Secede In Your Mind

This is not a “prepper” article in the normal sense of the word.  This is not some fantasy of a rapture-like collapse of all levels of government that magically solves our problems; no more pesky government, and all that’s left to do is live off your stored food and shoot incompetent marauders as they trespass into your redoubt – this isn’t the Mad Max wasteland.

This is not an article about revolution or Civil War 2.0, either.  The truth is, we’re in for a long fall as we ride this nation down to the bottom.  It’s going to be slow, painful and, increasingly, ungodly.  Some parts of the country may never fully collapse, while other places will begin to reflect a spectrum of Mexico, South Africa, Rwanda, and the former Yugoslavia.  That’s the bad part.  The good part is that if Southern Identitarians remain steadfast in their planning, preparation, and supporting one another, when it comes time for a Southern Nation to assert its sovereignty, there won’t be an American Empire to oppose it.

The United States is collapsing.  Just as white replacement is baked into its future, so is its collapse.  Its economy, once a manufacturing power that sold goods to the world, has been replaced by an economy that generates money from debt, inflation, and stagnated wages.  Its currency is shackled to petroleum, or to client/hostage states that agree to sell oil in US dollars only.  This only lasts as long as the U.S. has the power to keep these “clients” on the dollar.  That power, comes of course from Uncle Sam’s military.

The U.S. military spends so much time and training on administrative check-the-box policies, such as transsexual awareness, sexual assault and harassment, and protecting its leadership from the SJW cult, that it can’t maintain its equipment or its personnel readiness.  It cannot pilot its rusting ships because the diversity hires at the helm keep crashing them.  It has more admirals than it has naval vessels.  It has an army with an alarming number of obese personnel.  It now places women in combat roles, who fall out of short road marches and turn the barracks into a demoralized mess of favoritism, sexual politics, and resentment.  It is now actively rotating its National Guard and Reserves OCONUS because it can’t maintain a standing army any longer that can hold down all of its global commitments.  

Those Guardsmen, of course, find it hard to get a job while serving because no employer wants people who are going to frequently leave work for long stretches of time.  The US military is comprised more and more of Third World peasants, who nominally understand English or simply don’t value American ideals.  The American service member can be found all over the world, but not at his own borders.  Its combat arms are predominantly manned by white Southern janissaries, who day-by-day are becoming less and less functional due to suicide, drug addiction, or simply growing tired of the decline.  They are having less children to carry on the family tradition of service.

Meanwhile, the population is swelling in the United States as it seeks to admit every person on the Earth into the country.  The nation is adding a million people or more every year.  The majority of these immigrants require welfare, food, clothing, education, and land to sustain them.  Each day, more and more infrastructure and logistics are diverted away from growth to getting these individuals up to square one.  It’s so important that this happens, while the border must be virtually undefended.  Your earnings must stagnate because the job market is now full of cheap labor.  Forget trying to buy a house.  With millions of immigrants entering, owning a home is a dream from yesteryear.  The new dream comes true from those who profit from welfare voters, cheap labor, taxation, and real estate bubbles built on unsustainable growth and debt. 

The next 25 years are going to become increasingly more terrible.  The last of the Boomers will pass from this Earth, but so will the Heritage America majority.  Heritage Americans, by the way, are the majority of taxpayers in the US.  If you are from this vanishing class and reading this article, understand that you are all that’s holding this whole rotting building up.  By the time many of us are old men, it will have collapsed. 

The globalists hate us, paradoxically.  We pay taxes, we offer ourselves and our children to the prevailing culture of degeneracy and depravity.  We cheaply sell our ancestral lands to Yankee real estate sharks and we send our children, to be burdened by student debt, to Marxist-dominated universities. In turn, they cross a continent to live and die in cubicles among strangers.  Our globalist masters love what we do for them, but they do not love us.  We must do these things for them because they cannot produce these things on their own, and they cannot create offspring who will do it.  We are suffering for the mistakes they made because when the end comes, all that will be left is us – and, that is why they hate us.

