The overwhelming majority of federal revenue comes from you. It does not come from businesses and not from corporate taxes,
Tag: Advice
The Irish Example
War is the greatest testament to the fallen state of man. I hate it. We begin wars due to our
Prepper Man
Obligatory rightwing prepper article
Time is Short
Remember that you too shall one day die.
Grown in Dixie: Small Steps
In the last entry to this series, I covered the arguments for why I feel we should take steps to
This Isn’t Your Grandfather’s Country
Weimerica is a who/whom society where the law has no objective meaning. Objectively law-abiding citizens have laws, both criminal and
Bring Back Sunday’s Best
As has been mentioned by multiple writers at Identity Dixie, we now live in an ultra-casual society. Gym clothes are
Boycotting Hollywood Doesn’t Work
Maybe it is due to some residual libertarianism (a lot of Dissident Right folks, including yours truly, came out of
Beware the Chigger!
The warm summer’s air energized me as I fled through the tall Johnson grass. Would he catch me or could
Southerner > Redneck
In modern Weimerica there seems to be the idea that Southern culture is simply interchangeable with redneck culture. This is