Stop Feedin’ Us!

I once found myself at my local Walmart. It’s a grim spectacle even in broad daylight, which is the only real safe time to shop at this particular location. This was before the inflation got really bad, because I don’t shop there often. Anyways, I had to purchase a combination of items that only Walmart would offer at the same location. In the interest of efficiency, I decided to pick up dinner as well.

So, I bought a pork loin and bags of carrots, onions, and potatoes. I grilled them all up with olive oil and dry seasonings we already had at home. An ample, nutritious meal for a family of four that cost around 12 dollars. There’s plenty of healthy food to buy at Walmart. Do you know what else it has plenty of? Black customers. To accommodate this demographic, there are endless aisles of soda and other poisons, and you can feel free to abandon your cart in these aisles without fear of being reproached by the staff.

If you make the right decisions, it’s not hard or particularly expensive to eat relatively healthy in America. Compared to the processed garbage on offer, even getting really broke and going on a rice and beans diet is a far better option. They’re sold in large, dried quantities.

For most Americans, there’s certainly a learning curve on what to eat. Even as far back as I can remember in the 80s, kids were bombarded with sugary processed corn garbage marketed as “part of this complete breakfast” cereals, along with all manner of other Frankenstein slop and just assumed it was normal. Even if your parents were really into nutrition, that sweet stuff still looks better to a kid than real food.

It seems pretty much lost on a vast swathe of White America just how thin they could stay if they simply did the following: don’t drink any sugar, ever. If you eat something sweet, just do fruit. Don’t eat processed foods. For some stuff, don’t get bogged down unless you’re a zealot and that’s your thing. For instance, if you go to a (non fast food) restaurant and get a hamburger, enjoy the ketchup with your fries despite the sugar content.

Depending on how old you are and how much physical activity you do for work, along with your current body fat percentage, maybe eliminate a meal or even two each day. For instance, I just wake up and start pounding black coffee and get on with my agenda. Eating is for later; I don’t even feel hungry for breakfast. It’s not part of my schedule.

The problem is that this country is afflicted with a particularly troublesome demographic. This one isn’t mentally or spiritually equipped to make good choices. So, when presented with bad options, they’ll often choose accordingly and then wonder how cinder blocks plunge out of the sky onto their heads. By the same dysfunction, they’ll believe that White people are responsible for their obesity. That’s true in the sense that we heavily subsidize their diets with our tax dollars. However, we don’t make choices about what food to purchase with our tax dollars for them.

The “food deserts” are due to the fact that they steal so much; a grocery store, where it’s hard to monitor everything, loses massive amounts of money and they’re stuck with Koreans behind bulletproof glass. But these aren’t real deserts, which can cover vast geography. It just means they might have to walk or bicycle a mile to another store without any vultures circling overhead. Many also have cars and access to public transportation, which is now essentially free. I have zero sympathy.

If we’re killing them in droves, why wouldn’t we be fatting them up for the kill? That explains all the money we spend on their medical care, right? In the video above, we can observe a belligerent behemoth excoriating racism for why diets don’t work the same for black women.

Sure, actually they don’t. Whites and blacks are biologically rather distinct, but that doesn’t mean her soda and Cheeto diet would work for Karen, either. I’ve made this point many times, but when you give them free stuff, privileges, and the right to transgress the law with impunity, all you receive in return is resentment.

I remember reading a jolly account of a former slave on the diet she ate as a child taken as part of a project in the 1930s. I don’t have the book in front of me, but it was something like, “We sho’ ates good in dem days. Coons, possums, cone’ cakes erry mornin‘.” I’m not saying bringing them here for slavery was a smart idea. What I’m saying is that this country can never be accused of denying them nutrition or even really mistreatment in the broader context of the planet.

When the future William IV visited North America as an expendable younger son, he noted that the slaves had better diets and living conditions than impoverished residents of the Scottish Highlands. Sure, they were slaves but most of the world wasn’t living under voluntary arrangements, either. Much of Eastern Europe lived under serfdom, for example.

