As part of my work, I had the unusual and surreal experience of having to do a substantial amount of
Category: Articles
The Star That Is Called Wormwood
And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and
Django Revisited
For as much the film industry likes to congratulate itself on its artistic integrity, it really is an industry governed
Is the Vaccine Passport the Mark of the Beast?
A minister once told me that people who don’t have a firm Biblical background shouldn’t analyze John’s Revelation because it
The Situation in South Africa
South Africa’s current predicament is much worse than the MSM would like us to infer. I’ve got Telegram feeds of
We Ain’t Know
I was sittin on an old toilet in front of my dilapidated trailer this mornin, perusin myself the news. Our
Grit Test and The Last Prayer at Gettysburg
This July I took my youngest son, a preteen, to Gettysburg for a small rite of passage challenge. He was
Movement Maxing
I have become a skilled practitioner of one of the most dismal of the Dismal Sciences (yes, even more dismal
Death of the American Prussia: Virginia
“George Washington’s pair of brilliant maneuvers [Battles of Trenton & Princeton] had inflamed the hearts of his countrymen and earned
The Littlest Spies
This year I have spent a lot of time studying the Holodomor – the deliberate murder of the peasanty in