New Year’s Glow

One of the definitive possibilities emerging for 2023 is World War 3. There’s really no scenario by which this turns out well for anyone involved. I’d actually prefer the nuclear option since it would be over really quick, while any conventional conflict would involve the crippling of critical infrastructure leading to most of us suffering a far more unpleasant demise over a protracted timeline. That’s how I learned to love the bomb.

It’s important to understand that the people in charge want certain things and won’t back down from trying to get these things, such as world domination and ownership of everything and everyone as promised by the Talmud. Russia and China are the critical obstructions to this project, so they have to go. Putin at this point is saying that Russia is locked in a struggle with “a global Satanic order,” whereas the Chinese position is more like “What in the hell is wrong with you people?!” But, they’ve both announced their resolve to fight this stuff to the death so that must be nice if you’re from one of those countries.

Here in America, they’ve created a system by which power is ostensibly held by the most worthless and contemptible pieces of human filth they can dredge up. For example, Lindsey Graham, a bloodthirsty homosexual who will do whatever it is they tell him. Surely his soul will burn in the fires of Hell, but right now he’s still in Congress doing his best to shepherd our country into destruction. He’s in good company with scumbags like Rep. Adam Kinzinger who breaks down sobbing from the assault on our democracy two years ago.

While not formally codified, this system weeds out anyone with a moral compass, the capacity for reason, and a willingness to speak the truth. Anybody like this has no chance in political office, the media, the military, or academia. In other words, this is a system deliberately designed to careen towards disaster, although those who’ve imposed it on us can’t grasp the obvious. It can’t even reconcile its goals, such as global domination while persecuting white males thus gutting the combat force of the U.S. military.

Everybody parsed through this system just goes along with the agenda no matter how insane it gets. In the blink of an eye, we go from gay marriage and Afghanistan to child trannies and a colossal war on the doorstep of Russia, which has promised to nuke us if things don’t go its way. Recognizing this inexorable logic, one appreciates future actions of this system that can’t be ruled out on the basis of reckless stupidity.

If the big one gets kicked off, it will probably be a false flag incident within Ukraine, or a conflict instigated in Kosovo. The local Serbs have erected fortifications in anticipation of an assault against them by the NATO-imposed government. NATO is demanding they be dismantled, presumably so its proxy can just go in there and kill them while Serbia impotently stands by. That’s similar to what they demanded from the Russians in Ukraine. The “chutzpah” is truly astonishing.

NATO has invested pretty much everything into breaking up the Russian Federation, from the economy of Europe to most of its stockpiled weapons and munitions. Even if Ukraine was capable of keeping up this fight, the military industrial capacity doesn’t exist to keep them supplied. This is not the kind of war that the United States or NATO is designed to fight. Those are always limited, one-sided affairs. Iraq wasn’t anything close to the scale of what’s going on right now.

This year, the U.S. alone has dumped around 100 billion into the catastrophe, while Russia’s entire defense budget is only around 65 billion and windfall energy profits, created by sanctions driving up prices, cover the cost of the whole operation. They’re fundamentally a land power geared to fight a massive ground war against peer forces in Eastern Europe. Ukrainians, from teenage boys to old men, are being forcibly conscripted and fed to Russian artillery to keep this going, not to win. This is an outrageously senseless slaughter. So why?

Well, it could be that they’re looking for a justification to escalate the situation in order to force the Russians into blinking and bringing their operation to a halt. The media will spin the narrative that Russia was defeated, and Ukraine has been saved while a NATO presence is maintained to revive hostilities at a later date, while they keep hoping in vain that the sanctions will finally implode Russia’s economy. That’s utterly idiotic and sure to end in calamity, but so has everything else since 9/11. It’s the exact same people in charge, so it’s quite possible this could be what gets attempted.

The reason they refuse to negotiate with the Russians is that they don’t have something that scares the Russians to leverage against them yet. At the rate it’s going, Ukraine will collapse, and Russia will achieve all of its objectives. That’s why we get this cokehead clown Zelensky declaring that the only thing he’s willing to concede is that Putin won’t be executed without a trial once he’s handed over following Russia’s surrender.

One must recognize that these people who got us into this mess are evil, as in the literal children of the devil. Christ had plenty of things to point out, but that’s probably the most relevant to the current situation. That’s the only way to explain why anyone in the establishment would conclude that starting a war in Ukraine to destroy the Russian Federation was a feasible proposition or their track record of abject failure going back over 20 years. None of these objectives were formulated for rational reasons.

The good news is that unless you have a remote bunker complex, you’re pretty screwed so there’s no point in fretting too much about it.

“They” don’t celebrate Christmas.


  1. Lets for practical purposes make a list of current developments that do and don’t make Americans fear destruction of the US.
    Do’s Don’ts

    The advent of “tactical” nukes Iran
    Collapse of FTX Democrats Feasting on FTX Stolen Funds
    Weaponizing of Government Institutions Preamble to the US Constitution
    Decoupling for the US Petrodollar Gold, Silver, Lead

  2. The most important question: Because of Strategic miscalculation on the part of the United States and combined West and I’m talking about catastrophic miscalculation, are we going to live to see December of 2023?

  3. When Russia starts marching its 300k soldiers across the border into the Ukraine early 2023 things are gonna get lit.

    Its really crazy how current Western leaders don’t see the parallels between USA-Ukraine and Russia-Afghanistan, but I guess that’s what “pride cometh before the fall” means.

    Alex Jones was right: the architects who came up with the New World Order were very smart, but the current iteration of NWO leaders are just spoiled and senile rich kids who inherited all their wealth and status… and thank God for that!

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