Molon labe…The spirit of the Alamo is alive and well… Texas independence is at hand! And please, pay no attention to the black-pilled Cassandra warning her fellow horse loving Trojans to beware of Greeks bearing gifts.
So, what to make of Abbott’s showdown with the Feds. As much as we cheer him for standing up to Washington, why wasn’t this done three years ago?
Here is an admittedly cynical but not unreasonable assessment.
Election 2024 colors everything. Abbot can run for a fourth term in 2026 and, like any politician, he needs to align with power. As Trump’s resurrected tough-on-border talk ramps up, Abbott is not so subtly signaling (perhaps even getting the call from the Trump campaign) that he’s an ally. He’s being wise to look attractive for a possible cabinet position.
In real time, Abbott needs to keep the peace with the millions of Texans no doubt threatening to drive to the border themselves, which would be embarrassing and something optics won’t allow. He probably does care that he has a domestic crisis, but he inherited this active problem the day he was sworn in and has made concession after concession to big business and racial politics to avoid doing the obvious. Again, why now? I doubt that he thinks his showdown with Washington will succeed. It is not possible that his state and national legal and political counsel hasn’t made it clear that the federal government has the final say on border integrity.
Again, the cynical assessment is that he gets the immediate benefit of looking tough and appeasing his base without the messiness of having to maintain a genuine war-footing against Washington. The courts will continue the battle he started while the invasion rolls on.
If Texas wins, Abbott is a hero and will get a chapter in history books right after Sam Houston. If Texas loses, Abbott can take the high road of having tried while appealing to Texans to vote really super hard because, in the end, we are the party of law and order who respects above all else the divine authority of the Constitution.
A less jaundiced view is that even if this display of defiance is not truly sincere, it is nonetheless a stimulating example for other states. I won’t (yet) call Abbot a leader, but this is in fact a moment that could bolster legislatures, civilian fervor and other governors to flex. A block of states challenging or ignoring federal authority wherever they can during the hay making season of an election year can still advance important ideas. We should encourage every attempt.
The more interesting thing with all this drama is not so much about Texas, but just how many flashpoints there are. There’s no need to unpack them all in detail as they have been the fodder for content for years. You know what’s on the list: war, economic implosion, digital currency, governmental overreach, a Second Amendment crisis, cultural conflict, reaction to the 2024 election, a 9/11 redux, etc.
The Texas showdown, or any combination of these, could spiral. And if you believe that these are all deliberately orchestrated events by “The Big They” who desperately want confrontational chaos so they go full gloves off and crush opposition to bring in technocratic tyranny, then the doomsday clock for America and the West is just seconds away from midnight.
All could certainly be how it unravels. But there is evidence and logic for another scenario that makes a lot of sense as well: to just keep this pot on a slow boil. No grand event, no crisis, just wars and rumors of wars all carefully calibrated to ding and weaken personal liberty and autonomy, economic vitality and options, and the phased dissolution of international borders. This is a significantly more desirable and easily controlled path for those that rule. The Antichrist isn’t going to be a hairy beast, but a lisping ponce in a $2,000 suit with the ability to make life easy for you with digital currency, UBI, brain chips, and personalized AI driven entertainment. Satanic dominion will be soothing and appealing.
For people paying attention, it makes sense that we not so secretly long for final conflict.
The Desire For This All To End
“What people really fear is not that the bomb will fall but that the bomb will not fall.”
Walker Percy
If I had to bet, I’d wager that a large majority of people are tired of the demands of First World life. For all the convenience and stability, we’re bored and anxious. For decades, survey after survey reveals that about 70% of people don’t like the work they do. When asked what they’d do with financial freedom, one of the top answers is always, move to the country and live a simpler life.
The reality is that for generations, the noise, banality, and pace of life is fatiguing. Finding work-related purpose is a rare thing. Young smart men in particular are opting out of white-collar paths, demoralized and terrified of life in a service industry or a hyper-specialized monotonous role in a woke tech company. The military isn’t even an option anymore.
Our churches are irrelevant, diluted and boring… young people are checking out in record numbers.
State propaganda about aliens, EMPs, looming solar or environmental catastrophes, even if dismissed, takes its intended toll.
Grinding immorality robs people of the mystery and appropriate allure of what sex was intended to be with the idea of marriage and family losing meaning.
Add to this uncertainty of the future of national, economic, and social order with the largest global migrations in human history and it would be odd indeed not to hope for a dramatic clash that settles this once and for all. If it sets the clock back to 1860, that would be just fine.
