Last month I wrote something somewhat unusual, and a far cry from my Don Colacho posting, it was a critique of the physically repulsive and much maligned Homo Americanus. Recently, I reluctantly decided not to do myself any favors and patronized my local Walmart and Target. Walking among the sterile aisles of Star Wars toys, home decor knickknacks, mongoloid shoppers, and assorted forgettables, I spotted the Homo Americanus’ counterpart, the Strumpet. I felt it necessary to pair the blubbery, bearded nerd with his gaudy, mentally ill mistress. They are, after all, the Adam and Eve in our Brave New World.
Firstly, it should be noted that normies rarely, if ever, pay attention to much of anything in the public sphere, except for their shopping and smartphone. So, you’re encouraged to use the terms “Homo Americanus” and “Strumpet” in public; normies will be none the wiser and disregard the terms offhand as “weird stuff” or maybe an eyeroll, if that. In fact, as I strolled through The Destroyer of Smallville (Walmart), a fellow traveler and I spoke freely and openly about the number of Homo Americanus that infected the building. Even when we were within mere feet of these pigeon-toed, roly-polys, we opined about their physical degradation without protest, or even acknowledgement of our transgressions.
An interesting species, to be sure. Much like the Eloi, they spend their finite amount of time on this plane of existence engaging in leisurely pursuits. Since we don’t drag them down into the depths of the Earth, like the Morlocks did to the hapless Eloi, I suppose we’ll have to be content with online criticism and unbeknownst (to them) disdain. We’re certainly not the only cultural sub-group that dislikes the Homo Americanus and the Strumpet. Members of the Racist Uncle class, the disappearing elderly, red-blooded Heritage Americans, normie rightwingers, tankies, and many minorities detest the bearded slob and his maladjusted female counterpart.
The Strumpet is very easy to spot in the wild of post-normalcy America. In fact, their entire physical appearance is designed to attract attention. A working girl out of Storyville, the historical red-light district of New Orleans, had more class and charm than today’s Strumpet. The Strumpet is, in the parlance of our extinguished aristocratic class, “very common.” In the ancient tongue, “common” had both a depreciative and inconsequential value, like “common trash.” So, as it has become more common to observe tasteless women with chokers and pink hair, it’s commonly understood that these women are beneath contempt by upstanding members of the community.
Now, let’s review the prototypical Strumpet.

Unlike the Homo Americanus, which is almost indistinguishable among its brethren, especially in regards to weight, ugliness, and declining testosterone levels, the Strumpet has much more diversity within its castes. The one pictured above could be determined, through scientific observations, as a member of the median haplogroup. That is, if you scrub away the caked on makeup, ignore the deformed personality and heal the body mutilations, this specimen could be attractive by human standards. Members of the minor haplogroup are much more physically unappealing, you will find these ambling about consumer centers, such as strip malls or working the register at Spencer’s. Members of the major haplogroup are rare, attractive, and usually found online, typically selling their body for social media upvotes and retaining an army of Homo Americanus orbiters.
In my experience, the Strumpet does not originate out of intact cultures. She arises out of the void, where the native culture has been gutted through capitalism, displacement, and modernity. For instance, you’ll rarely find Strumpets in ethnic neighborhoods, such as Northeast Italian or Irish communities (to the extent they still exist). In such places, communal shaming is utilized to ensure that their women do not transform into Strumpets. Additionally, you will not find Strumpets within an Amish community or Cajun fishing village, since they are generally immunized against the virus of modernity.
Rather, you will find an abundance of Strumpets in the increasingly hollowed out parts of America. The more consumer, and urban, the environment, the more toxic-dyed hair and septum piercings you’ll observe. Since consumer zones have no genuine culture, an ersatz culture emerges. And, this is the genesis of the Strumpet. Like the Homo Americanus, the Strumpet culture is defined by its superficiality. More specifically, its marked by bright colors, body mutilations, eliciting validation, slavishness to pop culture trends, consumerism, feminism, and hypersexuality. Of course, the Strumpet is a product of neoliberalism, and as such, is a thrall to progressivism and antithetical to traditional cultures.
Upon closer examination, you’ll determine that the Strumpet is usually disrupted by mental health issues and drug abuse. A common disorder within this species is the prevalent “Daddy Issues.” Naturally, this disorder leads to unhealthy lifestyle choices, such as shaving half of their head or supporting Democrats, but also an obsession with the carnality of the flesh. This carnality manifests itself with cutting, disfigurement in the form of ear gauging, throat tattoos, purple hair, and deformed lips. In addition, the Strumpet has an inflated, high sexual market value (SMV). This is derived from attention-seeking entrapment, via lurid colors, that attract (and trap) an assortment of male dependents, sans the Southern Neanderthal.
Ultimately, the Strumpet is a tragic figure. What once was (or could be) beauty, is now a degraded facsimile. The Tree of Modernity truly bears strange fruit. The Strumpet is an apple best left untouched.

The man who never was.
Only fault I see in this article is the ‘high SMV’ assertion. Attracting beta orbiters is not a sign of high SMV. Strumpets have a SMV of zero amongst high SMV men (chads).
Chads living the big dick lifestyle attract actual feminine women, who are eager to become attached to them and secure their own prosperity through the elevated earning power that the chad lifestyle – lifting, constant personal improvement, and zero fucks given for ‘socially acceptable’ virtue signaling.
Strumpets end up with the bugmen while chads nail the prom queen.
I admit that having been single for a number of years I have had relationships with more than one strumpet. You can count on drama, unreliable, drug or alcohol addiction, their number of sexual partners that far exceeds the digits on both fingers and toes. It is normal for them be on at least one happy pill, some for bi-polar disorders. They have never held a job for more than a short period of time and when still attractive there is always more than one orbiter waiting in the wings to rescue her. You can also be sure that when her beauty fades, she will be the most unhappy of creatures.
There is a huge loss when society and moral values decline, mostly to the females.
For what it is worth to people looking for the truth, the online social observer/commentator
Paul Joseph Watson has made a couple of videos to help folks be able to identify both the
Strumpet, and her soyed out Beta orbiter enabler/supporter..the simp:
PJW – What’s A Simp?
The Truth About Soy Boys
The Truth About Soy Face
Hope that these help others to understand both thot’s and the simps that
enable/support them.
NorthGunner – The Truth Is It’s OWN Defense!