The Cult Mindset

Neon lights, a Nobel Prize,
Then a mirror speaks, the reflection lies.

“Cult of Personality” by Living Colour

Cults – are you in one? Do you know you are in one? How can you tell if you are in one? These are important questions to ask yourself, especially if you’re in one of the many hodgepodge groups sprinkled throughout the Dissident Right or Alt-Right spectrum.

For individuals who proclaim loudly to others that they adhere to traditional Western values and ethics, more than a handful of these groups do a piss poor job of proving it. For those who rally against degeneracy, there are a number of folks that adopt much of the ethical values the Left holds.

In a fairly recent lambasting of Identity Dixie (a common occurrence among radical Alt-Right spergs and crusty leftwingers), I heard a particular individual, who was very riled up, say, “I need to smoke a bowl.” Drug use, because you don’t know how to handle your emotions, is degenerate and unbecoming. Our people are dying from drug abuse, we cannot imbibe in the harmful activity. The pot-smoking individual is in a rightwing cult or transitioning to a new and far dangerous one.

It’s been said before that the current Right is a mirror of the Left from 20 years ago. Based on my own observations, it would seem this is true. After all, many normie conservatives agree with leftwing values from only a few decades ago (or even years – think homosexual marriage). This clearly shows just how much the Overton Window has shifted during our lifetime; it hasn’t just shifted for normiecons either – radical elements of the Alt-Right haven’t been immune to it.

So, what is a cult in a traditional sense? It’s important to understand exactly what a cult is in order to understand if you are in one. One of the primary and distinguishable differences between a cult and an actual movement is a cult is either predicated upon an individual or group of individuals responsible for giving it direction. A movement, on the other hand, is derived from an idea or concept and is not beholden to any one particular individual. A movement can carry on with or without specific individuals, whereas a cult cannot. This is one of the main differences between a cult and an actual movement.

Also, cults employ a range of structures and crafty psychological tools in order to keep its membership in line. The easiest way to tell if you are in a cult is to see if you are truly free to leave it – are there any reprisals by walking away? This can come in the form of physical reprisals, such as physical attacks, or non-physical means, like verbal attacks, defamation, doxxing, etc. The main point being – if you leave and are attacked, you’re most likely in a cult or trying to escape one.

Cults are not an exclusive phenomenon to the Right, the Left has them as well. And, all one needs to do is look at how the Left attacks those who leaves its ranks to come over to the other side.

Cults are very much a top down structure, much like a pyramid scheme. Often they are founded upon the ego of its leader or leadership; typically, cults aren’t grounded in a principle or idea. If an idea is paired with a cult, it’s used solely as a mask to achieve the goals of its leader or leadership. Nothing more, nothing less. It is sometimes hard to detect this on the surface, but in order to determine this you have to observe the motivations of the individual(s) who founded the cult and compare it to their actions.

A great example of this is Aum Shinrikyo. Even more recent examples to consider are radical nutjobs like Atomwaffen or the Feuerkrieg Division. Unfortunately, they’re not the only ones on the “Right” that suffer from being a cult or having cult-like tendencies.

An extremely dangerous cult.

Cults generally always want something you have. Whether that is your money, your wife (think David Koresh), your life or servitude towards an individual, the point is that a cult makes you do things. If you don’t comply to the cult there are consequences that are detrimental toward your future. Conversely, true movements don’t really need or want anything directly from you. Not a single contributer at Identity Dixie is paid or receives any form of contribution for their work. We do this freely and at great personal risk because we care about our people.

A cult will not do this, a cult will lie to you because the lie is necessary to grow and maintain the cult. Cultists will applaud or support retaliatory behavior against their own members. It helps to explain why the Alt-Right, as a relative whole, is a failed ideology. Simply – it’s street gang (cult) behavior and ironic memes (which change as frequently as their views). The shifting in ideological views is standard cult behavior too because the cult is based on the predilections of its leadership. The more flippant and alternating values of its leadership, the more ideological shaky the cult becomes.

While the Alt-Right may have originally been founded with good intentions, eventually various segments within it devolved into distinct cults. This occurred once nefarious individuals became involved. I’m not talking about a secret cabal of money lenders, spook agents, the Illuminati or the Masons – no, I’m talking about degenerates. No one made anyone take in these individuals. It was a choice.

Many degenerates are attracted to strong ideologies on the Left and Right because it gives them something important – it gives them hope. It also gives them a sense of identity, which is important to their psyche. Most often, degenerates are individuals who could be classified as losers in the traditional sense or who have, through their own choices, damaged their life significantly. That’s not to say they can’t climb out of this hole, but it’s not easy. They make the perfect target for a cult. Or, an organization is the perfect target for the degenerate(s) to transform into a cult of their own personality.

Instead of accounting for and fixing their own failings, they craftily dodge their own shortcomings by asserting that their failings are actually not their own, but belong to something or someone else. This isn’t to say there are not things conspiring against us in this modern world, there certainly are evil forces and bad actors against us. However, the real mark of an intelligent person, and specifically a dissident, is the ability to navigate the world they live in and still accomplish their goals. Cults aren’t good at achieving their goals, unless it’s mass suicide or internal destruction.

One of the biggest observations to be made about rightwing cults is their hypocritical nature. They will state something and tend to do the opposite. For instance, they purport to be pro-life, but will support non-white abortion. Other cults will, on face value, rail against degeneracy, yet engage in those same behaviors behind closed doors. You cannot state you prescribe to a set of values and do the opposite. That’s called hypocrisy and makes you a liar. The logic of “the ends justify the means,” in real practice, illustrates a lack in real values. This is the exact same platform of antifa – “by any means necessary.”

Cults like to employ cunning language in order to deceive not just outsiders, but even insiders, as to their true intentions. Identity Dixie has always been quite clear in our intentions – a free and independent Southern nation and a return to traditional values. Foreign ideologies are reprehensible, not only to Dixie, but to the United States. Cults are foreign, not in the nation-state sense, but foreign to the sensibilities of normal people. They are designed for the abnormal and attract the abnormal.

Lastly, one of the other tactics cults use are psychological tricks to police members. Exploiting animalistic and instinctive human subconscious behaviors to their advantage, cults utilize the group identity to subjugate members. Cults engage in prohibiting constructive criticism, encourage mocking, or outright attacking members with different approaches to problem solving. In the cult, the direction comes from the top down. They are rigidly structured so that only those at the top are allowed to make decisions. Normal participants are not allowed or encouraged to speak up. They simply must tow the line or they are ruthlessly attacked.

Cults cannot sustain themselves beyond the life cycle of their leaders. Movements based around principles, and not just people, can sustain far into the future. Principles which exist above and beyond man, such as the principles of Christianity, are eternal and beyond the influence of man. This is why Christian values, which gave strength to the West, has been purposefully torn down. These are also not the principles of any cult, rightwing or otherwise.

Change the people and you change the culture. Change the culture and you change the nation. If you think a cult can do that, you truly are trapped in an echo chamber of delusion and fantasy. Get out.

God bless Dixie and God bless you.