There is a mythical creature that Republicans believe will save the country: the Conservative Black Voter. Of all the legends, this particular fairy-tale is constantly disproven over and over again, only to reemerge at about the same time every four years – during the Presidential election. The Republican President, Donald Trump, believes in this mythical beast. As if his words can conjure magic, Trump thinks he can make Black voters into conservatives through incantations of historically low Black unemployment, the mass arrests of White Nationalists, and federal sentencing reform. His supporters seem to believe this voodoo, too.
It is time for a reality check. Blacks will never vote en masse for conservative anything; they are not conservative by nature. Water is wet, gravity is real and Black voters have never, historically or in the present age, advocated for conservative political issues. Outliers are exceptions and exceptions don’t prove the rule.
It is time for the Republican Party to face the facts. It has become the de facto White Identity political party, just as the Democrat Party has recognized itself as the de facto colored party for two generations. Blacks have always voted for leftist political positions. Even when the Republican Party enjoyed forty-percent or more support from Blacks, it was a different political party. It was a pro-Federal power party before the Southern realignment of the late 1960s.
To be fair, some Blacks vote for the Republican Party. Thomas Sowell, Condoleezza Rice, and Candace Owens are practically celebrities on the traditional Right because they are extremely rare examples of Black Republicans. Diamond and Silk have made a living being obscure, loud mouthed, Republican grifters. Clarence Thomas is one of the most consistently rightwing justices in American history. Still, these are exceptions to the rule. About eight percent of Blacks vote Republican for president. The other plus-ninety percent vote Democrat as a solid, consistent block. There is nothing the Republican Party can do to attract Black voters unless they fundamentally change their party platform to look like the Democrats.
In fact, at the insistence of Ari Fleischer and Karl Rove, it appears the Republicans tried to do just that. In 2013, Fleischer wrote a report essentially advocating that the GOP transform its platform to be more appealing to minorities. The Republican Party agreed and fully embraced the Democrat-lite approach. Former House Speaker Paul Ryan was a leading proponent of the strategy. Some of the leaders of the Republican Party really believed that they could gain more Black votes if they were just less conservative. They were willing to throw out conservatism to attract Black voters. Blacks rightfully saw through the nonsense. They know where their power is located and, unfortunately, Whites do not.
It is important to understand why Blacks will never vote conservative. To begin, they have no investment in the historical foundation of the country. Most Blacks understand what most Whites refuse to acknowledge: the United States was designed as a White Nation-State. It is an outgrowth of Europe – until very recently, the White continent. The US was founded by White men, many of whom were slave owners, that heavily restricted the franchise, even among other Whites. In that regard alone, many Blacks and their White leftist allies consider the very founding of the United States illegitimate (See the “1619 Project“). It does not matter that Blacks were actually enslaved by other Blacks or that Whites uniquely – as the only race in the world – came to the conclusion that slavery was an immoral act and therefore banned it writ large. Such knowledge falls upon deaf ears.

No one conserves a country they see as being fundamentally flawed, or downright evil, from its inception.
The other issue is the Constitution itself. I always find it laughable when pundits claim that White Nationalism, in any manifestation, is a great threat to the United States. The Constitution is/was a White Nationalist document. And, one can reasonably argue that most of the Founding Fathers held views more draconian and austere, with respect to racial politics, than today’s White Nationalists. Most Blacks know this, too, with some understanding that the Constitution once codified their status as property and valued them at three-fifths a person. More importantly, however, is that the Constitution is the only document that marginally gets in the way of the complete progressive domination and subjugation of Heritage America.
The First Amendment protects the right of groups like Identity Dixie to advocate Southern secession and VDare to warn of the threat from mass third-world immigration. Of course, the political Left has found ways to make an end run around the First Amendment by weaponizing the legal system (“lawfare”), infiltrating local city councils to direct law enforcement efforts against dissent (e.g., Charlottesville), and using social media to “doxx and destroy” rightwing dissident voices. Today you have the legal right to say racial epithets, but the aggressive application of hate crime laws have largely made those terms illegal. You better not say the n-word in the middle of a fight with a Black man, lest you be charged with a hate crime, even if he and his gang initiated the fight. The First Amendment freedoms of association, peaceful assembly, press, and speech have all been largely stripped through a myriad of anti-discrimination laws. It is a hollow shell of its original, intended protective clause. That does not matter to Blacks, who statistically advocate for deeper restrictions on the First Amendment.
The Second Amendment is also disturbing to Blacks. The right to own and bear arms is the only thing that keeps the US government from running over Heritage America. The Federal leviathan is dominated by Blacks who comprise as much as 20% of the federal workforce and almost 40% in certain executive agencies (more than triple their proportion of the population). No doubt, this is the result of a Black population that votes consistently for an expansion of Federal power. At present, the Second Amendment gives pause to some within the government who know that a massive repression by the government could lead to a bloody internal civil war with an uncertain outcome. Thanks to red flag laws proposed by Democrats and feckless Republicans, the Second Amendment will go the way of the First Amendment, having been eroded by various legal infringements.
