Sex Work Isn’t Real Work

For a brief period of time, there was a great gnashing of teeth with the short-lived news that OnlyFans would ban pornographic content (the company has, not unexpectedly, changed their mind on the ban). To all of us here at Identity Dixie the initial ban was considered great news – pornography is terrible for people, it is not only degenerate but causes physical damage to the mind and rots the soul. There exists videos on the internet where individuals, much more versed on the subject than I, can explain it better.

One of the more fanciful and recent inventions to Weimerican rhetoric has been the subversion, alteration, and subsequent replacement of the word we used to commonly call such reprobates and degenerates – that word is “prostitute.” If someone is spreading their legs for money, they are a whore and also a prostitute (a practice that is only marginally banned today).

The unfunny joke about all of this is that the Left seems to believe they can convince people that pulling down your skirt somehow constitutes “work” – as in, “sex workers.” Rational and moral people certainly understand that this is untrue.

Traditionally, when we think of “work,” the image that comes to mind is something which occupies your mind, physicality, and time. Work is the word for the place (or occupation) you go to earn a living. Notice how I use the word earn, instead of work. I do this intentionally because not all work is created equal nor is it necessarily what one does to earn a living. Charity is volunteer work, yet you do not earn a living off of it unless you are, of course, some morally corrupt NGO of some kind.

While the Left’s “sex worker” ruse may be effective against those who are one fry short of a whole Happy Meal, that is the general theme behind the Left – manipulation and exploitation.

In an interesting twist never before seen in the oldest “institution” of mankind, now they don’t even need to engage in the physical act of fornication. Instead, they can run rackets on charging lonely, unassertive men (and women) to interact with them online. While it is safer than meeting a John in a Love’s parking lot, these prostitute-turned-predators see dollar signs via cyberspace.

Of course, none of this, either being an actual prostitute or online voyeurist for sex-starved cretins, is actual work. It is not being outside all day in 108 degree heat index working a physically demanding job, one that has you on your feet all day and constantly moving. It is not the pains and challenges of being a small business owner. It is not working a second job to ensure that your children have full bellies and clothes for school.

Ultimately, this is what happens when you don’t tell your children “no” enough or discipline them as good parents should. When you spoil them, there are no consequences to the choices they make; thus, they never form the link that the only way to earn a living honorably and respectably is by putting in the work.

This could be your children if you don’t teach them while they’re young. If you don’t, they very well may never learn. Being a responsible parent is the most important job any of us will ever have. Our children are us, and they are our future. That is why, among other reasons, the Left tries to pry them away from us. Protect the innocent and the weak among us – that is one of our mandates as Christians.

“Sex work” is not real work. It is sinful, degrading, and destructive.

God bless you and God bless Dixie.

One comment

  1. Something else that I have recently seen is kids being antagonized at school because other classmates have found their parents only fans page. I can’t imagine the scarring that would cause, visible proof of your parents degenerate behavior

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