When You Think You Have Nothing

When you think you have nothing in life or aren’t measuring up, take a step back. Get up and walk around your house or apartment. Look at all the things around you. Take a seat and think about everything you’ve done in life up until this very point, even if it feels it’s going wrong. Look out your driveway, reflect upon your job and be thankful in all things because God has blessed us. Sometimes all it takes is a step away from the chaos.

The future may seem bleak, but who are we in the grand scheme of things? The Creator has far bigger plans for us. Who are we to think that we can change the course of something that is far bigger than ourselves?

Your mind loves to play tricks on you, telling you that you aren’t making the cut in life, that you’re a failure. I’m here to say that if you feel this way, take time to appreciate the things you DO have.

Just today, I was feeling dejected. I got up and walked around. I looked at the certificates on my wall representing accomplishments I had achieved and things I collected from many of my travels. I thought back to interactions with people. Then, I turned to my Bible because it hit me like a ton of bricks. I realized just how much around me I had and have done. The trials I overcame and how much better I am today than I was in the past. So, I thanked God for all he has blessed me with. I looked at the clean clothes I owned, the food I had, the roof over my head and I thanked God for everything.

It’s easy to forget just how good we have it. I thought about things I had seen during my Army days: people drinking polluted water and living in shacks or bombed out buildings. I thought about how I don’t have to worry about finding myself in the middle of a firefight on my way to work. I don’t wonder where my next meal is going to come from. I’m not worried that my family is going to get kidnapped by some rival militia and held for ransom.

Life may seem like it sucks sometimes but it can be a whole lot worse. Be thankful for what you have and be sure to thank God. As long as you live, even if things seem like they are going completely wrong and spiraling down, it’s never too late to change or improve yourself. Be humble and kind as our Lord commands us. Be charitable and do something nice for someone for no reason other than to be nice. You just might be the best thing that happened in that person’s day.

God bless you and God bless Dixie.


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