Minimalism for the Peasants

You’ve got to cut back, make due with less! Less is more! Unshackle yourself from the chains of consumerism! Sell off what you have and go minimalist! 

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While to the average person such things may sound positive initially, they are not so and I’d like to present you with an angle as to why. Deconstructing propaganda is something I rather enjoy doing. I hate leftist propaganda with every fiber of my being, hence the foundation for some of my articles. Promoting independence is, on its face, a good thing. However, it is not to be confused with more insidious goals by those pushing such propaganda.

There is such a thing as being an educated consumer and it is apparent many have forgotten this. There is significantly more to life than simply acquiring goods, financial wealth, and material wealth. While those things can serve to improve your life, they should not take centerfold. God, family and your people are significantly more important than a new watch or Apple AirPods.

Demonizing success has been an active agenda for leftists for generations. It is necessary for their end goals – to bring about their utopia where everyone is ‘equal’ and all inequity has been eradicated. This is a fool’s errand because life is unfair, nature is unfair. The strong survive, while the weak perish. Equity and fairness do not exist in nature. That will never stop leftists from trying to implement their dystopian schemes though – see the results of the Soviet first five-year plan.

One crafty package the Left uses is the “minimalist lifestyle.” Now, this isn’t to say you shouldn’t be independent. It’s prudent that the distinction be made between independence and minimalism for the sake of clearly displaying the sinister objective behind ‘minimalist lifestyles’ – ultimately, it’s preparing you for poverty. Your grandparents (and parents) had a rancher in the suburbs and now you live in a pod with your laptop. You’re not free, you’re a slave.

Anyone who has followed communism knows that the citizenry must be destitute. When they are destitute, the state can position itself as the sole provider by, ostensibly, making independence illegal. In 2012, a man was arrested for collecting rain water on his property.  The man didn’t need the state to provide him with water or private utilities to do so, but his independence was made illegal. That sort of independence cannot be tolerated in Weimerica. On the other hand, living in the “tiny house” is just the sort of minimalism suitable for ClownWorld.

Poverty is important for the end goals of communism and socialism. Only the ones who hold power are allowed to possess things. And, here’s a real red pill for you: possessing things actually does gives you power and it does gives you freedom

Imagine for a minute you did not have a vehicle. Think about what a vehicle allows you to do. You can use it to go wherever and whenever you want. You don’t need anyone’s permission. You don’t need to wait on some posted schedule, worry if there won’t be room for you, and, most certainly, you are not threatened if that service gets shut down. 

In order to get you amicable to the idea of poverty, it has to be repackaged in an entirely different way. Poverty must mean freedom, plus some cutesy marketing and television programs. By embracing such a lifestyle, one would largely be okay with a communist or socialist government. After all, you’ve been conditioned to living with barely anything at this point, so what’s changing for you? 

Minimalism is just a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Don’t be fooled. It’s designed to make you a literal peasant for the elite. And, you’re going to believe you’re free because all you have to your name is a movable pod, no kids, and a hipster bicycle.

Good bless you and God bless Dixie.