You, the currently alive reproduction-capable human being, are the problem to be solved. So, when our long deceased forebearers are vilified, please bear in mind the primary point of this tactic is the de-legitimization of our collective identity, and thus your personal existence and that of whatever children our enemies hope you don’t bring into this world, which they believe that they have the right to “heal” of us.
Our adversaries are not specific to the South, which is a pretty simple paradigm well-understood across the geography of the rightwing dissident spectrum. This is one reason our humble publication interests readers from all over, including internationally, and not just from our specific geography.
Thus, our situation relates to fake Indian mass murder graves in Canada, churches getting set on fire in Argentina, or black Vikings on Swedish television, for example. These are specific instances of a broader assault, so everyone of European descent can relate on this level.
There’s no compromise to be made on these matters; however, in the complacent conservative mind, which doesn’t identify himself personally as the target, one must “go along to get along.” Therefore, instead of one of the various Confederate flags, the Gadsden flag will suffice as a symbol of personal affiliation with the American pioneer, both militant and incalcitrant in mentality. It looks cool, too. I’ve got one hanging up in the same spot as my Confederate collection.
So, they thought this was an okay substitute for Confederate symbols without understanding the principles outlined above. However, even a white shitlib understands the maneuver the complacent conservative is trying to pull off and won’t allow it. The shitlib understands that this is an identity symbol of resistance to the modern miasma, which the shitlib views as culminating morality, even if this resistance is only to electric car mandates or something else non-racial in terms of public admission.
I can’t tell you how many guys I know who’d hang a Confederate flag in their garage or put a sticker on their beer bong table a decade ago. They wouldn’t be caught dead with one now, even though their private outlook hasn’t changed. Our persecutors understand this furtive withholding of obeisance.
The clip above shows a psycho shitlib school administrator having a struggle session with a 12-year-old and his mom while an American flag hangs overhead. Of course, both flags have the same origins, but the Gadsden is more specific to Heritage Americans at present, even though at the time of their mutual inception there wouldn’t be much of anything to differentiate the represented demographics.
The complacent conservative mind naturally asks that on these grounds, what’s to stop the abolition of the American flag? If that can fly, why can’t he have the Gadsden? Why is the Ottoman flag not banned? They had more African slaves than we did, much more brutally and much longer. Anybody can become American and fly their traditional flag, right? SMH.
You poor, stupid assholes. You can’t have the Gadsden because it represents you, that’s it. There’s no objective moral ontology to examine. Nothing but a relatively short stretch of time stands between now and the abolition of the American flag and probably all other European flags as well. That’s why our various Christian religions are perverting into global LGBTQ+ and these flags are everywhere and constantly evolving.
When the Universal F** Flag is unveiled, probably after CBDCs are introduced following another contrived crisis, it’s unclear what it will look like in final form. I’m pretty sure the rainbow element is guarantied as it’s the symbol of the Noahide Laws. Why do you think we’re in the midst of an escalating global confrontation with an emerging power bloc independent of this evil insanity?
It’s all so tiresome, but we’ve got to stick at it. This is the sort of issue that keeps the newcomers coming.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
Your article is right on point!
Funny you should mention this flag stuff. The recent Florida shooter supposedly had a Rhodesian flag. A lot of people in some edgier normie circles, such as these gun-bro YouTube channels that are obsessed with FAL’s and Rhodesian brushstroke memes, still brandish it at times.
I’m a White South African. Old flags like the the Transvaal vier-kleur (Transvaal four-color) and the old South African national flag have an ability to turn our oppressors apoplectic at the sight of it. Interesting that I am also starting to see more and more Transvaal vier-kleur flags stuck on the tailgates of pick-up trucks these days.
Didn’t “Siener” Van Rensburg say “Ek sien die vierkleur wapper weer”?
I took the Gadsen flag to a flag and banner store and asked them to create a different version with a bright blue (not ugly federal navy blue) background with a white snake and the motto “DON’T TREAD ON US” (Instead of Don’t tread on me) If I.D. can let me know their e mail, I can send a picture of it.