I try to avoid the city as much as possible. However, I had no choice but to drive through Knoxville on my way home from doing a little small game hunting. On my way through, I saw something that gave me pause enough to stop and take a picture. Over the past few months, I have seen an apartment complex being erected on the banks of the Tennessee River on the south side of Knoxville.
It went up just as you’d expect. And, just like I’m sure you have seen hundreds of times, balloon stick construction that gets built quick and cheap. I’d commented to my wife a couple times, as we had driven by, that it looked cheap or that it looked like it’d burn down easily. That’s the way we make things nowadays, cheap and easy. Today was the first day I had seen it finished, with a large sign on the front that read, “The Lifestyle You Deserve.” It really couldn’t be a more perfect phrase for today’s college co-eds, especially when splashed across some over-priced, dull apartments.
The apartments are marketed to college students who want a more “luxury” school experience. While their peers are slumming it in the Univeristy of Tennessee dorm rooms, these deserving young folks are high on the hog in their fine new apartment building overlooking the Tennessee River. Let’s look into just what kind of cost they have in their future, providing mama and daddy aren’t completely footin’ the bill. If the students can come up with three roommates to move in with, a 4 bedroom and 4 bathroom apartment will run them $730 per month, which is the absolute cheapest option.
I’m not familiar with the floorplan of the building, but I can’t imagine the view is all that great for $182.50 per person. What about the nicer options? Perhaps a 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom, for $920 per month? Or, if you value privacy and luxury, a 1 bedroom, 1 bathroom for $1,200 per month? Assuming the highest cost option (remember, you deserve it) and over the course of four years, you’re looking at a total of $57,600 for your housing costs during what must be the best years of your life. Where is that money coming from? Maybe you have wealthy parents who are willing to put up with that. More likely, you’re going to roll it into your student loans or just accrue the debt. Tough for a college student to pay that kind of rent when funds need to be allocated to beer runs.
Now, it’s not so much the exorbitant cost associated with the domicile that threw me off – it was the attitude, “The Lifestyle You Deserve.” What kind of lifestyle is that? You aren’t going to know your neighbors, you’re probably going to be getting belligerently drunk as often as possible. And, when you’re gone, everybody else who lived around you will forget you even existed. Thirty years down the road, the apartments are going to be torn down, probably to make way for “luxury” McMansions. And with that, every trace of your time at these forgettable apartments will be gone.
I have no choice to agree with the big sign on the front of the building. You deserve to be forgotten, you deserve the debt slavery, and you deserve the hole in your life you are making by not learning a trade and starting a family.

Ya I can’t stand these soulless buildings popping up like a disease all over Southern metro areas. No sense of time, place, or people. These buildings are simply monuments to the God of GDP and consumerism.
Well they have to have their own bedrooms so that they can get started on the sexperimentation. There’s a lot of ground to cover in those coming 4 years!
I learned a “trade” and still have a “hole in my life” and “no family.” And, without question, the failure to attain those two is completely disconnected from being a skilled ‘tradesman.’ But it’s certainly better than having had a larger hole made in my head, in some faraway shithole.
They can’t throw this stuff up fast enough out here in the Rockies. Legal weed has brought a horde of locusts who leave piles of dogshit and Monster cans everywhere they go in Colorado.
Can’t tell you how many hand-dug bmx tracks have been lost to “luxury retirement” communities.
Perhaps you live to much in the sticks for really grasp what is going on here with these stack-and-pack dwellings.
First, yes –they are condos and apartments… which you cannot afford BTW.
Rather, they are for people with more money than sense… which you seem to have.
But in reality they are dense voting block of people.
This is what they are doing in many urban area of red states now–building these stack-pack places.
Because they are massive voting blocks.
Just look at downtown Denver, Seattle, Portland Oregon and other places.
And you wonder just why one county in a state can control the entire outlying areas.
This is why.
And this is exactly why leftists who control such cities allow them to be zoned.
In effect they are weapons to be used against you.
Wrap your skulls around it.
All they have to do to flip, let’s say Montana or Cheyene Wyoming is to zone in some stack and packs at University towns in those states–and you have an instant voting block (also used by illegals BTW).
In Los Angeles–this is all that is going up (stack-packs that is).
They are massive voting blocks. Some tracks are they’re own precincts because they are so big.
And there is nothing you will be able to do about it.
I have serious doubts as to whether we in the outlying areas entertain doubtful notions of why a single county within a State’s boundaries can control the entire State’s politics, but I guess I know what you mean.
Voting blocks notwithstanding, until the more sane states and locals come to the inevitable conclusion that the U.S. constitution as it stands right now spells the death knell for their states, their counties, their local governments and their people, we will continue to be on a (hell-bent) trajectory to total destruction. Personally I care nothing of “saving” the northern states in all of this; my focus is on saving the South and the Southron people inasmuch as I can.
I live outside Knox, I’ve seen that very advertisement, and thought exactly the same thing!
Deserve? What have they accomplished in life to deserve anything?! The entitlement…. explains why we are where we are!
