Studies have shown that blacks have the highest self esteem of any race. That’s all well and good. But, we
Category: Articles
Heatin’ Up in Hotlanta
A lack of imagination and skill constrain violence in America far more than conscience and consequences. The embattled city of
Black Wall Street: The Best We Can Expect
In a piece of unsurprising, but still disappointing, news from the ever-feckless GOP, it has been announced that all but
Like Taking Candy from a Baby
I’m a man who notices things, but I wouldn’t describe myself as a hero. In Weimerica, expediency is the best
The China Threat
The Dissident Right has a fixation on Jews. Recognizing that there is certainly a lot of justified criticism regarding one
Candy Isn’t Good For You
Candace Owens is a household name amongst those anywhere to the political right of center. Her staunchly mainstream conservative talking
Beyond Toobin Cringe
Who is Jeffrey Toobin and why is he important? In reality, he isn’t important. He is most likely a martyr
What Happened to Asian-Americans?
Note: Throughout this essay I will be using the term “Asian” and “Asian-Americans” as shorthand for “East Asian” – namely
A Storm, a Dream, and a Tree
The storm was long, the night darker than dark. Flashes of lightening breaking against that darkness, as if angels had been
Whither Goest Southern Democrat?
The Abbeville Institute vehemently works to document and describe the utter, wholesale eradication of Southern Conservatism. Essay after essay details