Unless things drastically change, we will continue to find ourselves in a perpetual cycle of defeat. Ourselves means the Greater Dissident Right, along with various fringe, colorful characters that are hard to categorize. The Dissident Right includes paleoconservatives, paleo-libertarians, traditionalists, European and American reactionaries, reasonable third positionists, and genuine Southern Nationalists. It doesn’t include shitposters, irony bros, endless “hot takers,” vulgarians and those obsessed with guzzling down blackpills and infighting. We must change in 2020, and moving forward, or we will fail.
We must be daring enough to make changes. Then, we’ll see success.
DR vs. AR Distinction
For the most part, the “Alt-Right” designator is as dead as a doorknob. It had great promise. But, one of its great strengths aided in its demise – a lack of defined leadership and quality standards. Being a prolific content creator doesn’t equate to positive leadership. The guy who runs his mouth at the local watering hole may have some good advice, but that doesn’t mean he’s capable of running, or even advising, a political dissident movement. This isn’t a game and our ideological rivals know it, even if we think it’s shrouded in memes and offensive podcasts and live-streams.
Additionally, allowing the movement to be open to everyone with an edgy avatar presents critical challenges. It creates a pipeline for the insane, the disingenuous, grifters and the dangerous – essentially, implicitly or explicitly bad actors. In turn, these individuals easily: (1) tarnish your brand of rightwing dissent, (2) drive off talent, (3) open yourself to unnecessary liabilities and (4) allow conditions for duplicitous people to glom on to the movement. Like acid, they will erode away everything that hard working people have cultivated and created.
The Alt-Right (“AR”) was beset by internal and external strife. By and large, the internal disagreements, and outright feuds, were far more damaging than the external pressures of attrition, deplatforming, lawfare and doxxing. Men are able to rally together when a situation becomes us vs. them. The “other” (or them) creates a visceral reaction from men. Loyalty and duty become paramount in such a situation. However, when men can’t trust their brothers, those seeds of doubt are more damaging than almost anything external. And, internal quarrels clawed into the old AR and bleed it dry.
A hallmark of the AR was its vulgarity. Even if someone considered the material thoughtful and intriguing, most were turned off by the crassness of it all. The AR had no broad appeal because only someone intellectually curious, and with a heavy bit of gallows humor, appreciated the content. You can’t win broad appeal with a niche product, especially one that will get you fired (or worse) for purchasing. Masked as marketing to the youthful and rebellious, somehow making it more spirited and tougher than the corroding Old Right, the AR was actually isolated by its tastelessness.
Therefore, the Dissident Right (“DR”) must distinguish itself from the excesses that plagued the AR. Instead of gas chamber memes, we should push wholesome imagery that highlights faith, family and our people. Instead of flinging racial slurs at shadows, we should provide mature and sensible criticisms. Instead of a big-tent (embracing radicals, hobbyists, former leftists, etc.), the DR should be extremely exclusive – only those that sacrifice have a seat at the table. Instead of trolling, we network and build.
Embrace Stoicism
Your world is going to get much worse. Within a decade, practically all monuments to our Southern ancestors will be destroyed. Even those hidden away in the backwater corners of Dixie will not be spared. The Left will find them and they will destroy them. They have an insatiable appetite for iconoclasm. After the South is hallowed out of her monuments, they will march on the Founders and anyone else not acceptable in the ever evolving Current Year. For example, expect California’s John Wayne legacy to be “corrected” and new placards displayed around Monticello and Mount Vernon.
The pozz will worsen over time. Transgenderism will be enforced by the State, in some invasive and offensive capacity that only our nightmares can entertain. It will be far worse than what we view from a distance on the internet. It’ll be at your front door. All television, film and music will be fundamentally more unpleasant than it is now. The straight, white, male antagonist will be solidified as the standard villain in practically all storytelling. The prevailing narrative will be culturally codified that you are evil, even more so than today. To speak out will risk even greater social ostracism and, possibly, legal repercussions.
The future will be a perfect environment for overdosing on blackpills. Taking a steady regimen of blackpills freezes you, it shuts you down. A man becomes a defeatist when all he sees around him is defeat and despair. He can do nothing but contemplate and wallow in defeat. The blackpill is the path of the beaten down, emotional coward. We must ensure that our people do not succumb to mental subjugation. The Left desires our demoralization and eventual surrender.
Rather than cave and destroy ourselves to Weimerica, we must become rōnin within their world. But, instead of serving our masters of the managed decline, we outwardly serve no one. We sit silently and say nothing with regard to the decaying state, as Nicolás Gómez Dávila once wrote, “When nothing in society deserves respect, we should fashion for ourselves in solitude new silent loyalties.” And, in that solitude and within our grim eyes, we focus on our people and the path forward. No smiles or grimaces as the situation deteriorates, just a silent understanding that no one will save our people, except us.
