The Southern Nationalist argument against the destable monstrosity that is the United States has blown wildly off course. In part, I blame the hijacking of the movement by those whom I call “Sweet Tea Skinheads.” These so-called Neo-Nazis from the South blame everything on Jews to the extent that they disavow Christ Jesus and venerate Adolph Hitler, never having read either the Bible or Mein Kampf. Such allies are useless in a South that is Christian and misguidedly patriotic. You will never convince the Southern people to appreciate Grandpa’s mortal German enemies, let alone disavow our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Neither will ever happen.
I also blame the myopic view of Nationalism extended from “Heritage not Hate” arguments. Many within Southern Nationalist circles have taken the Heritage argument as far as it will go. They tried the supposedly more dignified methods of mainstream Confederate Heritage groups to win over ideological opponents and it failed. Now, these same individuals – sincerely justified in the cause of Southern cultural and ethnic preservation – are willing to start swinging at the Marxist scum who tear down monuments to their ancestors. Unfortunately, this too is a trap. As long as the Mainstream Media dominates the message, the protection of monuments and Confederate Battle Flags will be depicted as evil. It becomes a marketing campaign of “Pro-Slavery Racist Nazis,” versus the good guys – “Anti-Nazis” or “Anti-Fascists.”
A steady diet of misinformation in the American school system has made this depiction more digestible to the average Southern citizen. He has been told that fascism is bad and the communists are simply misguided but well-intentioned. Thus, he and his “conservative” friends call anyone who suggests socialism or statism as “Nazis,” while completely ignoring the brutal statist reality of Bolshevism. In essence, he contributes to his own rhetorical demise. By equating everything bad with “Nazi” and ignoring the truly horrific and godless Communist, he helps feed the very propaganda machine weaponized against his political goals of Southern preservation. He makes it easier for the Mainstream Media to slap a “terrible” label on him – Nazi – which stops would be supporters in their tracks for fear of a label that helps perpetuate stigmatisms.
Given these challenges to the movement, how does Southern Nationalism win? It is time to implore Christ in our fight. It is time to weaponize a galvanizing feature of Dixie Identity. We must make Jesus the foundation of our Southern Nationalist cause.

I am not just speaking of a supernatural desire to implore God in our war against vile, subhuman Marxists and their establishment allies. While divine providence is crucial to our success, their is a strategic purpose to my call for Christ. We need to recognize the one undercurrent of Southern society that transcends all others: Christianity.
The demonic Left recognized this early and has since done an extraordinary job at infiltrating Christianity. The number of formerly conservative Churches that have been destroyed by Marxist doctrine is immeasurable. The Methodist and Presbyterian religions, the twin theological pillars upon which most of the Scots-Irish South was built, have fully capitulated to extreme Left interpretations of the Word of God. Thus, gay pastors and quasi-rainbow flags are now prolific in a faith that once gave us Reverend Robert L. Dabney.
Still, the Word of God is our best tool to reverse the Satanic course upon which Marxists have set us and toward convincing the Southern People that Southern Nationalism and ultimately secession are their best options.
Over the past year, I have had the great fortune to study in greater depths the writings and struggles of several successful Nationalist movements. From the Irish to the Polish to the Filipinos, the one thing that stands out is the small size of ideological adherents that gave birth to these Nationalist movements. They all experienced difficulties. But they all did one thing to succeed: they used cultural differentiators to galvanize support for independence. In other words, they knew their people and fought within those boundaries. The leaders did not try to change the National persona; they worked with it.
The great challenge for Southern Nationalism is one that has existed for all Nationalist Revolutions throughout history: the average citizen of an oppressed Nation must see that he is worthy of independence from his oppressor. And they must make that argument within the tight confines of the National character of the people they hope to free. That is harder said than done.
Recognizing that the common citizen is unique is not enough. Recognizing that he is oppressed by a larger power is not enough. Recognizing that he belongs to a distinct ethnic group, and not a sub-group within a Nation, is not enough.
The Nationalist Revolutionary must make a sufficient argument to compel his oppressed brothers and sisters that Revolution is not only better than the status quo alternative, it is worth the sacrifice. Anything short of this goal will fail. Unfortunately, the South and Southern people do not generally feel oppressed. They are living in a time by which they not only enjoy unprecedented economic growth, they enjoy political power – or so they think. As long as Donald Trump is in office, the average Southerner thinks he has a voice in the American Empire.
It is time to destroy the American Empire from within by using the only consistent destroyer of empires: God.
