Recently, I was fortunate to celebrate another wedding anniversary, nearly four decades. And I couldn’t help but reflect on how it all began—how it mirrors our Southern national movement. As you get older, you tend to analyze the paths taken and how they transformed your original trajectory and the broader scope of your life.
It all started with a bang!
In an instant I fell in love, no other had been more beautiful to me than she. I’m sure many of you fell in love with Dixie the same way. There you were, minding your own business, not looking for anything special, and there she was, right in front of your eyes. She was all of a sudden everywhere, all around, in your every thought. She was without blemish, and you were shocked when others could not see that beauty, or worse, did not care. With even an errant thought of some imperfection in her by another man, you were ready for pistols at dawn.
When you are captivated by young love, it seems every conversation is about the future. You envision a perfect life going forward, nothing can convince you otherwise, and the greatest triumph of that love is children. From the start, I wanted as many children as the Lord would provide. Love naturally wants to expand beyond its initial boundaries. Procreation is natural. Passing on your genes to another generation ensures the future; it makes you immortal. If you are an active participant in our movement, you are passing those physical and ideological genes onto the next generation. You are securing a future for our people, an existence out of love for the Southland.
I remember the excitement and terror of finding out my wife was pregnant for the first time. We were relatively poor, early twenties, not ready in any way, but we knew God was faithful. And when he came, that little, blonde-haired, blue-eyed boy was perfect! God had given us a soul to train up in the way he should go, so that when he was old, he should not depart. I am happy to report all went well, even to this day. As evangelists for our people, our objective is birthing and converting more of our kindred, and those conversions come with responsibilities. We are only in the fledgling stages of our resurrection as a sovereign nation, and raising our children to carry on after us is our first priority.
Personally, I am in the second stage of ensuring a future for Dixie, grandchildren, but more specifically, grandsons. God has blessed me with four little warriors, and God willing, many more. My little tribe of Southerners has expanded from two to well over a dozen; our family is a dedicated force multiplier for our people. That’s how this all works! As we procreate committed ideological Southerners, detached from Americanism, we reforge our particular tribe. Families have identities, and in coherent societies you are known by your family name.
We are a noble people; that is our identity. And in the providence of God, we have been tried by fire and emerged more noble out of the flames of conquest. Christ is raising up an army to retake our homeland for His glory. Southern men will lead the way. Prepare your families. Restore lines that have been broken, as the Scriptures say, “a threefold chord is not soon broken.” Men of the South, fathers, sons, and grandsons, bind yourselves together, put away frivolous things. Pursue holiness, and become warriors in mind, body, and spirit.
This is not the trajectory I considered nearly sixty years ago, but to God’s glory, this is the path I am on, and this is the path our people are on.
Deo Vindice!
God save the South!

Service to God and honor to the South.
“He who turns his eye within upon that seething caldron of corruption, the human heart, will find his head reel and his soul sicken with the ghastly contemplation: but there are still bright and beautiful spots in all this moral ruin, — glorious acts of heroism, noble deeds of charity, lofty triumphs over the world, and grander victories over self.” p. 214.
D. H. Hill, ‘William Cowper’, ‘The Land We Love’, Vol. 2
Thanks for sharing ‘a bright and beautiful spot’ with the account of your life!
Thank you for your kind words.
Nice reflections with this article.
However concerning a future for Dixie, this recent storm that hit the Outer Banks of the Stste of North Carolina,
Some costal homes and infrastructure where taken by the storm surge.
Read an article on the NY Post where folks from the North, second home owners where affected.
What am getting at is the care about the South in ways you may not understand!
Always impressed how Dixie comes back to rebuild after a storm!
God Bless Dixie!
Write an article and share your thoughts. I’m sure they will be welcomed.
The white pills are always nice
I will you and English Folk Song!
Morrissey the Artist:
A song!
Life Guard On Duty
Thanks for letting me post, sorry for the poor dictation,
With past articles.
An article I will respectfully think.
Thank you for the essay,
Lots of parallels with my
life, less the grandsons…
Father Dabney,
Thanks for the invite of writing an Article fo ID,
The Article will be based on the Quiet Revolution of Quebec.
God bless Dixie