The Religion of the State

The current state power in America is defined by the federal government but also by the national elites that hold influence over policy makers. This national elite are best characterized as capital owners with immense amounts of wealth and an almost monopolistic share of whatever industry they endeavor to. Prime examples of these types of national elites are the masters of such companies as Google, Amazon, and Walmart. They are the trend setters for smaller, yet still powerful capital owners, with assets and influence that extend across America and across the oceans.

These national elites are today’s wellspring of “progressive” thought and the religion of egalitarianism that has been contrived. Egalitarianism has become a theology, as opposed to a simple ideology. The fervor with which it is proselytized and the ensuing vigor with which non-believers are persecuted for non-conformance is evidence enough that it has transcended the bounds of an idea. This religion has usurped the older religion of Christianity in America. Most of the problems that the Dissident Right is fighting today are a result of the interpretation of this doctrine.

The young woman who eschews having a family in favor of pursuing a career is set upon the belief that because she is equal to a man, she must pursue a career and compete with him. The very manner in which nature intended to bring her happiness and fulfillment cannot be realized because it requires assuming a role that contradicts the state religion, which tells her to be the economic equal of a man. The forced association of different ethnicities is a heavy-handed attempt to create a homogenous society of interchangeable labor units. If the religion of egalitarianism holds, then every race is of equal intellect and capacity for creating community. The result is alienation and strife as tribes with incompatible attributes are forced to compete and live with one another. Those races less suited for free competition ultimately suffer.

Egalitarianism is not a new idea. It is found in many failed ideologies, such as communism. The contention is not that the national elite founded this principle, but that they are at the heart of its use as a religion for the masses in current day America. The reason for the enforcement of the idea as a state religion can be ascertained by examining what the national elite gain from its adoption. Egalitarianism is intended to prevent the forming of identity.

The national elites are threatened by identity because with identity comes the natural progression into associating with those of a like identity for common interests. When people start to coalesce around an identity, they can start forming their own mutual aid groups and start to provide for one another the services that were previously outsourced to big business and big government. This is a condition that is anathema to the national elites. Any sort of competition for their services will be rooted out and destroyed. By indoctrinating people into the religion of egalitarianism, they can keep a lid on identity and snuff out the competition before it forms.

The best way to fight this elite is by turning to the religion of your fathers and searching for the people of your tribe.

Deo Vindice

-By Dixie Anon

One comment

  1. Turning to the people of our tribe how? We as Southerners cant even do that much. More and more people move here every day and call themselves Southerners. We must, not optional, define excatly who we are and close the books right now. This means all the trans plants over the last 50 years of heavy carpetbaggers are not included. This must be done and should have been done long ago. How can you connect to a tribe thats only current definition is a geographic location when we were invaded and forced into open borders? We must name who we are, excatly and close the books. We must begin operating under the understanding that we are being genocided. Defining who we are and proclaming ourselves a race, a people and culture unique to this earth will open 1000 doors to us. It must happen and happen soon or the tribe you are wanting to connect with will be about as much of a tribe as the United Nations. We. Must. Orginze.

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