Sacrifice for Your People
Moving forward, you must sacrifice for your people. Enough with the shitposting and enough with the peanut gallery. Enough with the asinine personalities that fizzle out within a year. Enough with the race to the “hottest take.” Enough with the negativity and blind hate. We will never win on hate alone. Hate is not enough to save our people, you must love your people. No one sacrifices for hate, they sacrifice for love.
How do you sacrifice? Simple, you sacrifice your time and resources for your people. You raise awareness of our plight through content creation. It takes minimal effort to write your thoughts down and provide them to a Dissident Right outlet. Only our message can combat the narrative. If our message reaches one person, and it resonates with them, then we have awakened one more person to our cause. If you cannot create content, then at least share the content across social media. If you can’t share the content, financially support the content creators. You must do something.
There are other ways to sacrifice. Help a needy family. Raise funds for a fellow traveler down on his luck or support his widow. The South has never been immune to natural disasters, help our people when these unfortunate events happen. Review your brother’s resume and give him pointers to advance his career. These are all things that non-content creators of ID have done (although, we don’t publicize the good deeds – it negates them). Again, these have never been accomplished with hate in our hearts, but love for our people.
Sacrifice requires action. You must force yourself to do. You cannot sit back and passively allow the passing of our world and our people. It requires a mental, physical and even spiritual commitment to act – to write, to meme, to network, to build, to protect, to congratulate, to undermine, to beguile, to astonish, to outlast, to do and to dare. This is required of the rōnin dissident in our late-stage empire.
We stand among the ashes of something that was once beautiful. We must change to survive the new decade. It will require professionalism, stoicism and sacrifice. This is the way forward.
Deo Vindice

Then don’t! Go form your own movement, and go in peace. Your approval is not needed. You are exactly who ID does not wish to be associated with.
Doublethink fools taken for a ride … https://westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/2020/01/10/doublethink-lesson/
PSS there is NO movement here… and you ain’t my father
Sacrifice for What ?
The Dissident Right has no concrete goals and objectives.
The current program of endlessly bitching about ZOG on Bitchute and issuing romantic platitudes while we slowly sink into the mud does nothing.
Of course there is , just not for you.
Go cry somewhere alone, which I suspect is just as you wish it.
Of course I’m not your father, I’ve raised my sons better.
“The Dissident Right has no concrete goals and objectives.”
You are mistaken. And I intend to write up the objectives, for submission.
Im sure at the top of the list will be the protection of political global miscegenation Messianic monarchy (“Second coming” or otherwise) (aka, the foriegn tribes Yahwism and its daughters Islam and Christianity and Masonry Contra kin-nation sovereignty, and theyll call it “Southern Nationalism” !!
We don’t like incoherent Yankee twits, so screw off.
Kentucky Gent,
Before you write your list of objectives going forward for the Dissident Right, it might be hoove you and others to read this article written by David Cole as ‘righteous’ a jew as can be expected. He gives us an inside look into the inner demons of the Ashkenazi mind, and how their hatred for Europeans and Western civilization is stronger than their love for their children or fellow Jews. The evidence provided is timely and undeniable.
I saw where you tried to slip this comment in under a different user name in the other thread. What the hell is wrong with you, is my question.
Look here, if you have a good point and a good argument to back it up, most all of us will ‘take a look.’ Otherwise, well, I mean, the whole thing is just asinine, to say the least. Act like (and write like) you have some damn sense, for goodness sakes.
P.S. If the editors deem this comment of mine to be off topic or whatever, then that is the way it is; it isn’t going to worry me in the least. There is a lesson there, dingdongs.
> I intend to write up the objectives, for submission.
Please do.
Ok Charlie
Anyone that thinks we need to abandon Christianity is a fool. and a damned one at that. It has built our civilization for 1000 years. If paganism was the true religion why did it get BTFO’d across the entire world? The church was persecuted in the east under communism and is now resurgent. maybe its the church in the west’s turn.
Besides, every pagan larper i have met has been a flaming liberal.
Jesus or Marx? Choose your jew goyim.
BTW, Christianity doesn’t need Whites, and Whites don’t need Christianity. We had empires and civilizations long before the ME desert religion was forced upon Europeans at threat of death.
Christianity and southern nationalism go hand and hand. To rid southern nationalism of christianity is foolish.
Christianity is not ethno-cultural nationalism, its universalist Ethno’s and culture destroying imperialism …