It has been a busy summer for me, so I have fallen behind keeping up with current events and contributing to the blog, so this article will be a little bit “dated” as far as the latest news cycle goes, but I think the message is important, so please bear with me. It involves the case of murdered blond Utah student, and self described “sugar baby” (or more accurately, prostitute), Mackenzie Lueck. The Daily Mail broke the news about her self-confessed “sugar baby” activities early on in the case, but the rest of the MSM has been strangely silent about that particular revelation.
Another aspect of the case that, unsurprisingly, didn’t get much scrutiny from the MSM is the fact that the suspect arrested in the case is an African immigrant. Some initial reporting was done, but as is always the case, the MSM didn’t report on the 13/50 rule. And guess what? I’m not going to focus on that aspect either. There are actually, in my mind, more important concerns here than the race or citizenship of the perp. Having said that, I do want to note that this is the second white Utah college girl in the last year to be murdered by an older black man.
As I mentioned, I do think there is a more important thing to focus on here than the race of the murderer. In the last few years, there has been a growing trend of young, attractive, affluent, middle-to-upper middle class white girls choosing to prostitute themselves through the phenomenon of “sugar baby dating.” Never heard of it? Well, let me give you a brief rundown of what it entails.
A pretty, young college girl leaves home to go to college. Perhaps, daddy is paying her tuition, but he’s tightened up on the “allowance” budget and has told her she needs to work to support herself and earn her own spending money. In some cases, daddy isn’t even that much of a “tightwad.” Sometimes, these girls just have expensive shoe and purse fetishes and aren’t satisfied with the two-year-old Honda Accord they got for high school graduation.
Their freshman year at the out-of-state university they’re attending, they meet all kinds of new and different people, with new and different ideas. As a matter of fact, in the dorm the other girls are all abuzz about this “dating site” for “sugar babies,” where all they have to do is “date” a rich older man and he showers them with money and gifts. One girl got a brand new BMW out of the deal. Of course, an older man doesn’t buy a younger woman a BMW just to go with him to see a movie, and needless to say, there’s more expected of her than being an opponent to play board games with.
Let me be very clear here. It takes a lot of mental gymnastics for “daddy’s little princess” to choose to become a prostitute. Therefore, the words “prostitute, call-girl, hooker” etc are not part of the lexicon. A sugar baby isn’t a prostitute – in her mind. A sugar baby is a woman with “taste” and “high standards.” She is choosing to “date” this middle aged (or older) man. Gifts are just part of the deal. After all, do boyfriends not give girlfriends gifts? Do good men not take care of their women? It’s all the same in their mind. Only, they aren’t in it for a real relationship and they know it deep down. They’ve reduced romance down to being a financial transaction. Not only that, they’re perfectly okay with having multiple men on the hook, paying them for sex.
Years ago, before I found myself gravitating toward the Dissident Right, I was noticing these disturbing trends as social media was beginning to grow. Part of my journey was through the libertarian movement, and that also involved reading some MGTOW and PUA material from writers like Chateau Heartiste, Roosh V, and sites like Return of Kings. Let me be clear, I’m a divorcee and rather cynical about the modern state of relationships in the West. I’m no angel. However, I’m an idealist at heart and I want to believe that men and women have the capacity to rise above the degeneracy that we’re spiraling downward toward. Feminism is cancer, but MGTOW isn’t the cure.
One of the main precepts of the MGTOW movement and certain avenues of the Libertarian Right is that prostitution is perfectly moral, that marriage is just a watered down form of prostitution, and that somehow there is more honesty involved when sex is reduced down to a financial “contract” between consenting adults .
Let me be clear, all of these notions rest on the idea that sex is purely a pleasure seeking activity and that pair bonding, offspring and genuine love are not of concern. These are the ideas of reprobate people and completely devoid of any ethical principles. While one can understand the nihilism and elements of truth that foster such ideas, a healthy minded person should reject them. We are all human. We all have weaknesses. We all experience temptations and give into them at times. This does not mean, however, that we should ever lie to ourselves and pretend that these self-destructive, hedonistic behaviors are somehow moral, justified or acceptable.
