They slouch among us! Pudgy, premature balding humanoids, with an unhealthy desire for video games and contempt for masculinity, have invaded! Where did they come from? Is it a virus that turns normal men into childish doughboys? If so, how did it spread so quickly? And, is there an antidote?
I’m not sure if the creature I briefly described has infected the entirety of the West. In my travels, it appears to be mostly an American phenomenon. I suspect the easy availability of unhealthy fastfood, the supremacy of “pop culture,” the dominance of liberalism and feminism and faux nerd culture allows for the soyboy archetype to fester, expand and, finally, absorb the masculine character of America. The hard truth is that the soyboy has supplanted John Wayne. Modern American men look like James Corden, act like spoiled teenagers and speak like women.
To be clear, to be American (in the Current Year) is an insulting and lazy identity. America is not a country or a nation anymore. It is a shopping mall for godless slobs. Its male denizens are idiots savants that can rattle off the yards per carry leaders for their fantasy football team(s), but can’t name their great grandparents or the current Weimerican wars abroad. America is a sick country and its men have degenerated into the corpulent blobs you see faithfully standing in line for the next Star Wars movie. It is, afterall, the source of their patriotism and religion.
You see, Homo Americanus believes in nothing, except what is on his screen. He no longer believes in God. He, typically, has no children. He is a child. And he is naturally treated like one, either by women or institutional structures. Very young children, those that have not learned yet, cannot read; they are naturally illiterate and, through education and training, eventually become literate. Since the Homo Americanus is a child, he, too, cannot read. In fact, he prides himself on not reading, at least anything of consequence.
High culture to the Homo Americanus consists of voguish breweries, mindless speculation on fictional television characters, sportsball news, foodie chatter, kitschy body art and various electric entertainment. In totality, his mind is focused on nothing substantial. He is a member of the peasant-class, but empowered with a smartphone and decades of superficial education, has an exaggerated sense of external amour propre. All he has is his fabricated anti-reality – one of binge watching, bypassing dangerous neighborhoods on his way to brunch and his sterile apartment.
The Homo Americanus is an emotionally driven creature, which is why he panics at the sight or sounds of thoughtcrime, traditional masculinity and dominance. Due to increased estrogen levels and schoolmarm propoganda, the Homo Americanus fears the remnant Southern Neanderthal. Cowering behind half-empty beer mugs and neatly tucked away inside his favorite, hipster taphouse, the Homo Americanus effeminately mewls over “toxic masculinity” and inane, modern mush. In all things, the Homo Americanus is a soft and excitable milksop. While technically male, he has all the attributes of a hysterical woman.
The origins of the Homo Americanus vary, due to the peculiarities of his speech. Generally, he has no discernible accent or dialect. He may be from Toledo, Ohio or Atlanta, Georgia. Regardless, he carries nothing historical or traditional from the land of his birth. It makes the Homo Americanus completely interchangeable and redundant. He is a cog in Modernity’s Machine. In fact, he usually detests the uniqueness of regionalism, sans the local cuisine. If he does speak, it mimics that of a petulant teenager. He does not speak directly, or with deep confidence; rather, it is with a high pitched and energetic neuroticism.
The Homo Americanus will avoid any confrontation, even a casual and polite conversation, with a non-Homo Americanus, makes him nervous. He will not look you in the eye or provide a greeting, unless prompted by another party. He quietly lingers and lurks in the background when required to attend social functions outside of his anti-reality. Unless a discussion centers on craft beer or the newest Marvel movie, he will not engage with you. His attention span is restrained to a maximum of two minutes. Additionally, social decorum is foreign to him. Like normies, the Homo Americanus is unable to discuss anything of substance.
