
Last week, it was reported that the FBI has designated (to some degree) adherents of White Nationalism to be just as deadly and dangerous as ISIS. Yes, you read that right. Per the American Empire’s homegrown surveillance and prosecutorial apparatus, the FBI is now comparing ISIS, the organization that beheads people and burns others alive in cages, to White Nationalists in the United States. This news should be unsurprising to anyone with a working brain. It was always a matter of when, not if, the Empire turned its gaze on White Nationalism. Frankly, I assumed it would happen a little bit later, once other states had capitulated from demographic displacement and Heritage America wised up to the game being played.

But, it happened. Honestly, it was bound to happen. An increasingly multicultural polity cannot have a sizable ethnic group, and one slated for replacement and suppression, becoming cognizant of its own destruction or servitude. That’s just not good order for the bureaucrats and decision-makers. So, patsies must be found, or fabricated if needed, to justify state enforcement of the targeted ethnic group. This is why The Base and Atomwaffen make mainstream national and international news and are now being uttered around normie kitchen tables. The Empire needs “bad guys” for justifying your oppression and restricting liberty.

There’s no need to entertain the hypocrisy of this entire situation. No one that matters cares, that’s our situation. We know Trump mentioned antifa violence in a Tweet once, but he’s not calling the shots in the FBI or most of the White House. In addition, and more importantly, morons in skull masks have shifted the narrative away from antifa. Instead of smelly, violent, communists bashing people in the streets dominating the conversation, we have wannabe Indiana Jones thugs plotting to kill people for a “holy race war” (no matter how absurd that sounds). The fictional Nazi villains that we’ve all grown up watching on television and the movies are now at our doorstep, or so the mass thinking goes. It’s perfect propoganda.

But, like all good propaganda, it has some truth to it. The Neo-Nazi clowns being picked up by the G-men are actually violent, not counting incredibly stupid. And, they label themselves White Nationalists. So, the media, State, and most of the citizenry believe (or soon will) that all White Nationalists are sociopath terrorists. That’s what these “fall guy” Nazis are used for, to paint rightwing dissidents as just the type of folks that need to be monitored and taken down to the station for questioning. It serves several purposes: (1) taking legitimate threats off the table (which is actually good, no one likes violence and bloodshed), (2) suppressing content that disrupts the current order, and (3) placates the people by showcasing The White Hats beating the The Black Hats and saving the day for democracy.

Life is about choices. In the Dissident Right, you can be a professional dissident or you can be a cartoon Nazi. In my experience, White Nationalism tends to favor the latter. Professional and reasonable White Nationalists are few and far between, which may have something to say about the ideology itself. Those reasonable proponents of Heritage America and Europe that do exist are usually drowned out by the cacophony of ironic hot takes, sophomoric vulgarity, and unserious juveniles. That’s not to say those blowhards are cartoon Nazis themselves, but they generally accept the label with smugness and act as gatekeepers (and kingmakers) for creating dissident audiences.

Some folks that migrated to the Dissident Right came out of the Manosphere. A key component within the Manosphere is “frame,” more specifically, adopting or rejecting the frame (or moral position and narrative) of your rival. In the Manosphere, the frame was generally the woman’s moral perspective or rejecting the moral framework of a bluepilled beta male. The critical idea is to reject the frame, or disrupt it, and, ultimately, create your own. This is similar to the military strategy of choosing your own ground. Why charge directly ahead into machinegun fire and a bunker complex, when you can flank them? The same goes with rhetoric, argumentation, and, of course, optics.

The Neo-Nazis, along with the imprudent elements of the White Nationalist movement, have completely bought into the Left’s frame. The Left labels them as the scourge of humanity and, instead of breaking from that frame, they wholly accept it. In fact, it becomes their ironic, or unironic in the case of The Base malcontents, identity. Thus, they’re already fighting (rhetorically) on uneven ground; they’re immediately at a disadvantage because they’ve walked right into the Left’s ambush. If I need to explain the disadvantages of being labeled a Nazi, then this post may be over your head.

Naturally, many people will say, “Well, they’ll call you a Nazi anyway.” Or, more targeted to us, “Being a Southern Nationalist won’t help you, they’ll still call you a Nazi.” Pro-tip: that’s not true.

We’ve been hearing this defense of stupidity for years and it has always been shortsighted and misguided. The main problem with that defense, and there are many problems with it, is that it falls within the Left’s frame. To the defense, the “them” is the Left. This is foolish, the “them” should never be the Left. Rather, the audience, or “them,” is your people, your family, and your friends. If you lose “them,” by being the caricature of evil, you’ve lost everything.

If the Left called you a child molester, would you stick your chest out and yell, “Yeah, so what? Damn right I’m a child molester!”?

No, that’s unbelievably stupid (and will get the rightful attention of law enforcement). But, replace “child molester” with “fascist” or “Nazi” and you’ve got a significant amount of White Nationalists that fall right into that trap. It’s out of spite and rebelliousness to the suffocation brought on by shitlib societal hegemony, no doubt. But, it’s the choice to make yourself into the villain that they want. And, self-identifying as an ideologue of neoliberalism’s absolute worst foe can lead to significant implications. Plus, Nazis and fascists are about as popular among the normie population as child molesters. There’s not a lot of daylight between those two labels in the current age.

With that, you have choices. Will you be the cartoon bad guy everyone wants to punch (and now be considered on par with Islamic terrorists) or do you professionalize and immunize yourself from state and social sanctions? Will you use vulgarity that will ostracize yourself from your community or will you realize that love of your people is stronger than edgy memes? Will you don the skull mask and pose with a cheap AR or wear the Sunday suit? Will you fedpost to a federal indictment and headline news or will you quietly network and help your friends, brothers, and neighbors.

There’s really only one answer for these questions. One works and one doesn’t. We all have choices and time is running out.

Deo Vindice.

One comment

  1. Excellent post. And such kind of nationalism is not at all what we are about. I think of myself as a “Heritage Southerner”. Our forefathers are the ones who DEFEATED Fascism in WW2. I was born in the same state that produced Southern heroes like General Simon Bolivar Buckner, Jr (and his father!):

    And if someone accuses us of being “Southern Nationalists”? Right you are, sir! Just like our ancestors.

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