A Man Chooses, A Slave Obeys

Here you sit, a model consumer, free to make any decision inside the Overton Window that your handler’s heart permits. You are, by your estimate, a free individual with all the rights and liberties that freedom entails, but by their power, your are little more than a slave by another name. 

Your governments were highjacked long ago by corporate (and other) interests, who figured that once the market was saturated with their product, their profits started to flat line. In order to achieve the unlimited economic growth which they so desired, they poured money into steering the political establishment towards mass immigration. Whether legal, or illegal, mass immigration is a tool to import new consumers who will buy more of the goods produced by our “woke” plutocracy. You see, dear slave, you are practically obsolete in the eyes of the corporate elites. New consumers are necessary for neverending consumption and growth.

When everyone who could, or would, buy an Xbox, who would buy new Xboxes? The answer is simple – your new rainbowriffic neighbors down the street. They don’t work, but they sure do consume. In all likelihood, they consume more than you, assuming you are of the majority demographic subscribed to this publication. Your country is being invaded not because it is “Christian” to rob you of the shares of your homeland, but because the plutarchs hate the fact that you don’t consume as much as Pedro or Hassan. It’s not personal, slave. It’s just business. Remember to root for unrestrained crony capitalism in a Breitbart comment thread!

“Buy me, holmes

These new consumers are slaves to product in all but name. The lowliest among us aren’t much better. With a hefty reliance on government welfare, a large portion of native born Americans were long ago sold into government servitude, beholden to the beast that provides for them. Many “compassionate people” are to blame for this sale. They cast off the burden of directly caring for their own family members, or members of their community. Instead, they relegated this burden to something else. These people are no longer kept by their brothers or wards of their communities, but someone must own them. And, a more compassionate ruler was found – the federal government.

Good luck in your state funded home, grandpa!”

Slavery may have been outlawed and its “criminal stain” may have been immortalized (and monetized) as the great evil of the past. But, make no mistake, it still exists today. Chattel slavery is the new reality of our time, in that we, as a country and as a people, are being shuffled about as a commodity for those who profit from our lives. When we no longer hold, or have, any investment or utility, we must be replaced. This is the free market, after all.

What’s the return on investment (ROI) for Heritage America in the eyes of our overlords? This class of commodity requires tradition, normalcy, stability and, if not properly managed, has the ability to cause market fluctuations. Considering the product’s attributes and declining performance, it’s only rational that the elite, not only heavily diversify their portfolio, but retire certain investments – namely, the Heritage America fund.

You can see this today with Conservative Inc. battling the America First Groypers. Conservative Inc. and its talking heads give no credence to the suffering of their people because they know they no longer need to carry that obligation. Most of their constituents are near death’s door or predicted for replacement. And, as long as they can keep the docile new generations at bay, they can ride the gravy train into the boots left behind by the progressive movement.

This is the same mentality of all the elites. It’s parasitic in nature, to be sure. Our forbears had a great disdain and consternation for men of high finance, they believed them to be parasites on the people. You see, a parasite is not much different than your handlers, slave. Once your utility and benefit has become depleted, you (acting as the host) are no longer a food source for the parasite. The parasite hates an irate host and needs an apathetic host to feed on.

Lacking its own ingenuity, the parasite fears the visionary. What it cannot plagiarize, it seeks to censor. What it cannot regulate, it seeks to ban.

-By Dixie Anon

One comment

  1. Spot on. The Left wins due to furtherance of communism, and an increase in their power base, and the so-called “conservatives” win due to unlimited new consumer-Americans. A real sh*t sandwich.

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