The upright will always be detested by the wicked. And, those who follow the path of Christ will be hated just as they hated Him.  Our mission as Southern, Christian men should be to deny the American Empire its slaves.  Unplug your children from the school system – home school or private school them instead.  When they grow up, don’t convince them to become beholden to tens of thousands (or hundreds of thousands) of dollars in student debt.  Teach them to avoid debt as much as possible – the whole economy floats on debt slavery.  

Teach them to be self-sufficient: grow a garden in the back yard.  I know that the allure of military service is very strong in the South, and if one must serve, use it as a time to pay off any debts and to acquire valuable skills.  The National Guard is still a place where Christian Southerners can serve alongside other men like them.  Get yourself and your family involved in a local church.  Become a cornerstone of it and share your wisdom, just as you take in the teachings and examples of others.  Don’t let your neighbors and family starve, while the fruits of your labor go elsewhere.

Most importantly, mentally “dig in,” secede in your mind and prepare for the coming decline.  The globalists want you and your family replaced, and in order to survive, you must be as kind as a dove and as clever as a serpent.

Service to the South, honor to the family, and glory to God.

-By Mr. Saltire


  1. Nice post, Sir! While I could (and possibly will, later) speak to several of your points, let me address the following quotation for the time being. You wrote:

    The good part is that if Southern Identitarians remain steadfast in their planning, preparation, and supporting one another, when it comes time for a Southern Nation to assert its sovereignty, there won’t be an American Empire to oppose it.

    I would only qualify that assertion by saying that the American Empire that happens to survive its own self-destructiveness will, at some point in the future, become too weak to oppose a steadfast Southern Nation asserting its sovereignty. While I understand and certainly sympathize with the current calls to Southern secession, I also realize it is an impossibility at this point in time. Seceding in our minds is an important first step to ultimate and real secession. By my lights (which of course are necessarily off to one extent or the other), we still have a long ways to go in establishing that first step as we watch the “American Empire” destroy itself under its own weight. Your word – “steadfast” – is very appropriate in this connection. Patience, y’all! It takes time and a lot of concerted effort to raise and educate a new generation or generations prepared to assert its sovereignty. We’ll get there if we remain steadfast and keep our eyes on the prize, as you say.

  2. How y’all gonna assert sovereignty of your people when you’re just dying to be all rolled up into a global totalitarian messianic monarchy from Jerusalem? See Numbers 23:19 and 1 Samuel 8:7 with John 4:24…

    Seated at the right hand but not in the Throne, … again see 1 Samuel 8:7 with John 4:24 for who sits in the Throne…

  3. Just keep pushing the kinfolk of Dixie back into those MIGA synagogues of the Adversary (Rev 2:9, 3:9).

  4. A very good post and should be the underlying thought process of every Southerner.

    As far as the Churches go, that’s a difficult one. All of the main stream Judaized churches have led the flock astray. Christian Identity? That is a very very difficult theology to comprehend and I have studied it since the 80’s. We really just need a simple Traditional Christian theology that also teaches separate but equal culture in the eyes of Christ.

    As far as those who want worship the god’s of their fathers, remember, your fathers in their wisdom, left those gods for the teachings of The Christ.

    Since we as Southern Nationalists are small in numbers as compared to the general population in the Church, maybe we should just have a revival meetings periodically around the South, religious not political.

    1. CI leads to the same goal, totalitarian global messianic monarchy with a foreign alien “son of man” contra numbers 23:19 and 1 Samuel 8:7 as so called “king of kings” and “lord of lords” (contra 2 Cor 3:17 with John 4:24) and it is propaganda of, by, and for, the Adversary…

  5. To me, the most important aspects of this type of thinking revolve around sound, conservative Bible education and parental recognition of the need to instill conservative education in our children and grandchildren. This does not occur in today’s state schools. Today’s schools are factories for socialism.

    1. It never occurred in any state schools, brother, not ours nor anyone else’s. This is the reason the wiser heads among our Sourthon forbears resisted the institution of state-run schools in the South with all they had prior to the so called “Civil War.” During and for years after “Reconstruction” they resisted this malevolent Yankee imposition as well, but ultimately gave in to the inevitability of “public education,” and here we are. It’s time we finally awakened to what has happened to our people through these heathen institutions, and stop allowing them to pollute the minds and souls of our children. That is it, that is all.

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