Compared to what happened under the Turks, Arabs, and their fellow Africans, slaves in North America were downright lucky. The same slave ships and packing methods that brought them here transported whites all the way from Britain to Australia, which is like three times the distance. This, like all that preceded it, was not a gentle age. If a White sailor (many of whom were abducted off the streets) talked back to an officer, he’d be flogged worse than a slave picking cotton. The whole notion of black suffering is nonsense.

It’s exasperating that blacks constantly make bad, stupid decisions while blaming Whites for the results when Whites gave them the information, preferential treatment, and subsidies to make good decisions. They’re not equipped to make these good decisions and we’re stuck with the blame when we did our best to facilitate optimal outcomes that aren’t possible without coercion. Ethnic nationalism is really the only solution for a sustainable nation.


  1. The Romans claimed that civilization is ever only three missed meals away from anarchy. When the supply chains break down and/or the ebt cards don’t work anymore the cities will become chaotic like New Orleans after Katrina. Neither morality nor legality will mean anything. The primitives will go wherever they please, take whatever they want and kill whomever get in their way. Then, the national guard and first responders will confiscate the law abiding citizens’ firearms and proceed to loot the defenseless cities. Have a nice day.

  2. I stayed for Katrina to defend my business and property from looters as I have for every hurricane since Betsy when I was 6 or 7 years old. Make note that to do so means to be prepared for a sector of society that does not have to adjust to the loss of electricity, the loss of staples and fuel and the loss of most community members for several weeks if not a month or so. On the other hand, the looters go immediately into raider mode, as they practice daily in their enclaves. They are pre-established as proficient auto thieves, retail store looters and home invaders. They torch what they don’t steal and move like roving banshees. We armed ourselves, teamed up with what law enforcement was available and kept 24 hour lookout for intruders. They were observed in pick-up truck full bands, offloading at auto dealerships, hot wiring cars and attempting to ram through the landscaping with the stolen new cars in order to have transportation to reek havoc in an every growing outward direction. Shopping malls were looted and burned and when the bands of thieves broke into adjacent homes, the mall contents were left in the homes to allow the roving bands of thieves more carrying capacity to make off with the contents of the invaded homes. They are more motivated to steal valuables than food, as food is readily available at multiple civil distributors. They are basically beyond their ability to control their innate impulses and are not limited to civilians. New Orleans experienced LE officers 100 miles the city in stolen Corvettes. We traded ammunition with our local sheriffs and supplied them with whatever we had to keep them on guard. In return we didn’t have to shoot to defend ourselves from the bands of looters preying on the abandoned parts of the city, some did. They were persecuted and the looters were ignored. Word to the wise, vet your local government in advance.

  3. From the O.P.:

    I remember reading a jolly account of a former slave on the diet she ate as a child taken as part of a project in the 1930s. I donā€™t have the book in front of me, but it was something like, ā€œWe shoā€™ ates good in dem days. Coons, possums, coneā€™ cakes erry morninā€˜.ā€ Iā€™m not saying bringing them here for slavery was a smart idea. What Iā€™m saying is that this country can never be accused of denying them nutrition or even really mistreatment in the broader context of the planet.

    You might be referring to Millie Barber’s interview as part of the 1930s project you mention. I wrote about it here and included the link to her interview in the article. Here is what Millie said of the rations southern blacks received under slavery:

    …and plenty to eat, sich as it was. Us never git butter or sweet milk or coffee. Dat was for de white folks but in de summer time, I minds de flies off de table wid the peafowl feather brush and eat in de kitchen just what de white folks eat; them was very good eatin’s I’s here for to tell you. All de old slaves and them dat worked in de field, got rations and de chillun were fed at de kitchen out-house. What did they git? I ‘members they got peas, hog meat, corn bread, ‘lasses, and buttermilk on Sunday, then they got greens, turnips, taters, shallots, collards, and beans through de week. They were kept fat on them kind of rations.

    Here is the link to my article above-mentioned:

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