Saving the World

Black women are America’s most capable demographic. They can do so much more than just working at a fast-food drive through and pulling out a pistol to shoot irate customers. For example, a black woman is capable of prosecuting a former president to prevent him from running in an upcoming election.

This is called “saving the world,” and it’s a vital mission when our democracy is imperiled by a candidate who received the most votes of any incumbent in U.S. history in the previous election. Probably only a black woman has what it takes to bring this tyrant down.

We cannot expect black women to be perfect and save the world“- what a touching reminder.

It requires the expertise of a black woman to retain excellent outside counsel at reasonable rates. In this case, Fani Willis used her expertise about her married lover to hire him for only around $600,000 grand thus far. He’s been working so hard that he billed taxpayers 24 hours for his first day on the case. That’s quite impressive. What a bargain for our democracy.

You’re probably not surprised, but black women excel at academics as well. That’s why they serve at schools across the nation, often at the esteemed rank of dean, as diversity leaders. Professors wouldn’t be able to teach and conduct their research without emails about their White privilege.

This is a much more complicated task than simply regurgitating boilerplate nonsense to harass people who actually produce things of intellectual merit. That’s why it’s mostly black women in these positions and pretty much never White men. Our former First Lady Michelle Obama did this sort of work, and she was probably the smartest one we ever had.

It’s very important that White people get these emails, otherwise they wouldn’t know about their privilege. This is also the value of the emails. I actually didn’t know about my privilege until I read about it in one of the dozens of business emails I receive on a daily basis.

If you’re still not aware of your White privilege, walk into your CEO’s office and demand he hire a black woman to send everyone emails right away. Don’t even wait to finish your coffee, go do it immediately.

People love getting emails on the job and they always read every single one of them. I really can’t emphasize enough the importance of this work that black women are doing.

Some Americans are behind the times and thus incapable of appreciating the capabilities of black women. That’s a shame because we can see the results they produce everywhere around us. Sometimes, they fall out of the sky to give us a reminder of the sheer competence of a black woman. It almost feels like a divine message.

What the hell would he know about this stuff?

I was reading this morning that the Russian economy has basically reached full employment through a dramatic expansion of manufacturing, and their commercial aviation sector is now delivering around 500 aircraft per year. Their biggest problem is getting enough workers. Do you want the Ruskies to try and poach our black women for their factories and arctic oil rigs? We really need to show them greater appreciation.

America used to be much less diverse, so we must’ve had one hell of a competence crisis. I can’t remember much about the past since I started consuming lots of edible marijuana and taking Xanax. Joe Rogan told me to do it, I’m pretty sure he told me specifically. I’m a bit hazy today.

This Musk dude comes across as unhinged sometimes, but he does have a point about the competence crisis. According to my understanding, and again as a White male I’m not able to comprehend this stuff as well as a black woman, diversity is the same thing as competence. Therefore, in order to conduct any process with greater competence, greater diversity is required. If we can’t diversify, we won’t have a better future. The logic seems quite sound.

I’m really grateful to have received some cursory education in a field which is as complex and fascinating as it is important. In the past, I’d find myself wondering what the hell those black women tending to the diversity of their organizations did all day, now I realize it’s probably over my head.

I used to work abroad for foreign companies that didn’t have any diversity focus whatsoever, it never got brought up. They wouldn’t even ask your race on an application. In hindsight, I don’t even know how these companies made it from one day to the next.

I was once of the opinion that this entire class of professionals were essentially worthless imbeciles-made-commissars who did nothing of real value and, if gotten rid of, could eliminate untold billions in waste while actually improving the productivity and the quality of life wherever they would be absent. Fortunately, I’ve reformed my ignorance and backwards thinking. I’m embarrassed to admit, but I think it might actually have been racist.

In the service of diversity, the government is pushing to hire more personnel with “severe intellectual” and “psychiatric” disabilities. I guess this implies that as White man, if you could be a character from the Mad Max films, you’ll still be able to get hired in America. Alright, fine.

I find this vastly preferable to becoming a tranny. That used to be the best employability upgrade to which a White man could aspire. Honestly, it was way too much for me. I couldn’t even bring myself to check the box for gay on applications. This is why I’ve stuck to catching dogs for a living.

Crazy though, I’m already most of the way there. I’ve been writing articles about how everyone is going to perish in a collapse, cannibalism, anally-probed as a system loyalty test, nuclear annihilation, demonic activity, various occasions people have threatened to kill me, the arrival of the anti-Christ, the terror they will feel during the apocalyptic mayhem, Satanic Jewish blood rituals, being executed in a FEMA camp, kids in cabinets, et fuckin’ cetera, for years now.

Any potential employer can have HR go online to read these articles right here at our publication and then check my pages at the SPLC and ADL. They will surely concur as to my insanity, and then I’ll be hired. Maybe there’s a future for me after all as a CEO or government official. I’m actually feeling quite optimistic, I think I’ll have some more marijuana gummy bears.

Oh, I believe it all.


  1. I’m greatly encouraged also. I can finally check one of the boxes on my next job application. I’ll grant that I’m old and white, but I have severe mental and psychological disabilities that make me an avid Identity Dixie reader. Hire me!

  2. Of course the most intelligent black woman of all – Ms Harris – will be Yankee Empire President before the year is up.

  3. Damn. I had hoped to qualify for an early retirement and social security disability payments on the grounds of being a certified psychopath suffering from negro fatigue. I guess I’ll have to keep working now.

  4. Is there a twerking proficiency evaluation to be met? I mean, daddy got no back, but to cast me out seems somewhat discriminatory. Oh,wait I know. I’ll identify as both a BW and a master twerkcheekbouncybaby. Boo ya!

  5. I just read Vonnegut’s ‘Harrison Bergeron’, c 1961 — a free online download. It’s a very short 6 pages. The guy was downright prophetic!

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