Chick-fil-A and the Yankees

When the word broke that Chick-fil-A, one of the few companies with any sort of national, or even regional presence and that had once refused to bend the knee to Big Gay, was now stopping all charitable donations to the Salvation Army and the Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA), I was disappointed. Sure, it was just a fast food chicken place, but I did enjoy having at least one company that shared my values after so many others had fallen.

After Franklin Graham went to Twitter to go to bat for the company, I felt a little better. Maybe it was, just as he claimed, the media taking something minor and running with it. In present days, and as more has come to light, it has become apparent that the truth was even worse than I initially thought, or even could have imagined. It’s so bad that I think Graham should take back his original defense. You see, not only did Chick-fil-A abandon Christian organizations, they’ve also been funding anti-Christian organizations and have been doing so for years. These donations include the YMCA, which despite the name supports infanticide, and, most surprisingly of all, the nutjub commies at the SPLC. The whole story can be found here.

That Chick-fil-A would fund such an organization is shocking, considering the hatred they have for traditional Christians. But, what makes it all the worse is that back in 2012, when Chick-fil-A was criticized for their previous Christian positions, a gunman, inspired by his own admission by the SPLC and packing several Chick-fil-A sandwiches, opened fire on the Family Research Council (FRC) offices, injuring a security guard. At the time, the FRC, as well as many other Bible believing Christians, were tenaciously defending Chick-fil-A. And, what was Chick-fil-A’s response back then? The failed to even reach out to the security guard.

The recent revelations made public the company’s slide, something which has been going on since the original founder, Truett Cathy, left the day-to-day operations to his son, and has been accelerating since his death in 2014. Reading this story reminded me of another company that was founded by a conservative Christian and would later decline into the world of Globohomo – Carl’s Jr. Carl Karcher, the original founder, was distraught to see the highly sexualized nature of Hardee’s/ Carl’s Jr. ads of the 2000s and deeply regretted losing control of the company in the early 1990s. If anything, the Chick-fil-A story is worse. Yeah, Karcher had to live to see his company decline, but at the end of the day he was betrayed by a board of directors. Truett Cathy was betrayed by his own flesh and blood.

Dan Cathy, the higher ups and Chick-fil-A are to blame for their own actions without question. However, we would be remiss to ignore WHY we’ve been led to this moment. The decline of Chick-fil-A can be blamed on the company’s decision to expand outside their traditional market of Dixie and get in bed with the Yankees. You see, as long as they stayed in Dixie, with the large portion of traditional Christians, the company was shielded from threats of boycotts, especially in small-town Dixie. But, as soon as they tried to move out of that, going to places where the homosexual revolution is complete, that shield was gone. The company could either stick to their guns and know that God would provide or they could retreat.

They went with the latter and joined other companies such as NASCAR and Coca-Cola in succumbing to Globohomo after leaving their Dixian base. Yes, NASCAR never really presented itself as Christian, but up until just a few years ago they were rife with Dixian and Confederate imagery and with an official blessing too. In fairness, some of that is still there with the fans, but NASCAR desperately wants that gone (which will, of course, destroy the company). Coke never used to be explicitly Christian either, despite being founded by a Confederate veteran, but they, at one time, did market themselves around wholesome Americana. Today, both companies are soulless entities disconnected from their roots.

I hope Dan Cathy is paying attention here, especially in the NASCAR case. NASCAR threw their traditional fanbase under the bus in hopes of getting new ones. Those new fans never came and the older ones knew they were betrayed. NASCAR can now lie in the bed they made and so can Chick-fil-A. Nothing you do will ever be enough. Remember back when this started? The protesters insisted that they were just angry about Chick-fil-A donations to more explicitly political organizations. Chick-fil-A relented, but the protests did not stop (hint: activists never do). With a slight-of-hand, they just changed what they were supposedly protesting. They will not be happy until Dan Cathy publicly apostates, declares his full and open support for gay “marriage,” kisses a man on television and begins hunting down the remaining thought criminals in his company.

Remember, the homosexuals still feel guilt about what they are doing, and there are two ways to deal with guilt. One is to repent. The other is to try and destroy those who make one feel guilty. This is why, after being given what they said they wanted, they keep pushing. The Supreme Court may give them the right to a civil marriage, but they cannot take away the guilt. And, until they repent, they will keep on pushing more and more. We all know where they want this to end. They know it too. They want the age of consent laws lowered because they want access to your children.

Chick-fil-A was doing fine as a Dixie-based organization with a devoted following from the Christian community. They decided that wasn’t enough. They wanted to become like McDonald’s. They won’t backtrack either, corporate machines infected by the pozz never, ever recover. They will not restore funding to the Salvation Army and the FCA or stop the funding to organizations in support of infanticide. I hope they do, but the company has shown what they are willing to do to appeal the Yankees. Chick-fil-A already got rid of coleslaw for them, but that wasn’t enough – they want to force us to be like them. These are a people with a psychological drive to remake the world in their own image and thanks to Chick-fil-A, they have moved one step closer.

-By Dixie Anon


  1. Jack’s looks like they are directly going after Chick-fil-A’s market share with a chicken sandwich set up like Chick-fil-A’s with just pickles on it with a traditional White family with an apparently Alfa male. Also Zaxbys is pushing chicken sandwiches hard now.

  2. After we had fried chicken, my Mom would strip the meat off the bones of the leftover pieces and put it up in the icebox.

    I’d get two pieces of bread and some mayonnaise and make me chicken sandwich. They were good. Especially because the crust remained on the cut up pieces.

  3. To bad CFA didn’t realize that they did not need to bow down to be successful even here in Yankee country. Even in Boston lines were around the block to support CFA when the rainbow boycott was announced. That we couldn’t even trust a self described Christian business to be true is the saddest part of this. I’ll never buy from CFA again… unless they repent. I won’t be holding my breath.

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