Trump’s VP Decision: JD Vance
July 16, 2024 By Kaisar 2 Comments
On JD Vance
It is now official. JD Vance, a self-proclaimed “Catholic Zionist” and anti-China neocon is Trump’s Vice President running mate.
What a choice. Especially given the fact that it is coming out only a couple of days after Trump was nearly assassinated.
It seems like half of the dissident sphere is excited about him, while others are not quite so enthusiastic about his choice.
I hate to always be the bearer of bad news. But I am rather firmly in the latter camp.
First off, Vance is solidly a part of Peter Thiel’s network. He has immensely strong connections to Israel. Prior to the past year of him vying for the VP slot, he would also have been a perfect posterboy for the overall neocon movement. Those two negative marks are a bit hard to overcome for me, even though he says nice things nowadays.
Was it truly a change of heart, or was it just a change of deep state objective? Time will tell.
Regardless, a neocon, Zionist, and previous ‘Never-Trumper’. That would not be my first choice.

…I guess at least it wasn’t Tulsi Gabbard.
Could be worse, but not much to write positively about with this pick. In all honestly, JD Vance has the same limitations that Pence had: A career zionist and neocon.
Guess Trump likes consistency in his VP picks.
Given this pick, Trump is apparently still terrible at choosing appointments and running mates, so not much has changed over the last four years. So much for him “going rogue”.
Looks like we’re stuck with another Pence, boys. Prep the memes:

I have heard a lot of people arguing that “the VP doesn’t really have much power, so it doesn’t matter”. That “all of this is just a fishing expedition to secure the neocons”. But has everyone forgot Pence certified a fraudulent election only four short years ago? If you take political levers and networking connections into account, it turns out the VP has quite a lot of power, it is just in unconventional areas. That is still power, whether it is traditional or not. And I’d prefer that power not be in the hands of a Zionist neocon when the world is already on the brink of World War 3.
But hey, that’s just me.
Oh well. It is what it is. More reasons to buy ammo.

A Christian, husband, father, and American dissident. Join him in seeking truth and sipping sweet tea during the collapse of the American Empire. You can find more of his work at Eph. 5:11.
Excellent Kaisar.Vance is a fat retard who sold his soul to the Jews and married a dirty Indian.The GOP/Dem thing is a disgusting bunch of race mixers and sexual deviants all worshiping the Devil and his demons the Jews.We really must hope for total collapse and intervention by the good Lord.The masses are constantly misdirected and lied to by the Jews in control.The Jews have destroyed all White homelands so they are full of chaos and can never unite to fight the Jews.And of course White women have been given power which only helps the bad side.We must never give in and trust in Christ,only He will give us victory.God bless you and keep the great pieces coming.
Anyone who prays before a symbol or devotional of a false religion, which is what Judaism is, commits an act of apostasy. Can you imagine a Jew praying before a crucifix, his hand on our lords feet, with a rosary around his neck ? Vance is no Catholic, if he ever was but that’s another conversation.
And the brown wife and children. What loyalty does he have? Now he has loyalty to two opposing people, setting aside the Jews. People just see the pictures, they don’t see the necessary conversations about visiting the in laws, India, discussions about her homeland. It’s not like the Spanish who came to the new world without women. Vance picked out this Indian. Coupled with the horrible 1st night of the convention, all momentum was lost after the assassination attempt. Our people have a long way to go. But what are you gong to do?
I was thankful the veep pick was not N. Haley, but when all is said and done, Vance might turn out to be Nikki Haley in a coat and tie, urging Trump to commence bombing the entire Middle East.
Is Vance only Nikki Haley in a coat and tie? I hope not.
Guys, guys, guys.
You gotta use “Nikki’s” proper given name.
Nimrata Randhawa.
Use that and NOTHING else.
As usual: words (names) matter.
The Normies might think you’re speaking a foreign language.
And who knows? It might open the door for a convo with them about Red Dots!
Trump has more value as a martyr than an actual politician. It’s like he’s learned nothing from the first administration and is continuing to staff his cabinet and advisors with the same anti-White Ziotrash.
The jew and the subcontinent are fighting over who will pick the bones of FUSA. Anyone paying attention can see the ascendency of the curry invaders, which are much savvier and more engaged than the 40-50 million browns from the south, who have merely turned most of the rural west into stinking shitholes much like their own homelands.
The curries are ruthless classists and Machiavellian merchants of power. They have been taking over School boards, committees, local politics, corporate management, STEM fields, and a lot of college/graduate school seats where they then usher in the nepotism, corruption, cultural degradation, and economic opportunism for which the FUSA stands.
This doughy race traitor opportunist is a product of the cloud people, who have perfected the model of capturing the economic and social status striving of the talented dirt kids and converting it into anti-Heritage American power. Like the little nogs in the ghetto who are well known by the agents of the basketball american empire by age 12, there is no doubt the globohomo pivot-to-asia technocrat cult is behind this product as well. That he kisses the wall is just part of the homogenized rituals of seat-at-the-table occupational government.
But as you say, the thirst is real. How quickly everyone forgets the steal and the J6 prisoners and chinavirus and all the rest. Our guys need a hero as bad as the cultmarx. They will see what they need to see in order to cling to their own delusions of normalcy and faith in the System to provide them with the meaning and material comforts in the same way that this beardy striver navigated his way out of the dirt and people he despised. That he despises his heritage and thus himself makes him eminently malleable to the forces of striving and the nodes of power that all exist under the common umbrella of death to our people and way of life.
But hey. Everybody sells out. Thats who we are now. The remnant is still the only viable path. Blood and soil are not a party of politics. It is a People. This kid has no people and has created children with no people and so there is only one future he cares about. The further leveling of American Heritage into ubiquitous, economic, international, and prog-lite moral hegemony.
I don’ much care about Trump or any of this shitshow. I’ve got a lot of work to do on my little patch of dirt and for my family and those who have demonstrated their will and mettle already. The rest will break as they have across all of time when their precious finally falls. By then the proposition will be to feed half my neighbors or be forced to cull them. This is the future that is coming regardless of Beardy McSoyface.
In July 1945 after the surrender of Germany U.S. General George Patton said publicly “America has made a terrible mistake and defeated the wrong enemy. Should have joined Germany and wiped out Communism worldwide. America will be paying a terrible price for this mistake in 50 years”. That is why he was murdered following a setup Jeep-Truck accident. He was right. Fighting on the wrong side is going to be the death of the white race. Ignorant white Southerners did not understand that they were fighting for the future death of their race.