I write this as if it feels like the global economy would actually collapse back in 2008 and, if anything, this feels bigger. So far in my life, only 9/11 feels more world altering. No, this isn’t Outbreak or The Crazies, let alone The Stand. This isn’t the end of humanity as we know it, but all those who insisted “it’s just the flu, bro” now look terminally silly. Although, not nearly as silly as those who claimed moving factories to China would make them a free and open society that didn’t value secrecy above all else, but they still look pretty silly.
There is simply no way to ignore that China, fearing something might happen to get in the way of its dreams of a global hegemony, tried to keep a lid on this until it finally broke, and now the world will suffer. Like I said, this is a world altering event. Much like 9/11, or for an older generation the John F. Kennedy Assassination, or for an even older generation when Pearl Harbor was bombed – you will remember where you were when this all broke out. Here are a few thoughts I have on the matter.
First, for those who are in a position of authority, especially fathers, stay stoic. I understand being scared, but part of being placed by God in a position of authority means you must remain calm and in control. Of course, we must understand the gravity of the situation; however, you have a duty to your people and family. Stoicism is a long-standing part of our culture as Dixians, it’s one reason why antebellum society was so enthralled with Greco-Roman civilization. Draw upon that tradition and remember that you, as a Dixian, are the decedent of men and women who survived war, starvation, and disease. Draw upon your ancestors and make them proud of you – follow in their footsteps so that others will one day follow in yours. Now is not the time for panic. Remain a leader of your people, household, and community.
Secondly, I see very little chance for this to be a bioweapon that was either intentionally released or accidently released. The genetic engineering of diseases is something well above my paygrade, so I won’t comment on the practicality of even doing that, but I do know a lot about the use of bioweapons in warfare and this isn’t behaving like an effective bioweapon. So far, it appears that this is very deadly for those over 80, but significantly less deadly for those under 40. In fact, as I write this, no one under 10 has died (that I know of). That is unusual, as typically these outbreaks are devastating to the very young and very old. I don’t want to sound callous here, my lone surviving grandparent is over 80. But, if the virus unfortunately takes those over 80, though it would be very tragic for their loved ones, it wouldn’t totally cripple the country.
Remember, something similar happened to Europe in the early 20th century. Not only did World War I wipe out a generation of young men, but the 1918 Spanish Flu outbreak was particularly deadly to the young. The Second World War killed off another generation of the young. As a result, and within a few decades after the war, every single old European empire lay in ruins – they lacked the will and the men to maintain them. And, I don’t think this is something China unleashed on their own population that “accidently” got out in hopes of culling the herd and having a younger, smaller, and more easily managed population. If China wanted to do that there are a lot easier and safer methods.
Third, once again accelerationism is insanely stupid and only a fool would Fedpost now (well, anytime really, but especially now). We should be well past this, but I am still seeing on Twitter some morons encouraging people to call venues and reporting that someone with the virus is planning to attend. First off, even back when we had a functioning First Amendment, this was still something that could land you in hot water. Threats to the public safety, i.e. yelling fire in a crowded theater, are taken very seriously and for good reason. In addition, when you say something like that you are hurting small business owners, as well as, their employees. These are folks potentially staring down financial ruin in the midst of a global pandemic. If you really are a nationalist and really love your people, then don’t threaten to destroy their livelihoods so you can get your kicks nursing some apocalyptic fantasy (you aren’t even remotely prepared for). Finally, the end result of this madness won’t be anarchy, but martial law.
It’s from a Far Left band, but I think the song “Red Brigades” by the English punk band Crisis works here. The song is a critique of the Red Brigades, a Marxist terrorist group active in Italy during the 1970s and 1980s, and argues correctly that the Red Brigades’ use of violence wouldn’t bring about their desired communist utopia, but would rather just cause the Italian government to crack down on the Left. Those same principles apply to the Dissident Right. And, your goofy skull masks aren’t a good disguise – even a decent government facial recognition system can see right through that.
Finally, and most importantly, use this time to get right with the Lord and those around you. Pray a lot. Ask God for forgiveness. Tell your family that you love them and hold them tight. Is there a friend of yours that you had a falling out with years ago over some trivial matter? Call that person up and reconnect with them. You may get an old friend back. And remember that, yeah, this is bad. “It’s just the flu” could become the “Mission Accomplished” of the 2020s. However, it’s not the end of the world either.
As a people, we’ve survived many hardships. This is one we can survive. Use some common sense and wash your hands as often as you can. Stay away from older relatives, in order to protect them from exposure. Be careful, let your family know you love them, and get right with God.
Deo vindice – God is our protector!
-By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
I wouldn’t know where to begin, nor where to end, citing scripture on this matter. I should imagine that the majority of readers here are more or less familiar with God’s Holy Word in any case, so there ya go.
There is a bit of irony in all of this nevertheless. People are more or less self-destructive. All people. Without exception. That is to say, people sin, and in addition to the fact that sin makes one stupider, not smarter, the final wages of sin is, well, death. End of story. That is why, as the old adage goes, that ‘the mortality rate on a long enough time scale is exactly 100%.’ Furthermore, anyone who lives past the ripe old age of three score and ten (70 years) on this mortal coil of ours is living on borrowed time (See e.g., Psalm 90). The average current global life expectancy is at or around 72 years, give or take. This will always be the case, in spite of advances in Science and whatnot. Why do the heathen rage and imagine vain things anyway?(Ps. 2) In the U.S. and the greater West it is around 80ish. And we know that “it is appointed once for man to die, then comes the judgment.”
Bottom line: Fear God and keep His Commandments, for this is whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
But I am reminded that I should seal my lips and girt up my loins like a man and hear the Lord of all Creation out. For I am ever and always on the verge of ‘darkening counsel by words.’ Oh wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me from the the body of this death?
A fine, manly, and timely article and also response by T. Morris
There is a old star trek episode that deals with this. Captain Picard and doctor Crusher minds are connected and they are stranded on a planet. At one point Picard picks which direction to go and Crusher Knows (because of the mind meld) that he does not know which way is the right way. When confronted he says something to the effect that “people look up to me in a crisis so i must look in command” or something like that. it always left a impression on me.
Elderly folk may have to “shelter in place” for up to 4 months, is the advice I’ve seen. To me that is the greatest tragedy of this pandemic – that it will enforce a hermit-like existence on an already forgotten group.
I think the idea is for everyone else to self-isolate for 2 weeks. That’s the maximum incubation time before the symptoms arise. So… wait 2 weeks. If you feel ok after 2 weeks, go back to regular living. If you feel sick, continue to self-isolate until your symptoms subside.
It only works, though, if most people comply. Good luck to all, and more importantly, God bless you all!