Is the Vaccine Passport the Mark of the Beast?

A minister once told me that people who don’t have a firm Biblical background shouldn’t analyze John’s Revelation because it is the most complex book of the Bible.  Eschatology is intrinsically difficult. So, many scam artists and possibly true believers have made prophecies about the end of the world that I can’t keep track. Jehovah’s Witnesses have quite a few and internet historian did a video about another famous fellow who had several.

Likewise, many people have made assertions about the mark of the beast.  It’s often just used for things people don’t like.  People have alternatively claimed George W. Bush or Barack Obama as having it or being the Antichrist.  You can certainly argue they are antichrists (one who denies or opposes Christ) but as a more tangible manifestation of Satan?  I think that’s a stretch.

Then, the notion of vaccine passports came up.  These aren’t to travel to other countries like a normal passport, but to travel outside your home.  You still can’t be forced to take a vaccine if you don’t engage with the outside world, so that’s a minor solace.  France’s rules for this are to prevent folks from going to restaurants without the vaccine.  It makes one think of the line: “And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

Not only are vaccinations going to likely be necessary in order to do things outside your house, but positive incentives for vaccines are getting more sinful. The Krispy Kreme free donuts was bad enough (pretty clear gluttony).  There was then the entry for lotteries for vaccinated folks (greed).  Now, Larry Flint’s strip club is offering packages worth $5,000 to get the vaccine (lust). I wonder how far they’ll go.  I wonder if they’ll hit all the deadly sins to get people to take the vaccine.

Don’t you find it strange that everything from donuts to lap dances are being offered to get vaccinated for a disease with such a low mortality rate?  Lockdowns, unlike anything ever seen before are occurring.  These restrictions have and are destroying small businesses and causing capital to concentrate in the hands of the few.  Hedge funds are purchasing up real estate like there’s no tomorrow.  There’s clearly something more than meets the eye.

You also have to ask yourself, why would they need to incentivize in this manner?  Have you ever heard of prizes offered for vaccination?  It seems like these incentives are at least partly because the vaccine is one of the least successful I’ve ever heard of. Pfizer’s is only 64% effective.  Compare that with the MMR vaccine (measles, Mumps, and rubella) which is 97%, 88%, 97% respectively for each of the things they immunize against.

The degenerate and evil incentives to get vaccinated are making me give at least a little credence to my more conspiracy prone friends when they point out that this actually is a sign of the last days. 

As I said above, I hate when people get melodramatic and say “x is the mark of the beast” or “we are in the last days because of x” because it’s been used for everything from Monster Energy to literally the Bible itself.  However, with the craziness that is going on (whether about the vaccines, the conflict in South Africa, or the weird environmental disasters recently), I am beginning to pay serious heed to the notion of it. 

Of course, for there to be a “mark” of the beast, there must also be a “beast.”  So, who or what is that?  Well, and I’m only speculating here, but I’d say it’s the New World Order, Globohomo, whatever name you want to give to The Powers That Be.  You know the ones.  They’re the people that are ruining every Western country and exploiting every third world country.  It’s the cabal of people who work together to push drag queen story hours, brainwashing propaganda on television, importation of people who hate you, your people, and your culture.  Of course, the vaccine probably isn’t the mark, but I think I’m on to something regarding who the beast is.  


  1. Resist the jab to the death. At best, it’s ineffective. At worst, it’s a totalitarian population-reduction mechanism. Tell Yankee Big Pharma and Yankee Big Government to go straight to hell.

  2. Does “My body, my choice” apply to masks and vaccines? Or just killing babies?
    Just askin…

  3. I’ve decided that I’m a transvaxxite.
    This means that I identify as having been vaccinated. Vaccination is a spectrum and you are a bigot if you don’t accept me for who I am.

    My pronouns are Vaxx’d-Him, Vaxx’d-He, Vaxx’d-His, and Vaxx’d-Himself …

  4. I would agree that the vaccine is likely not the mark but PROOF of vaccine is much more likely

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