Our Free South Myth

Some time ago, I listened to two men debate, each trying to win an argument, neither was yielding. Each got angry, each got personal, but no one swayed the other, nor convinced the two camps in the audience. It was pointless, all parties were entrenched in their particular ideology. This got me thinking about the energy in myth. 

The myth is an inexhaustible power among men, civilized or not. All of us live by some sort of myth, knowingly or not. Simply defined, a myth is an ancient origin story, a heroic legend full of heroes and villains, perhaps a complete fiction, or a worldview based on the aforementioned. If it translates into a big enough life narrative, and acted upon, the power can be explosive!

In the present age, devoid of actual culturally palatable heroes, and in an ever polarized and declining civilization, we are fed manufactured myths through the conduit of media. Americans binge on replacement heroes and acceptable narratives to pacify, while the powerful march ahead transforming the world. Remember, power is displayed in action. And, so long as you are inactive, you are insignificant. 

Modern myths include, but are not limited to, Harry Potter, Game of Thrones, Peaky Blinders, Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, DC comic movies, an infinite number of Marvel blockbuster superhero movies and television series, not the mention Star Wars, Star Trek, anime, Halo, World of Warcraft, sports, etc. You know people who live out their lives based on the particular mythology for which they have a taste. They become warring “mytheologians,” vexed on destroying all those who do not love their vapid myth with the same passion as do they. Death to the heretics!

But, there are real players, not distracted by present fads, and depending on your perspective, you might see them as heroes or villains. Mohammedans, Jews, and globalists have myths they live by, systems by which they ultimately intend to dominate. There is no shame in them working tirelessly to fulfill their desired destiny, it’s what serious adherents to a worldview, a myth, do.

Now, before you get offended or completely enraged, as if someone just put sugar in your grits, or slighted your favorite SEC football team, sit down, throw back a cold one and reflect a minute. You are content and power abhors a vacuum of contentment. For centuries, Christianity ruled and the narrative of Western Man ruled. More importantly for us, and our Southern culture, the South was bathed in this myth, and Dixians were active in the true myth of Christ and His kingdom. 

“Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven,” so our Lord’s perfect prayer goes and our European forefathers took seriously. They spread Christianity all over the globe by preaching the Word of God, and by righteous conquest. Christ was (is) King and all others must submit to His rule. It was not just spiritual, but a system of government, culture, and economy, infused with Christendom’s theological perspective. Although the iteration of that myth was different in each nation, it was all under the authority of the Christian religion.

We are engaged in an eternal battle; understand completely that this is real. There are players that wish to destroy the South, enslave her people to foreign gods, sinful ways of life, and financial systems that cripple you and your family. They would have you desperately hoping for the crumbs off their tables, you never owning anything, nor having a sustainable way to care for your family. Honestly, they prefer if you did not have a family. And, as long as you are complacent and inactive, their narratives proceed according to schedule. 

After reflection, I have determined to live my myth, unashamedly, unapologetically, without equivocation, and with fervor. I will try to bring as many of my Southern brothers and sisters along with me, and already there is great success. However, I will not try to accommodate those that oppose these purposes. Why would I sabotage my mission by allowing other myths to have a foothold in the land of my ancestors. 

So, here is my resolute myth, one that I pray all Southerners will embrace. I will work tirelessly for a free and independent South, fully submitted to the rule of Christ in her religion, her economy, and her purpose on Earth, to live separate but peaceful with all nations that seek the same, securing a future that allows my progeny to live a prosperous life, unmolested by foreign interference, and for the glory of God. 

Deo Vindice!


  1. No argument from me either, other than the use of the term ‘myth’ ; God, His Word and the Word that became flesh are reality, not myth.

    1. Myth can be true, or fiction. We usually mean something that is fanciful, or fictional, but the term can be used to convey truth at an enormous scale. Christ is the true myth, and our continuance of the legend, the mythology of Our Creator and His works among men, and especially our people, is our destiny.

      Thanks for reading and the kind words, everyone.

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