Now, back to the “sugar baby” issue. Apologists will say that this is no big deal, because prostitution is “The World’s Oldest Profession.” Indeed, prostitution has been around since the beginning of time. Dead prostitutes have been around a while too. Ever heard of Mary Ann Nichols? What about Annie Chapman or Catherine Eddowes? The “Whitechapel Murders”? Okay, I’m certain you’ve heard of Jack the Ripper.

Prostitution is certainly one of the world’s oldest professions, but it has proven oftentimes to be among the most dangerous too. At least for women. And traditionally, it has always been the least among us who become trapped by such lifestyles. Look at the canonical Whitechapel victim list. What did they all have in common? They were products of impoverished, lower-class London. They lived in an area where women crowded into shelters and paid a few pennies for a small mattress to sleep on (or, less for a rope to lean on). These women prostituted themselves for their next drink of alcohol and whatever scraps of food they could get their hands on. They were the “meth heads” of their day. And just as meth heads, they were usually the victims of their own bad choices.
I am not so naive as to make the claim that “higher end” prostitutes are some kind of new thing. However, the modern trend of technology through social media and the onset of “hook-up” dating culture has opened the door for any man’s daughter to become a prostitute, with no moral qualms in doing so, and less out of necessity than for “lifestyle maintenance.” So, while not a “new” thing, the higher class prostitute is certainly becoming a frighteningly common phenomenon among college-aged women.
This is extremely concerning to me because I do not believe the relationship cynicism of older, damaged people, such as myself, should be contaminating the hearts and minds of the young. A nineteen-year-old woman should be capable of, nay yearn for, a love that is idealistic, even pure. They should believe themselves to have value that can’t be measured with dollar signs. This, after all, is the destructive nature of not only feminism, but modernity in general. We have all become atomized and selfish, and counter-intuitively, women have voluntarily objectified and monetized themselves in lieu of motherhood.
If this were the only concern I have about the way this Mackenzie Lueck story unfolded, it would certainly be enough. But, this isn’t the only notable takeaway. There are even more sinister forces at work. Why is the Daily Mail the only mainstream news source with the courage to report on Lueck’s bad choices and sketchy behavior? The answer is pretty simple, really. Because “victim blaming” has become such a thoughtcrime among leftists, that a journalist who engages in it will be out of a job with any news outlet to the left of Fox News. I dare say that even Fox has blacklisted “victim blaming” as a matter of policy.
We, as a society, can no longer pass any judgement on people’s poor choices. Unless, of course, the person happens to be white, male and straight. Mackenzie Lueck has every right to earn money by selling her body, and it is her inalienable, God-given right to do so without fear of consequences. After all, this is the new morality of PissEarth and this is ‘Merica!
No. A sane and healthy society would maintain that prostitutes are the lowest rung of humanity. A sane and healthy society, even the one that existed even 20 years ago, would shout from the highest mountain that prostitution is a dangerous lifestyle and shame young women who even entertain the idea. A sane and healthy society would see these girls as our collective daughters, future mothers and do everything in its power to nurture the best angels in their character, instead of engaging in this permissiveness and denial.
This is the narrative that I wholeheartedly believe we must push. The racial undertones of this case matter much less than the emotional damage and physical risk that these entitled, spoiled, self-serving young women are exposing themselves to. The MSM has proven itself to be bankrupt cowards, especially those who know deep in their hearts that this is a negative cultural phenomenon. Shame on them all.
-By Dixie Anon

O I’m a good old rebel, now that’s just what I am. For this “fair land of freedom” I do not care at all. I’m glad I fit against it, I only wish we’d won, And I don’t want no pardon for anything I done.
–The Wartime Journal of a Georgia Girl, pg. 21, by Eliza Frances Andrews