The National confines of the Southerner is drawn for the Southern Nationalist.
Southerners are statistically the most patriotic Americans in the Empire. They send their boys overwhelmingly to wars for Wall Street profits. They love ‘Merica. The American flag waves proudly over their homes. If you want Southern Nationalism to win, it is time to lower the Roman salutes and raise the Christian flag. You must work within the confines of the people you wish to serve.
Southerners love God and America – make them choose.
Begin by asking Southerners if they believe in Christ Jesus. Overwhelmingly, these misguided American patriots will say, “Yes.” Then, ask why they do not fly the cross above the American flag. Do not ask them to lower or remove the imperial flag; simply ask them to place the simple Christian banner – the banner of God – above the American flag.
Such a seemingly innocuous step has profound consequences. It opens the door to a new series of questions. If the Southerner agrees to fly the Christian flag, above the American flag, a natural new question emerges.
“Southerner, I am glad that you have placed God above all else for your home. Now, does the American flag which you fly represent the same moral values of the God to which you have submitted your home and family?”

Does abortion represent your values in Christ? Does homosexuality, transgenderism, and sexual deviancy represent the Word of God? Does the Super Bowl halftime show and immoral lasciviousness represent your Savior? Does the chemical castration of five year old boys represent our Lord? Does your God believe in toxic masculinity?
Get the Southern Christian to see that patriotic submission to the United States is immoral. Why? Because it is.
Today, the United States promotes hyper sexualization, homosexuality, wars for profits, globalization, transgenderism… modern America vilifies men and is at war with masculinity, while simultaneously sending the country’s most masculine region to fight and die in overseas wars. Such perversions would make the citizens of Sodom and Gomorrah blush. There is no Christian justification for the current trajectory of the American Empire.
It is this Righteous Seed of Doubt in the iniquitous and ungodly United States with which an opening can then be had for the next logical question: if the modern United States promotes ungodly abominations, will God continue to bless the country and its people?
The answer is obvious: No.
Who, therefore, wishes to remain joined to a country that calls destruction upon itself for its clearly immoral and detestable values? Will not God eventually punish the United States? Is remaining in such an unholy union wise?
Leave these seeds planted. The Southern Christian has a choice: God OR America. This plays to his natural ethnic construct. From this Godly foundation, a better argument for Southern Nationalism and ultimately secession can take root.
No movement succeeds without God. Southern Nationalism is no different. In fact, it is required.
Make it so.
The son of a recent Irish immigrant and another with roots to Virginia since 1670. I love both my Irish and Southern Nations with a passion. Florida will always be my country. Dissident support here: Padraig Martin is Dixie on the Rocks (
This is all pretty sound advice as far as I’m concerned. And I’ve read both the Bible (several times) and Mein Kampf (a couple times), for what it’s worth. Albeit I didn’t work up the courage to read Hitler’s Magnum Opus until a few years back, and the first time I actually read the Bible cover-to-cover has been almost thirty years ago now. So there ya go. Ha, ha.
P.S. I’m only half joking about having had to “work up the courage” to read Mein Kampf. I wouldn’t ever read it because I was, in part, fearful of what I expected to find therein. The other part of that equation was that I didn’t really care to read the scribblings (or at least the dictation) of a “raving lunatic.” Of course after I finally did read it (maybe four years ago or so) I thought to myself, “what the hell is the big deal?”
Fine essay, truth IS a perfect defense. Three years of fake facts by gubmint swamp thangs, incapable of recognizing or thinking in a Christian manner, has proven what D. C. Is. Without a moral foundation there is no livable society. No justice no future for posterity,
America is great because she is good,
When she ceases to be good she will no longer be great.
Thank you Mr. Martin.
There is one thing that I don’t quite understand. You wrote “I also blame the myopic view of Nationalism extended from “Heritage not Hate” arguments. Many within Southern Nationalist circles have taken the Heritage argument as far as it will go.”
But the number one aspect of Southern heritage is Christianity, faith in Christ. So your “holy case” seems to be simply part of our heritage. How are you making a distinction between the two?
Hello Sir,
Regarding your inquiry, I am specifically referring to the myopic or narrowed view of heritage as being one that is almost wholly encapsulated by statues and a battle flag. These are crucial to our heritage, but it is only a piece of the heritage and it has led many to fight in a way that will not win converts to our cause of freedom. We need a Christian rooted argument upon which a fight can enable us to stand our ground.
Thank you for your question.
