Young Dixie’s Proposals to Combat Feminism in a Free South

Upon the agreement of the Young Dixie Executive Board, we have decided to put forward publicly an aggressive platform to defeat feminism in a Free South. The platform below is a work in progress, as we seek feedback from our fellow Southerners. 

  1. Young Dixie seeks a criminal ban on OnlyFans and the seizure of all its assets by a proposed Confederate government. In this measure, we hope to end a parasitic cycle of degeneracy. Women are falsely “empowered” at the sake of forfeiting their ladyhood and dignity. We see this as fundamentally un-Southern and, therefore, should not be tolerated. 
  2. Young Dixie seeks a total ban on abortion initiated on a state-by-state level. We have an ardent Christian and cultural opposition to the practice. It is inherently a rejection of motherhood, responsibility, and family.  
  3. Young Dixie seeks a ban on “no fault” divorces, finding them to be a tool of feminism and designed to break down and destroy marriages. 
  4. Young Dixie seeks a 31-day “cooling off” period for divorces. This law would allow either party to withdraw a divorce application within 31 days of the marriage registration authority receiving it, and if one party does, the application becomes invalid, and a new cooling-off period begins. To finalize a divorce, couples must obtain a divorce certificate after the cooling-off period ends. 
  5. Young Dixie seeks a total end to alimony, as it is nothing more than legalized theft and violates a man’s honor and rights.
  6. Young Dixie seeks to raise the voting age for women to 21 years of age, possibly even increased to 29. It should be said, a significant reason for lowering the voting age (in 1971) was that men could be drafted at 18, yet not vote. However, this doesn’t apply to women as they cannot, nor should they be, drafted. Young women are also more easily influenced and need more time to mature with respect to voting and political ramifications. 
  7. Young Dixie seeks a ban on birth control pills and other associated birth control measures. In this, we seek to reinstate responsibility and consequences to sexual intercourse and decrease sexual promiscuity. Young Dixie seeks to wipe clean the hyper-hedonist culture of the American Empire and part of that is decreasing fornication and the rampant “hook up” culture of the modern day. In a Free South, birth control pills and other such medications will be proscribed and considered as illegal contraband.  
  8. Infanticide (abortion) will be considered as a capital punishment offence in a Free South. The mother, as well as, any willing accomplice to the act, including the father, medical professionals, and infanticide activists, will be subjected to this judgement. Abortion is murder and should be treated accordingly. 
  9. Young Dixie seeks to expand the description and definition, including prosecution, of prostitution to include women engaged in commercial pornographic content and thus liable to criminal punishment for prostitution.
  10. Young Dixie seeks a Southern-wide ban on gender (and racial) based affirmative action schemes in colleges and in the workplace.

– By Young Dixie


  1. Texas already has the cooling off period you mentioned. I’m pretty sure most Southern States do. Unless this has been changed.

  2. Looks good, but my only criticism is that female suffrage under such a system is still permitted. Women do not vote rationally at any age and cannot be trusted to make decisions that affect the government. To allow women the right to vote is to just end up with more felons on the street and immigrants in their sheets.

  3. Agree with Brohammad: Jsut repeal the women’s vote (ie repeal 19th Amendment) altogether.

    In 99.8% of cases, women vote the Left. Even if/ when married.

  4. Second comment. I also believe that women should not have the right to vote, but for different reasons than the other commentators. Women always had “voting privileges” in the antebellum States. These privileges were just exercised differently. Read any of the early founders and you will see that without exception they discussed how they were going to vote with their families. Women, children, the disenfranchised, slaves, poor, et cetra voted through their families with the man of the house being their representative. The 19th amendment didn’t “give” women the “right” to vote, it was merely one step in the long process of the destruction of the family as the basic unit of society.

  5. Child support should only be given to children born within marriage. If for example a woman (who was never your wife) commits a conception-by-deception against you, and gives birth to a bastard, you should not give a single penny to that bastard. This will both honor men’s rights and disincentivize the phenomenon of single motherhood, since random skanks will no longer be legally permitted to steal innocent men’s sperm and then sue them for child support.

    No marriage, no child support.

  6. You need to have some sort of mechanism to punish adultery. Ending no-fault divorce is good, it should be harder to get a divorce, but if you are getting a divorce then your behavior during the marriage should definitely determine how the divorce goes. At a minimum, if there is infidelity during a marriage then IMO not only should the cheating spouse not get anything (no assets, no alimony, no nothing), but the betrayed spouse should actually be able to sue the cheating spouse for damages. Breaching a marriage covenant should carry some sort of legal consequences, if adultery carried weight like it used to then it would become much less common.

    Also, I think motherhood should be treated like the job that it is. If we paid mothers a real, solid income for raising children (so long as they aren’t abusive or dysfunctional), then so many more young women would quit the workforce, exit higher education, and pursue motherhood as their career path. This would also massively raise wages for men (since so many women would quit the workforce to become mothers), which would enable men to provide for families on their own again, not withstanding women’s income for being mothers.

  7. We don’t have to pay women to make babies, we just don’t allow them easy paths to acquire wealth outside of marriage and baby production.

    Feminism cannot survive without tax dollars and government force. End that, and women go back to the easiest part, which is pregnant and in the kitchen.

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