One of the potential outcomes from the Coronavirus pandemic is that many small businesses will collapse and their dip in
Tag: Current Affairs
Madness is like Gravity
There are many things I wouldn’t purport to know. In particular, the biological intricacies of the current pandemic. Doctors make
A Call to Repentance
This past month has been one of the most surreal times of my life. What would have been considered Alex
Support Local
Support local businesses during this crisis.
Diary of a Pandemic: The Chinese Coronavirus
Friday, March 13th: It Begins My pregnant wife and I drove to Kroger but we couldn’t find a place to
Cooler Heads Always Prevail
Stop the panic and hysteria.
The Coronavirus Silver Linings Playbook
Greetings fellow anthropoids! Having received the day’s talking points from CNN, I will dutifully refrain from calling the viral scourge
Love in Red Onion
What’s love but a second hand emotion
Let Them Eat Cash
It’s my money. I want it Now.
A Time for Nationalists
All jokes aside, now is not the time to blackpill or engage in typical Irony Bro bullshit (which is systemic