While it may be difficult to pinpoint where a Homo Americanus is actually from, it is easy to spot them based off their appearance. They commonly dress in a soft t-shirt, including some pressed on vintage pop-art, and jeans. This is a year-round attire that changes little with the seasons. They look out of place in a suit or sportscoat. You will never find a Homo Americanus wearing camouflage, cowboy boots, or Carhartt, as those are the markers of their hated enemy, the Southern Neanderthal. The Homo Americanus usually sports either an unkempt beard or scraggly stubble. Matched with his receding hairline, blubbery waistline, Captain America Target t-shirt and decade-old jeans, it’s easy to spot them in the wild due to their sheer ugliness.
Manual work and physically-demanding activities frighten the Homo Americanus. He is destined for pod living and does not have the dexterity of laborers or adventurers. He will not settle in the countryside because it is considered harsh to his sensibilities. The Homo Americanus is an alpha-level urbanite, although he may plant himself in a tasteless suburb, one plopped down next to a busy interstate. He needs the comfortable amenities of Weimerican pod-life. This race of people are antithetical to physical competition, endurance and hardiness.
In the near-future we may see the Homo Americanus devolve even further, distinguishing themselves, physically, mentally, genetically (?), entirely from the Southern Neanderthal and other various peoples within the American Empire. Transhumanism and other popular body mutilations, along with unhealthy environmental conditions, may transform the Homo Americanus into something non-human. And, thanks to Modernity, we get to witness this creature, and its possible metamorphosis, all within our lifetime.

The man who never was.
Hear, hear…
Well Southern Fathers, it’s your job not to make one of these. It’s your job to instill everything to contradict all of those traits. It’s your job to make those boys see and understand the enemies of manhood. Manhood is what guides good culture. Fatherhood is very difficult and is getting more difficult. Always remember, be the Father your children will honor around the night fire.
I agree with what you’ve said, Mr. Saint. In a well functioning society (which of course we don’t have the luxury of living in at present – quite the contrary), fatherhood would be relatively easy.
I’ve mentioned on these boards before I think that I was lucky enough to have been raised by a very good father who was tough when he needed to be, but also just and fair. Fatherhood for him was made easier during my upbringing, in part because the extended family and the broader community I was raised in never tried in any way to undermine my father’s authority over me and my siblings, and in fact backed him up almost 100%. That is to say, with exception of our mother.
My mother – God love her – always tried to throw a monkey wrench into things and destroy dad’s authority over us while simultaneously trying to destroy the love and respect we had for our dad. Her ploy didn’t work, however, because we could always see right through her from the time we were old enough to become more or less self-aware. Add to that that our father (young men take note here and strive to emulate his example if, God forbid, you find yourself in a similar situation) never said a bad word about our mother in our presence, and always instead heaped praise upon her no matter what she did to or said about him. Our mother, on the other hand, would speak ill of our father to us directly and within earshot of us constantly and as a matter of practice, observing no discretion whatsoever, or at least very little. This all had the effect, over time and as we matured, of backfiring on her. And to this very day she is still angry and bitter about that. And yet our mother was mild by comparison to what seems to be the norm today.
Well, anyway, I met a man from a small town near Waco, TX a few weeks back. He was headed back home from a business trip through this area and we happened to stop to get fuel at the same moment. He struck up a conversation with me and began telling me about his family. He is the father of several grown children who he is very proud of, for very good reason from what he told me about them. One thing he told me about them was how they have honored him and their mother during their adult lives by doing all sorts of nice and thoughtful things for their parents. I said to him, “I know exactly what you mean; those kids can be a real blessing later on in life.” To which he replied, “if you raise them right they can!” What else could I say to that than, “Amen, brother!”
Right on all accounts.
Homo Americanus has a catchy ring to it, but, Small-souled Bugman has established cache.
Either way, it’s a disgusting pathology. These amorphous blobs have father’s that are just like them. Early male feminists, computer nerds, college professors. They are almost like artificial human beings instead of merely being weak men. Nature itself is considered abhorrent and inconvenient. The perfect embodiment of the Bugman is a 5G cell tower disguised to look like a tree.