
Israel has ordered the northern population of the Gaza Strip to evacuate south across a line of wetlands towards the end of the Strip which borders Egypt. This is rather than vetting them through the northern crossing into camps set up in Israel or simply not leveling their homes in the first place.

Either option would make far more sense from a humanitarian perspective, which Jews aren’t capable of appreciating. Still, it’s worth cynically noting alternative courses of action in order to point out that this doesn’t need to happen.

The obvious, but unstated, Israeli plan is to clear the north first, foment a humanitarian crisis by cramming them all into the south without electricity and then to clear the south through the Rafah crossing into Egypt. Supplies are being let in, probably the optics of suddenly starving them all in real-time got to be too much. Once the ground is taken, the Palestinians are never coming back. Same old playbook.

The Egyptians knew this ethnic cleansing maneuver was coming. They’ve refused to allow the Palestinians out and have been fortifying the southern border of the Gaza Strip. It seems like a larger crisis could be inbound. First, in order to make sure the Palestinians stay pushed back beyond this line of wetlands, the IDF would have to clear the northern portion of Gaza and then establish a security perimeter essentially bisecting the Strip.

This involves entering the Strip, which Iran and Hezbollah have stated will be a red line for intervention. Even Biden appears against such a move, but his administration doesn’t have the best relationship with Netanyahu and the types of Jews in his coalition. The IDF would be trying to fight through a Hamas version of Stalingrad and most of these mobilized cosmopolitan conscripts, who comprise the bulk of its forces, don’t have adequate training or commitment to sacrifice themselves.

One thing about the Jews is that they have no qualms about killing enormous numbers of people. In fact, that’s really what they’re all about. When it comes to a proxy wars, most recently the GWOT and Ukraine, they’re really effective. Likewise with bombs from jets under no threat whatsoever. But, when they have to do this up close and personal themselves and at great scale, not so much.

It doesn’t take a military genius to see that once Israel is mired in Gaza, this is the perfect time and justification for Hezbollah to take action. In contrast to the Patriot AA system, Israel’s Iron Dome is designed to engage rocket barrages. It doesn’t appear to work much better, though. AA missiles are programmed to explode if they don’t find targets, so they don’t turn into bombs for the area they were meant to protect. Israelis look up and see lots of explosions but that doesn’t mean anything is being hit.

Gaza is a giant open-air prison. Projectiles are clandestinely manufactured by Hamas under very serious logistical constraints. I’ve seen one video where they managed to make them out of salvaged pipes. Explosives produced under these conditions won’t deliver the same punch as what gets produced in a modern facility, either.

This isn’t the case for the Iranian manufacturing that supplies Hezbollah. They’ve proven themselves capable of producing quite sophisticated missiles and drones. Moreover, this is all done in mountain complexes that aren’t any easier to hit than the military production cities deep in Russia. They could find themselves in serious ground combat on two fronts while important infrastructure and other targets are hit by modern missiles and drones.

A bit of context: the IDF lost to Hezbollah back in 2006, before all of these drones and missiles existed to level the playing field. Hamas was able to inflict significant losses in the recent fighting, including tanks. The sort of hurting Hezbollah could inflict while the IDF battles Hamas among the rubble of Gaza would be higher by orders of magnitude. What happens if Iran is pounding Israel with precision missile strikes as well? They might be content to limiting their participation to support for Hezbollah in hopes of keeping the situation contained, but it’s a wild scenario.

Israel is the only country in the Middle East with nukes, so “exchange” isn’t an appropriate term.

It’s not hard to see how the bloodthirsty genocidal desires of Netanyahu’s coalition could push Israel into a nightmare scenario. This is why we see so much talk now of the “Samson Option” to basically nuke important non-combatants if the existence of Israel is threatened. So, for example, while Moscow doesn’t oppose the existence of Israel, the threat to nuke such municipalities remains.

Israel stole nuclear technology from the U.S. decades ago to create this unofficial threat against the world. This a big reason why Russia and China don’t want a war, just restraint and a two-state solution. It’s quite likely President Kennedy’s opposition to Israel’s acquisition of nukes contributed to the decision to have him assassinated.

The key problem here is the Jews. Some parties, such as Russia and China, only want compromise. Others, such as Iran and Hezbollah, are willing to compromise under the right circumstances. Jews as a collective, however, simply can’t concede the humanity of the Palestinians.

Moreover, sovereign states are allowed to form militaries for their defense, and to buy weapon systems for these militaries. What if a benefactor of this new Palestinian state, such as Qatar, splashes down on some relatively cheap Russian stuff, like Pantsir AA batteries or Iran decides to provide heavier duty hardware? Well, now the Israelis can’t just bomb their neighbors at will. That’s not good news for the Greater Israel project.

In other words, the fundamental, good faith compromise to calm this crisis down and reach some lasting practical settlement inexorably involves allowing Palestinians their own state. This is impossible for Jews to concede. So, unless Palestinians are willing to be expelled or killed and their fellow Muslims are fine with it, conflict is inevitable even if this doesn’t turn out to be the big one.

Jews would never allow Palestinians their own state any more than they’d allow us to take our own side or discuss them honestly. They’re intransigent on matters of existential importance for every other group on this planet.

That’s not a coincidence since, as a matter of emotional disposition and religious doctrine, they have a right to exterminate or enslave everybody else. This “human animal” term Israeli officials now use openly is a public admission of this belief. That’s also you and everyone you love, but they’re most worked up about the Palestinians at the moment.

If you oppose their divine right, it makes Jews angry but even if you just have a healthy, normal White Christian family it still makes them angry. So, we’ve got to get past what Jews want and their misguided emotions in order to focus on what everybody else needs.


  1. Yep! Generally speaking, they do have a Hate Complex. And the old Synagogue of Satan is rearing its head again today. Of course, it’s never very long before it rears its head. Prayer and fasting time, friends.

  2. We shall see about the threatened nuclear strike. Personally, I’m not particularly concerned because the “nukes” are BS propaganda — there aren’t any nuclear weapons.

    The Jews find themselves painted into a corner. Which makes for a very dicey situation. The fanatics can’t lose face and back down. The IDF is probably not the army of Moshe Dayan. We shall see if this is Armageddon.

  3. The situation in Palestine has gotten me down and disillusioned. So many of our fellow Christian Southerners have sided with the Israelis that now I fear that there may be a Civil War between the SEC West and the SEC East. Our Catholic founded and influenced Delta and Gulf Coastal States have become divided from the Evangelical settled and influenced Mountain and Atlantic States who support Israel. A Balkanization of The Confederacy seems to be inevitable as our religious and political differences have become irreconcilable. While I most certainly do not support Muslims, I remain forever hostile to The Union and their Zionist Empire. Deo Vindice.

    1. You make me feel like a lonely Protestant indeed, for I most definitely DO NOT support Israel OR the Union host who funds them! Most of those even in my immediately family are brainwashed by FOX NEWS.

  4. I see many Baptist churches flying the Israeli fag. I see many house with large signs in their yards proclaiming”This house stands with Israel.” If only the White South Africans had that support going for the in the South back in the day.

  5. In my area, there was a clash recently, muslims, jews and cops. They might all be green men from Mars to me.

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