Change isn’t Progress

You see it in almost every town and city across Dixie, dozens of ugly stucco or concrete buildings, shaped like boxes and completely devoid of any beauty. The beautiful old brick buildings and town square are a thing of the past, replaced by endless shopping malls, McDonald’s and some tiny, bugmen-approved apartments. This is what your typical normie would call “progress” and “growth.”

The rootless cosmopolitan will tell you that the old buildings didn’t fit the times and had to be replaced with something more “modern” and, of course, the Chamber of Commerce cuckservative will tell you that mass development brings jobs, which benefit the local economy. In the cuckservative mind, job growth and the GDP are more important to preserve than the family cemetery.

But, this growth is anything but beneficial to our land. On the contrary, it is destructive, as well as, detrimental to our quality of living. Not only does unchecked development destroy the beauty and integrity of both the city and countryside, it also floods it with foreigners, who are more than happy to replace you and drink their cappuccinos at the new Starbucks that just opened up. That priceless farmland, crushed to make room for the sterile suburbs, it had to be destroyed for our current future.

It gets worse, as with such needless buildup, public housing becomes a necessity for the immigrants invading. Thus, ugly government communes begin to spring up. And, so not only is your once beautiful, quiet little town now a bustling area full of strange people and traffic, you also have immigrants living in Section 8. Fully expect a massive increase in traffic congestion, a decrease in your standard of living and an uptick in crime, as your neighborhood begins to mimic San Salvador.

Before you know it, your town is unrecognizable. The green woods and quiet neighborhoods, the local grocery store where you saw your neighbors and freinds and the park you played football – it’s all gone. It’s been replaced by progress. 

This is what happened to my town in South Florida – uncontrolled immigration, local government corruption and mass development destroyed a once peaceful and mostly quiet town. It’s all housing and condos now, all of which are inhabited by rootless immigrants and built by Yankee developers. We must heavily resist over development in Dixie, if we seek to preserve what remains of her.

We must protect her architecture and ensure that our old buildings, built by our people, remain and that no post-modern monstrosities are built in their place. Our homes should be constructed for Southern families, not public housing for immigrants. We must defeat the urbanization of the South or else it will consume our nation.

-By Joseph Quintero


  1. Even in middle school, when I heard about “progress,” I asked; “Towards what?”

    Destroying countryside, or the local farm machinery dealer becoming an RV dealership, never seemed like progress, or an improvement to me.

    1. When the last dirt road in my neighborhood got paved I couldn’t help but feel something was lost.

  2. Well you completed the task of black pilling the reader, bravo! Now what? What exactly does the resistance to this inevitable progress entail? Also, why the need to create further division by denouncing the Yankee? Is that necessary, fam? We need to face the fact that as White People we have no power or control over the fate of this once great country. It’s over, goy. We lost. All that we have left is catharsis which is the main point of writing this article. Hail Victory, I guess.

    1. The Judeo-Yankee can never be condemned enough. The piece doesn’t say much that’s new, but it helps to be reminded that compromise with the forces corrupting and destroying the South is never in the long-term interests of our people, the Southern people.

      It is an indisputable historical fact that White and White-presenting people have done far more to destroy and undermine the South than the most caricature-worthy of Negros. The pan-White vision of America has never benefitted us, even in good times, and it’s doing precious little to benefit us now, because unlike the congealed mass of Anglo-Medi-Germanic bloodlines carried on by deracinated White Americans, the South has a well-established cultural patrimony. Many of our people, it is true, have traded their birthright for a bowl of pottage, but it’s the Judeo-Yankee Whites, who lack any birthright, who are selling that pottage down here.

      There is a common cause to be found with the Amerikaner race, as allies, but only if we are honest with one another about who we actually are and how our origins and our goals differ. We can help White people get where they want and need to go, but only if they are willing to help Southrons, more an Anglo-criollo than a White nation, get to where we want and need to go. We are not, nor can we be, one nation, and we also cannot help each other if we pretend to be.

      Rediscovering ourselves, “becoming who we are”, as your leadership has said, is the only way to accomplish what the author here wants to accomplish, so pointing his rhetorical cannons at the Yankee Heights is justified. We are Southerners. We need to become that.

  3. I moved to north Texas 13 years ago and have seen this exact thing happen. Acres of open land have been converted to spec houses crammed into as small a lot as possible. No trees, little grass and less privacy. You could almost touch your neighbors house through an open window. The American Dream has been reduced to cheap houses, cheap cars and cheap garbage from box stores all in the name of progress.

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