Beyond the foundation of the country and its Constitution is another challenge for Blacks: our economic system. Free markets and capitalism are problematic for Blacks. This is why diversity quotas, set aside minority-owned company RFPs, Affirmative Action, grants, minority small business loans and a host of other incentives are required by Blacks to compete in an increasingly complicated economic environment. In fact, it has gotten so bad that highly competitive Asians have been forced to sue universities that have discriminated against them in favor of sub-par Black applicants.
Barack Obama is a great example of Black leadership. He was an Affirmative Action President, if ever there was one. The man was nowhere near as intelligent as his supporters alleged (his college transcripts remain sealed). Every speech he gave was a narcissistic diatribe as to how great he was. Meanwhile, his economic policies led to one and a half percent economic growth, his foreign policy created a host of problems globally, and American workers struggled to find employment while suffering from wage regression. By any reasonable, nonpartisan measure, Obama was a terribly incompetent president. Yet, he is regarded as great by leftists who desperately wanted a Black man to succeed. Simply put, the leftist adoration for Obama is the soft bigotry of low expectations.
Those in the Dissident Right who argue for some variant of socialism fail to understand that we have now arrived at a point in which national heterogeneity makes socialism impossible. The fascist corporatist economic model was possible in a homogeneous German Nation-State of the 1930s. It could never work in a country like the United States for a variety of reasons, one being where thirteen percent of the population is a net deduction from Federal resources. Socialism economically empowers Blacks at the expense of Whites. As of 2017, the average Black takes approximately $10,000 from the Federal Government annually; the average White person contributes approximately $2,800.
Blacks will never join a “law and order” political party. This should not be a surprise. Africa has never had the rule of law, except by oppressive military force. The incomprehensible inability of Blacks to see how their refusal to comply with basic laws, like handing over a driver’s license when pulled over for a routine traffic violation, is an example of a people antithetical to policing. In addition, these are not a people that will ever embrace rules that empower law enforcement. The recent spate of water assaults on police by New York City’s Black residents is just one of many examples of a people with little regard for law.
No greater example can be made for the absolute lack of appreciation for the rule of law by Blacks as that of the Michael Brown case. A six-foot-three-inch, three hundred pound male assaulting a police officer will get shot, regardless of color. The difference? White people would agree with the shooting of a White man who was assaulting a police officer; Black people burn their whole city down. Darren Wilson did nothing wrong. White people know this; Black people do not know this.

Finally, there is one policy area that will ensure Blacks never vote conservative: states’ rights. The fact is, Blacks have a great deal of suspicion regarding states’ rights, because it was often a euphemism for their oppression. They are somewhat right. States’ rights was at the center of the Union’s invasion of the South in 1861 (the suppression of said rights by the North to determine their own will). States’ rights were again trampled by the Federal Government when the 101st Airborne was sent by President Eisenhower to force integration at schools. Less than ten years later, states’ rights were crushed by the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts, both of which were uniquely designed to harm Southern states’ rights. Over and over, the South has consistently been a unified block in its ideological defense of local governance and Blacks have consistently been the beneficiaries of the Federal suppression of local will.
When viewed in its totality, the only way Republicans ever get a significant Black voting block is if the party abandons the Constitution, capitalism, law enforcement, and states’ rights. Anything short of that and Blacks stay with the party that advocates greater restrictions on the First Amendment, the Second Amendment, capitalism, law enforcement, and states’ rights. In other words, the Republicans must become Democrats in order to win Black votes. There is no such thing as a broad based Black conservative movement because they are not conservative.
Like the Black Confederate unicorn, I am sure there are a handful of Black conservatives out there, but their numbers are marginal at best. Donald Trump will not change that by entertaining Kayne West and Kim Kardashian. The vast majority will always side with the Federal leviathan, a leftist political position. This will not change no matter how many times Dinesh D’Souza tells them that Democrats are the real racists.
The Republican Party would be better served to strengthen its appeal as the Heritage America Party. They won’t, because diversity is our strength and other pathetic bumper sticker analogies that make pseudo-conservatives feel good. But if conservatives truly wanted to conserve anything, now would be the time to invest in the shrinking White majority, while it is still a majority, and preserve the system of governance that they claim they wish to conserve.
Since that will never happen, the best option remains a peaceful departure of the South. Let the Yankees enjoy all that joyous diversity.
The son of a recent Irish immigrant and another with roots to Virginia since 1670. I love both my Irish and Southern Nations with a passion. Florida will always be my country. Dissident support here: Padraig Martin is Dixie on the Rocks (
Thanks for reinforcing the obvious for those that refuse reality. I dare say that with slight alteration, every other coloured group in this “nation” could be be defined by this model, as well…