The K9 Unit

In a political context, the worst epithet in Chinese translates into English literally as “running dog.” It refers to an unscrupulous person who engages in traitorous actions at the direction of a higher power for his own personal benefit. The analogy is that of an eager dog following his master around for scraps. The CCP is fond of using it on foreign leaders who cause trouble for China at the behest of the USA.

It think it applies here as well. That’s because our tribal plutocrats rely on loyal functionaries, most of whom are ostensibly Christian, from Joe Biden on down to the FBI storm troopers who’ll come for your grandma if she stepped in the capitol building. Their mentality is something to behold.

They believe that stupid scum of the hinterlands who dislike the assigned objectives, and thus their personal complicity in these matters, deserve the worst. Meanwhile, they take a self-congratulatory view of themselves. Exhibit A is one of the neocon’s rabid animals, Michael McFaul:

Right, bro.

I’m sure being a public servant is quite lucrative for his private bank account. The “adoring fans” thing is obviously what he needs to tell himself when someone points out he’s just another hack doing what he’s told, which is of no good to the country he purports to serve. His go-to tactic is attributing all criticism to Russian bots. The lack of creativity is a definitive trait of this breed.

Next is General Hayden, a career spook who endorses torture and the systemic deprivation of our constitutional rights through mass surveillance. He retweets stuff that a hateful cat lady would enjoy after a box of wine:

A rationale comparison.

I used to think that reading papers from think tanks was the best way to figure out who the bombs are going to fall on next. I’m now worried that Twitter is showing us the targets a whole lot easier.

In his mind, this is you.

Scrolling through his feed, one quickly realizes that we’re not being oppressed by our best and brightest. This was a 4 star general who ran the CIA, NSA and was the first Director of National Intelligence. How does one look at the evidence and conclude you’ll die on a ventilator for not getting vaxed? Probably the same way he figured out Saddam had those WMDs.

He dreams of your grandparents dying in agony.

I’m not sure whether I should feel alarmed or enjoy the confirmation bias that if the K9 unit can’t be unleashed to kill us all, then at least it would like to have us deported:

I’d take it seriously.

I’m sure they’d go for it if they got the green light. Then, of course, they’d replace us with violent cave dwellers because that’s the right thing to do:

Somehow, I doubt they’ll end up in his neighborhood.

According to Wikipedia, this guy had a stroke. So, he’s out of commission for whatever campaign is launched against us next. Guys in funny hats can always get themselves another dog, maybe even one that can be trained to do new tricks.

Hopefully some of these new Americans can find employment at Hayden’s nursing home.

No, it’s not.


  1. My biggest take away from this is, that China has great terminology and ours is so garbage we have to steal theirs to come up with terms for people we stare in the face on a daily basis. We say liberal woman, which is a term they call THEMSELVES and was created to make themselves seem legitimate and anti-authoritarian, you give them a win every time you use it, even if it’s libtard, it’s still rooted in a manipulation of words that benefits only them. The Chinese instead say “Biazou” – Blessed Mother of a Bitch, a sarcastic reference to those whose political opinions are perceived as being guided by emotions or a hypocritical show of selflessness and empathy, especially in women.” That is how they describe OUR liberal women, which is to say 100 times better than we do. Using it to describe them is, something that in no way benefits the target, while simultaneously encapsulating their identity and ridiculing them for it. All in one word.

    It is across the board, we accept their unnatural, prefabbed terminology as part of our genuine lexicon, giving them a win every time we talk about it, even if to disagree with it. Civil War, Civil Rights, Homophobic, Xenophobic, Nazi, White Supremacist, even the word racist was developed by a Jewish mass murderer with the express intent to use against us. Every time you have had a conversation about racism, or any other term they developed to blood libel you, well you just lost as soon as you accepted the term, because you just accepted everything encapsulated in it, every premise, every framing, automatically admitting guilt just by accepting the validity of the term.

    Our terminology is absolutely trash. It is so abysmal I watched an SCV “Commander” in an interview with RT literally start off by talking about “racism” and how what happened to the South was not as bad as the “holocaust”. It was the most pathetic and painful thing I have ever witnessed, an absolute embarrassment. No wonder Russia does not even mention us in disagreements with the Yankee empire’s underlings, doing so would only validate their claims of a just occupation. We would make the case against ourselves while they just sat there and watched.

    We must become the curators of our culture and rule with an iron fist. We must accept no foreign terms or framing, ever. We must never allow anyone outside of ourselves dictate our dialect to us. Most importantly, we must develop our own terminology. Calling a traitor who should be publicly hung to death a “scallywag”, as if he just swiped an extra brownie at supper, cute little imp, is an abysmal failure on our part. We must define the Southern lexicon and begin the process of removing all forgien words from it, especially those meant to manipulate us, while instituting a zero tolerance policy, from a cultural preservation standpoint, for their use. Simultaneously we must have the genuine Southern productions of our terminology that we replace them with. If someone says you are homophopic your only response should be, “never heard of them” followed by an abrupt dismissal of the person who said it. Our people must be given the wherewithal to not walk into traps like that and it falls to us to instill that savvy in them.

    Never let the enemy choose the battlefield, terminology sets the frame and the frame is the battlefield. Choose your words wisely and never let someone else choose them for you.

    We must organize and become the curators of our culture, including our language, especially our language, if we hope to survive.

    Organize or die.

  2. Tom I really enjoyed your article as usual.I like that you aren’t timid about naming the Jew as our greatest enemy.I also have to say Michael wrote one of the better comments I’ve seen(and I’ve read tens of thousands I’d guesstimate).You really nailed about how they control us through words.When I say something about the phony Jew run “Civil Rights Movement”I’m always so aware that having to using the lingo that they made up for things limits my argument.People want quick,easy to understand arguments and when I have to explain where the bullshit word racism came from I’ve already lost them.Anyway I am writing down your comment to refer to,thats how good it was.God bless you both and all here.Final victory is already won(and an Earthly one would be a nice extra).Take heart and take care.

    1. Thank you for the compliment sir. I’m glad to hear that you find it useful enough to reference, that is why I wrote it, for us to bolster our arguments and I am humbled that you find some utility in it.

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