ve said, I grant you that.
Now though, its bleeding interest through various forms of nihilism and fatalism. This article is a flavor of the latter.
No one of the quality we need will need to be told the obvious. Its a virtue of our ancestry to endure.
Its one thing to draw people in with revelatory truth. Its cruel to do it with no intention of giving them hope or guidance.
This thing needs to be in meatspace. Those of us that already ate the red pill are languishing.
Of course, our reality in the analog world certainly needs to be bolstered.
We are doing what we can as quickly as we can.
Like an infantryman guarding over his sector, he is only responsible for that. If the army is overwhelmed, yet he took care of his sector, none can ask more of him than that.
Of course you love your mama. Mama über alles!
Be well!
Heil the South
Heil our People