A Vessel for Revolution

Over the past few years a certain peculiar tendency has developed among mainstream conservatives. These conservatives sincerely believe that reminding others of what the Democratic Party once was, a conservative, Dixian, and populist party, can be used to absolve the contemporary Right of any allegations of racism. It can take on many forms, but normally it consists of proclaiming that various men of the past, men like George Wallace, Theodore Bilbo, Herman Talmadge, Harry Byrd, etc., were Democrats. Therefore, and per their logic, they’re not much different than folks like Ted Kennedy or Barack Obama.

It’s a stupid position that others have already criticized – namely for its bastardization of history and simplistic understanding of the two parties. Oddly enough, this usually comes from people whose fathers voted Democrat, at least until 1964 or thereabouts. But, I think many of these criticisms miss one key fact. To our ideological rivals, the Democratic Party is simply a vessel to make revolution. They know that because of the first-past-the-post system the U.S. employs, there will be only two parties. So, the best course of action is to hijack one of these two parties and turn it into something by which they can change the country. It’s a strategic, and very successful, plan.

As much as it pains me to write this, and as someone who remembers what the Republican Party did to us (and still does), the party of traditional Americans is the Republican Party. And, because these Americans have a connection to the “historic” America, they tend to latch onto the history of whatever party they belong to. Now, I think this has, in our case, a very serious drawback. I can remember as a child, back when Dixie was still the Solid South and solidly Democrat on everything but the presidential level, there was an understanding that we were Democrats and we were only voting Republican for president because the national party had lost its mind. But on the state and local level, where the Party was still Southern, agrarian, populist, and conservative, we could still be Democrats.

It was a good system, as it reminded us why we were not Republicans. It kept us rooted at the local and state level. A key reason why open criticisms of Lincoln have declined so much ever since Dixie became Republican, on practically every level from president to dog catcher, is because we forgot this. Just 25 years ago, we understood that you had your Alabama Democrats and your national Democrats. The question, “Did you know George Wallace was a Democrat?” was used to describe how thoroughly the national party had gone off the deep end. The question was most certainly not saying, as many hacks try to do today, that Wallace and Nancy Pelosi were ideological kin.

But that is not the case for the Left, which may very well be to their advantage. They care nothing about the history of the Democratic Party, so to bring up that George Wallace was a Democrat means nothing to them. The differences between these two mindsets is why the Republican Party, despite being the party of Dixie, still proudly claims to be the “Party of Lincoln.” Meanwhile, the Democrats scrapped their annual Jefferson-Jackson Day dinner in many states because both men were evuuuul slave owners. There is nothing special about the Democratic Party in this regard, they’ll self-destruct any elements of their own history to preserve the current narrative.

Had history taken a different course, i.e. the Dixiecrat revolt actually cost the Democrats the election in 1948, or the Democrats not tried to appease the Left after Mayor Daley’s cops beat up the hippies in Chicago, or George Wallace had gotten the nomination in 1972, the Republican Party could just have easily become that vessel for revolution. And, that’s why reminding Democrats of their past will not stop them from tearing down monuments to those guilty of the 2020 standard of WrongThink. It will continue. It started with Confederate monuments because those were easy targets, but it has since spread to men that have nothing to do with the Confederacy (see William McKinley). Like the Dissident Right predicted, it has even started for the Founding Fathers, as seen in the recent decision to rename George Mason Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia. George Mason was a slave owner and therefore must be pure evil. His contributions to the Constitution, or even some of his own anti-slavery feelings, be damned. Logically, Thomas Jefferson and even George Washington will come soon.

Because the revolutionaries view the Democratic Party as a mere vessel, they have no issue destroying the memory of Democrats from before the Party was hijacked. Not just men like George Wallace, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson, but also the icons of the progressive wing of the Party, like Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry Truman, or John F. Kennedy. Mark my words, they will eventually come after Barack Obama, as even he will be judged guilty of WrongThink at some point in the future.

The Left knows the history of their own party. They want to destroy it. And, pointing that out to them will likely remind them of someone that needs to be removed from history. Don’t fall for that trap.   

-By Dixie Anon


  1. Most folks, of whatever stripe, don’t know, or forgot, that every organisation in the formerly United States, has a Northern and Southern branch. Churches, too.

    It’s a reflection of the fact that the North is really a different country. Literally, not figuratively.
    It’s also a reflection of the fact that the South and West have been erased from American History in favour of the North, and the New England narrative, in particular.

  2. Excellent article.I make these same points to people often.For instance Ann Coulter,who I like,will say that” the Democrats were the party of Jim Crow and the KKK”as if those things are bad.Ann is opposed to White America being overrun by non-White immigration but somehow feels she must parrot the Jew media by saying that Whites shouldn’t be allowed to protect their own interests.So I wholeheartedly agree with your article.It seems that the only option the Jews want to funnel us Whites into is the one of embracing race mixing.

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