I’ve never been especially wedded to the idea of displaying the “Stars and Bars.” I’ve never owned a Confederate Battle Flag, much less flown one. I have an older first cousin (who is a Boomer by about five years or so) who insists on perpetually flying the Confederate flag over his property, and at the same time constantly sends out such memes as the one declaring that “Democrats haven’t been this mad at us since we freed their slaves.” Now figure that one out; it takes a special kind of stupid (and ignorance; and “perpetual adolescence” to be perfectly honest in his particular case) to do those two things and truly believe you are “fighting the good fight.” He’s not a bad guy, though. Just confused. And a bit incorrigible. But he’s a “salt of the earth” type too, who can learn, and does learn, albeit at a slower pace than some of us. That’s just the way the world works; you take the bad with the good and do what you can. Blood is thicker than water and all that too, so make of my patience with him nothing more than what it is.
When it comes to our monuments, though, I’m a lot more “hard core.” I’m never going to act like leftist iconoclasm is OK. It’s not. And every time another one of our monuments comes down, the pissedoffer I get, so to speak. The way I see things is this: since we live in Clown World, obviously the biggest clowns are going to run the show (think Pelosi, Biden, Schumer, Trump – I could go on and on like you could – and work your way down the chain), or at least be the main attraction at center ring. For a time. Ultimately, though, those monuments are going to go back up, and with a vengeance.
If anyone in my circle wants to hear a Christian rooted argument upon which to stand our ground, I’m happy to cite the characters of R.E. Lee, Stonewall Jackson, R.L. Dabney, et al. My older cousin aforementioned would be fairly quick to tell you he occasionally gets an “earful” from me in that vein. But like I said, he’s a little slower to come around than you and me. He also hates seeing our monuments come down almost as much as I do, so there ya go.
I see! Thank you for your reply, Mr. Martin
Excellent article- the best I’ve read in quite some time. I agree in all regards simply because it’s truth.
There is an illusion that the US is capable of repentance, it is not. The Empire is wicked, it’s evil, it is anti-Christian, and it is passed redemption.
There is no Yankee savior ( Trump) going to make America great again, at least not the greatness ( holiness) Christ demands from His Church.
The South must be promoted, propagandized as something different, separate from America. We are not them, and they are not us.
We are a chosen people, holy unto the Lord. We must pick that mantle.
God Save The South!
As a Christian I resent you implying that the Master Jesus was a Jew…he was not!The term Jew was not used in the time of Jesus nor 1700 years afterward and then only to refer to someone from Judea.Jesus was not from Judea.The people known as Jews now were called Pharisees by Jesus and he fought their evil mightily,and they murdered him.They murdered him.He called them the children of the Devil.They mocked him and said that”his blood be upon us”.He called them the Synagogue of Satan.They reject Christ then and now.They hate us because they hate him,and I give my heart to him so he has said they would hate me.You know nothing of the Bible nor history.The whole Jews as chosen people charade is false doctrine and was propagated through the paid for con-man Scofield.Paid for by Jewish money.Christians have bought into this nonsense because they have no knowledge of their own history,and no discernment.Read the history of Christianity and you’ll see none of this nonsense about Jews being the chosen people until Scofield and his false Bible in the late 1890’s.By the way Scofield was a traitor to Southern cause and a deserter from the Confederate army.The chosen people are those who accept Christ as their Savior,not those Pharisees who despise and reject him.As far as Hitler,the Jews have smeared him and Germans non-stop for 75 years,you will never get the true story from the Jewish owned media/academia.From my research Hitler was an honorable and decent man who loved his race,he is portrayed as a monster by those who hate our race.German soldiers were honorable,they never raped and killed.But the Russians,French colonial troops raped millions of German women and children.And American and British soldiers in effect raped many by offering the starving German women and girls food for sex,starving because the Allies would not allow food in for fully 2 years after the war.So you keep believing the lies of those who brought us the 1965 Immigration Act,the Civil Rights Act,etc…all Jews.If the masses would rather believe lies then that is their problem.You write yet another useless article that goes nowhere.Of course our race is Christ centered,you act like that is something new.You sound more like a plant than a patriot.Like the Jew Bolsheviks advised in their sabotage manuels:hold useless meeting that drag on but solve nothing.You are useless.And you don’t know much about Christianity to be its self proclaimed spokesman.You remind me of Russell Moore,another trator.
It is apparent that you did not read the article. You may want to read the article before commenting. The article does not comment on Jesus Christ’s origins.
Padraig Martin