I’ve had the Amish as my closest neighbors and friends for nearly 20 years. Their lives are certainly not without struggle and hardship, but knowing what I know now, I’d, at the very least, tell my 18-year-old self to seriously consider fleeing to the fields and to live like them.
I don’t know what happens with Texas, the South, the world. I only know I have no ability to influence it but can make a difference in a 10-mile radius of where I live.
What does bring me peace is that I’m reminded ever more strongly that we have no earthly home. While we’re obligated to fight the good fight before us, we better not forget how we conduct ourselves matters and what the point of the race is about in the first place.
Give ’em hell Abbott, but in the meantime, I have family, vines, and animals that I need to tend to.

‘Cause down in Alabama, you can run, but you sure can’t hide.
Texas cannot win this. All the statute and constitutional laws are against Abbott. Biden will most likely, maybe this week, federalize the Texas National Guard, and order it to remove the razor wire. If the Guard refuses, its officers will be tried for mutiny, convicted, and sent to Leavenworth prison. There will be no response a la the Bundy ranch.
That is a VERY pessimistic assumption, Mister Sykes. It all depends on WHO will dare arrest the supposed ‘mutineers’ for sending them to trial, and convict them, and lock them in Leavenworth prison. Will that task be done by the increasingly inefficient Army of the United States ?
The opposite scenario is not out of possibility: A growing insurrection in several States of the so-called ‘United States’. About twenty States have already declared their support to the Government of the sovereign State of Texas, and very probably other States will follow suit.
We may well see a situation similar to that of 1861, nothing less than a rebirth of the Confederate States of America, now with Texas taking the lead instead of South Carolina. We have more resources than we had in 1861 for the SUCCESS of an all-out War of Independence, therefore the prospects of Final Victory against the damned Yankees look promising.
Burning the ugly flag of the hateful United States, installing the Lone Star or the Blood Stained Banner in its place, being recognised by the World as a separate nation, and sending the odious United States to the HELL where they rightfully belong, is now the goal of every Dixie Patriot.
Sooner or later, the Yankee Empire will be thrown into the garbage of History. It is our Sacred Duty to accelerate that unavoidable destruction.
For the future of the White Race, for Confederate Independence,
Dixieland for ever !
CSS Dixieland
With all due respect, you couldn’t be more wrong.
That quote perfectly matches my mood after seeing all I love destroyed the entirety of my life,I fear that this evil entity will not be brought down.I wait for God to crush it all.But His will is what must be hoped for.My personal wish is that all our glorious White ancestors built should not continue to fatten the Jews and be enjoyed by the darkies.Let it all burn,and it surely won’t bother me.Great article and the quote perfectly summed up what I know so many feel.Walker Percy was indeed a perceptive chap.My prayer is that all of those Whites who still have pride in their race and heritage will have God’s shield over them as events unfold.
My Dixie state governor wrote a nice memo of support too.
Meanwhile there are hordes of illegals pouring in here as there have been for years.
Somehow they all have jobs and homes and cars and their kids, a lot of which are now “Americans” by nature of their parents thievery granting them birthright that is an abomination on its own accord but fails to garner the attention it warrants from Texas or anywhere else.
Until the economic incentives and social posture is changed for good none of this theater at the “border” matters.
The illegals here work in the fields and the chicken houses and all types of construction that the whites love as their fiat wealth swells with in-migration from blue states.
It is politically impossible to roll back the gibs and institutionalized incentives of “a better life” and so they won’t.
They merely debate which pork barrel gets the fedbucks in the next round of defacto legalizing invaders and codifying more incentives for “legal” immigration.
Whites are too afraid of being racist and don’t want to give up any of their nice things. And the wreckage of the past 50 years of globalism is plain to see as white kids wont work so the Mexicans and others are “necessary” to Our Economy, which is all we have left of a Nation and what is already post-national, global and foreign run.
Instead of going down to Texas people in their own home towns can go down to Home Depot or the DMV or the other handouts and NGO operations and make signs and tell the invaders to their face they are not welcome here. But that’s the kind of will and icky racist stuff that Good blank-slate American People won’t do.
Then there’s the small problem of demographics. Texas is 40% white. The younger cohorts less so. What was it in 1900? We are post-globalism. The “state” lines are near meaningless. The multiculti melting pot was a self-fulfilling prophecy. The reality of the demos must be part of the discussion.
Expecting your “government” to do have the will that the people do not is just theater. Cowardice just like the voting nonsense and the economic nonsense and the Covid nonsense and whatever comes next.
Build your faith and your family and your traditions. Your seed house for when it all burns you can plant in the ashes.
Lamar, this is probably the finest articles I’ve read in a long time. ( hat tip )