I travel for work, and whenever I’m in the downtown of a city (the old downtown) I look at the architecture of the buildings that our people used to make, versus the soulless steel and glass monstrosities they erect now. They things we had before we became an open-air infinity nigger tranny paedo zoo.
Hey. That rent ain’t bad. Daughter recently graduated from GaTech. Sophomore year, she and 3 friends rented a 4 BR apartment on Spring Street. MY PART OF THE RENT WAS $1000 PER MONTH. Yep, I’m one of those Daddys.
That being said, the daughter is a jewel, 4.0 HS gpa, new Mustang, job since 15, magna cum laude grad, debt free. It’s called high investment child rearing, one way generational wealth can be passed on. However, if your kid is an impulsive shithead, all bets are off.
What about training daughters to provide high quality grand children?
Keep us all appraised of how that all works out over the longer haul. Judging by your description your daughter seems like one of the (extreme) exceptions to the rule. I’m admittedly not a big proponent of thrusting young adolescents into the “college scene,” especially adolescent girls, and in fact tend to be very much opposed. But if you’ve managed to do so and kept her on the straight and narrow in the process, then I should think you’re bound to have some very useful insights for the rest of us (low end) nincompoops.
You’ll pardon my skepticism of course; girls like your daughter were the “easiest prey” for guys like my college-age adolescent self when I was in the college scene and before my conscience finally got the best of me. So there ya go.
make you feel even better I bet this was built with US taxpayer multi family Dept of HUD funds and grants (aka taxes). to me it looks like a prison with some colorful paint…
Globohomo children.
The modern world will not be punished.
It is the punishment.
Reality will impose itself upon this generation, they will of course require scapegoats to avoid having to be accountable. Having not only no grasp of prudence, nor prudence and cognitively aware of how and why those of us who adhere to self reliance self determination and self responsibility, are the enemy, and as they have been willingly eyes wide shut brainwashed and indoctrinated into believing, who is to be blamed for the unintended consequences of their contempt for reality, and ignoring history on it’s circular orbit, all this it implies coming back around to do it’s payback thing, are of the species of the human self extinction movement.
The problem is they will try like a drowning man, grab onto something and in the process take others with them to their dirt nap. To the very end. In the most ultimate sence never be accountable for their actions and the effects their lifestyle has on others, but not only that, they will leave this mortal coil believing because their intentions are good, as the ultimate victim stance, believe to the end as in life they are morally justified.
It is the issue of our age, it is also the two apposing enemies, and there’s an unstoppable war in the making between those with prudence and those without. One will eradicate the other, it that kind of war to the knife and the tooth if there is to be any civilized future where Freemen roam, an existential conflict where one can not be left to re-infect the civilization of the Men of The West.
It’s difficult to fathom, hard to swallow but there it is, this war will impose itself upon all of us regardless of attempts to sit it out with your finger in the wind sitting on the fence, we are all like the pig now, committed. Things have gone pass the point of peaceful redress and recourse. It is the nature of people who will do anything to avoid cultural and political, and economic reality they are responsible for effecting to such a high degree, that they in doing so make such a war inevitable.
Not that that is a bad thing, because nothings not so bad it isn’t good for something. In this age we find ourselves in a great cleansing of this civilization rooted in the first form of living liberty and it’s profound blessings. One could contend it all could not happen any other way, and that Liberty is an infant going on to becoming a cognitive growing child ready to face new challenges past the old order of the part of the human species who create and enable the special form of contempt called tyranny, tyranny of envy and hate for others, for their prosperity and happiness, and their self reliant way of life, it’s culture, codes and traditions, and being culture is always upstream of politiks, it comes down to the matter of legacy and patriarchy, and the long learned hard won precepts of the 2000 year culture of the West and it’s Athenian Greco Roman history.
These are the diametrically apposed enemies facing each-other about to really go at it with each-other.
One is centered on destruction of everything.
One is centered in creativity and positivity.
One is a leech upon the other and could not exist without taking the others prosperity and happiness to use and cast aside the husk.
One has spent those 2000 years climbing and crawling tooth and nail, never giving up, persevering in the face of every obstacle and enemy the human race can contrive. One that is the evolutionary results of Winning. My money is this race of men. For it is my race, The Race of The Men of The Christian West. And by no standard or reckoning are we down and out. We are just beginning to get our war face on and our rifles zeroed, our hatchets sharp, where our cause we leave to God and our Rifles.
1859. Tick-Tock.
‘Cultivators of the earth are the most valuable citizens. They are the most vigorous, the most independent, the most virtuous and they are tied to their country and wedded to its liberty and interests by the most lasting bands.’
– Thomas Jefferson
Nice post, excellent insights, enjoyed reading it.
I think part of the Zeigeist is a vast plurality of us are recognizing such things for what they are under the outward appearances or fig leafs.
Spot on! Bleib ubrig.
That is cheap rent compared to Seattle, Wa and surrounding areas.
1. Love the Blog
2. These are cheap compared to what the UT is charging on a monthly basis>
Could not find 2020 so two years old will have to do:
Essentially the cheapest option is $1000.00 a month.
Plus you get two big benefits. No moving every semester. No and Meningitis