Don’t Take Your Guns to Town

Everyone knows a pro-gun rally is scheduled for today in Richmond, Virginia. Virginia is now permanently controlled by anti-liberty, autocrats. The Democrats have the votes to pass any legislation they desire. Only the courts can stop them now. Demographics ensure that Republicans will nevah, evah regain control of the Commonwealth. Don’t kid yourself of anything else. Protesting will do absolutely nothing to stop their clamp down on self-defense. The Second Amendment Sanctuaries was/is a victory, the massive protest for today is designed to steal that victory away.

So, under no circumstances should you: (1) attend today’s rally and (2), if you are foolish enough to actually attend, do not bring your firearms. You are walking into a trap. Conditions are in place that absolutely put you in harm’s way. One or more of the following will happen to you if you attend today’s protest: (1) you get killed by a militia member, Virginia State Police, local police, random rally goer, or antifa nutjob, (2) you get physically assaulted by one or more members of the aforementioned groups, (3) you get arrested and, potentially, imprisoned for an extended period of time, (4) you get doxxed, fired from your job and, finally, ostracized from your community (in that order, trust us), and (5) you get planted on a “watch list” for the foreseeable future.

Charlottesville is burned into the collective memory of the Left. Conditions are in place to make this “Cville 2: Now the Guns.” The “powers that be” want bloodshed. Once they have that, they will have their casus belli to gain the public’s favor in disarming them (which they currently do not have). They will have their bloody shirt to dangle in front of the hapless normie and convince him that he must surrender his own ability to defend himself because rabid, bearded militiamen and Nazis terrorized another Virginia community.

It’s so crystal clear that a blind man could see it. Why partake in Pickett’s Charge, when we know the outcome? We must be smarter than our ideological rivals. Otherwise, our people will be destroyed. At this point, some normies, with the help of actual scumbag Nazis, the media, and Democrats, are viewing the pro-gun rally as an Alt-Right event. Think about that long and hard. The narrative is being framed now. If things go south, which there is a damn good chance it will, YOU will be the villain. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature – you will be the scapegoat, you will be the fall guy, and you are the dumb patsy that doesn’t see it coming.

Do not swallow bait offered by the enemy. Do not interfere with an army that is returning home.

Sun Tzu (advice for you, the dumbass that wants to attend the rally)

Hold out baits to entice the enemy. Feign disorder, and crush him.

Sun Tzu (advice for Coonman, the Democrats, Deep State and antifa)

-By George Smiley


  1. Antifa didn’t come out, so its a wash. There will be no redpilling of normies, even worse they’ll think they won.

    On a related note, WaPo has an article saying their poll of virginians indicates more than 80% of Virginians of all parties favor the proposed gun laws. Not sure how large the sample size was, a cocktail party in Georgetown maybe?

  2. Must disagree; we are already labelled ‘nazi’ , white supremacists etc, so just go with it. Embrace it and it loses any power.
    We all know that the fix is in and peaceful protests are useless….nearly. A strong show may make (((them))) think again and back off for a while. maybe not. Either way, it will soon go hot. be prepared.

    1. you all have been saying “it will soon go hot” since the 1990’s– its not going hot soon, and probably not ever. were it to go hot, everyone who goes hot would be rounded up like dogs in days rather than weeks.

  3. Great rally.Thousands of brave men turned out,unlike the bitches on this site who just whine and dream and worship the”chosen”.There are more IDF hasbara trolls on here than in a Tel Aviv barracks.The article writer sounds like a turncoat.Why can’t we exercise our right to assemble?Do you people just give up without trying.Bitches.

    1. You’re the ones who couldn’t validate your right to bear arms without parading all 5 of the Commonwealths black legal gun owners in front of your demonstration. Did you actually do a thing to stop the legislation?

    2. “Thousands of brave men turned out”

      And they’re gonna be real dissapointed when the new “assault weapons ” ban is signed in a month or two, along with red flag laws, etc. This gathering accomplished nothing but giving conservatives a reason to pat themselves on the back. Its a mini tea party and just as useless.

      1. Rogeru and Otto you both spend your time commenting on this site and probably many others,so tell me how that accomplishes anything?It doesn’t.You write to the handful of other old farts here and seem so pleased when you use dumbass words like sperg or LARP(I would look them up but I don’t care about urban ghetto lingo).Was it hopeless when Christ led a small group of disciples against a powerful system and mindset?Its never useless when you give hope and show that others believe what you believe.Great men are made from examples of others trying(even if they fail).The only example you two losers set is bitching and telling us why we can’t win.You are two defeatists and basically useless.

      1. The flavor who remembers the total ineffectiveness of the Tea Party. But if it makes you feel special to think your voice matters go prance around in the “freedom cage”.

        1. I wasn’t referencing you. I was referencing the mouth breathers. I’ve been seeing show up in the comment section as of late.

          1. Mouth breathers?Thats the exact same language the Jew media used(and still uses) for years to describe White,Southern,Christian peoples.You identity yourself by your leftist word choices.

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