This Too Shall Pass?

Last summer we were swimming in the confusion created by the onset of COVID but there was optimism in the unknown. The buzz was still about “herd immunity,” “flattening the curve,” vaccines, and the notion that the economic devastation wrought by the lockdowns would render them impossible to impose again. There was plenty of conjectural evidence to suggest that it was an extraordinary crisis that would pass.

At this point, it’s worth acknowledging that life as we knew it is over. Here are ten quick talking points for thinking about this matter systemically. Do you see cracks where optimism shines through?

1 – If there wasn’t a justifiable reason to start lockdowns outside of the initial outbreak zone in China, why would there ever be a reason to stop, especially since that would be an implicit admission of guilt and incompetence by the establishment?

But the day before, she tweeted……

2 – The vaccines aren’t vaccines. They don’t prevent a disease and thereby eradicate it from the population. Countries with the highest vaccination rates, such as Iceland and Israel, demonstrate this hasn’t become a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.” This CDC broad’s Twitter feed is sufficient for a schizophrenia diagnosis.

3 – There are plenty of letters left in the Greek alphabet, and they could also start combining them like a fraternity moniker to pump up the fear factor.

4 – It’s winter in Australia and they’ve moved into another phase of insane lockdowns. The plutocracy allows Western countries very little leeway for independence in both foreign and domestic policy. If nobody can outright refuse mass migration, then why would we be able to refuse more lockdowns once winter weather rolls in?

5 – When something bad is going to be done to us, we’re usually notified in advance that they’re preparing to deal with that sort of scenario and the opportunities it would create. The most recent examples would be the results of 2020 elections and the coordinated crackdown that would follow, and the Colonial Pipeline ransom hack. Chatter about a new round of lockdowns is compelling evidence that they’re coming back with the cold.

6 – The moral justification has already been laid out. Life was getting back to normal because the vaccinated did their part and were free to live life to the fullest without masks. But, the “bad and stupid” scorned their vaccines, so here we go again.

It was a great idea to invade Iraq, and this pandemic is your fault.

7 – Like nearly everything else the government does, it has taken a completely dishonest approach to the situation. The fact that what they’re saying this year contradicts most of what they said last year seems to mean nothing to most people. The methods used to generate statistics on the matter are demonstrably flawed (PCR tests) or fraudulent (COVID symptoms=COVID death) yet that doesn’t matter.

8 – The average person lacks critical thinking abilities about a crisis of this scale. Defined as a matter of life and death, it is the most emotionally charged wedge ever driven into public and personal discourse.

9 – The credulous and pretentious are willing to accept the current state of affairs by parroting the talking point that the vaccines will prevent death and serious symptoms without any credible evidence to substantiate this claim. Next year, the same nonsense will be applied to booster shots. If Israelis can’t get out of it, how do you think that’s going to work out for us?

10 – If you don’t agree, public dissent is going to be increasingly curtailed and punished. Dissent on the pandemic isn’t any different than dissent on any other facet of the plutocratic agenda. When they talk about “anti-vaxx conspiracy theorists” or “white supremacist domestic terrorists” it’s all the same thing to be addressed with the same countermeasures which will increase in scope and severity.

It seems that the real questions are not whether this is going to be over next year, but when some sort of economic and financial implosion will occur, what that will look like, and how the “global reset” response is going to take shape. Another issue might be how much people will take, but since when has that made any difference?


  1. Seen on a protester’s sign:
    “If the tests work, why the false positives? If the masks work, why the 6 feet? If the 6 feet works, why the masks? If all 3 work, why the lockdowns? If all 4 work, why the vaccines? If the vaccines are safe, why the no liability clause?”

  2. Global cooling, global warming, SARs, Mad Cow disease, “Mass” shootings, COVID, blah blah blah its all just a money making, law writing distraction thats never worth talking about or arguing with people about how fake it is in order to “wake them up” or worse just constantly reinforce it to people who already know it. If they ain’t awake yet they never will be and the Right running around with little water guns trying to put out their endless infernos is a complete waste of time and is precisely why we are not a Democracy. Yet, our side behaves as if we were a Democracy, as if the majority mattered and was this sacred cow that HAD to be won over, to Red pill everyone and if we could just somehow get the “slient majority” on our side everything would work out. Its absurd and is the last thing we should ever spend our time on, having us wasting our time on it is half of the reason they do it, the other half being money and new laws, which is just a means to more power for them.

    It will never work out, they are the “silent” majority because they are mostly air headed cows that pay zero attention, constantly fall for every trick no matter how many times they roll it out with a different name and would only ever be an eternal burden of never ending babysitting if we did win them over, I’d be slient too. “No Johnny, Q is a pys-op” “No Bill the recounts dont mean shit, they are well aware that it was rigged, they don’t care and neither do I” “No Sharon, the masks won’t stop viruses, I know that, thats not the reason they want to force you to wear them, don’t bother with the spread sheets from the CDC, I don’t care” “Of course the Republicans don’t have a game plan, the lack of a real game plan is their game plan and always has been” “No Mike, of course the icebergs are not melting in 5 years, I already know that, please put away your pie charts” “No Jason, the earth really is round, its called poisoning the well, its a smoke screen for the valid things we notice them doing” on and on ad-nasuam, year after year, decade after decade, I am beyond sick of it.

    These people are idiots, but we are worse than idiots by pandering to them and trying to guide them to meaningful subjects or even acknowledging their talking points, left or right. Its never going to happen, by the time you debunk COVID they will already have moved on to the next scam, and if history is any indication we will be right there trying to disprove it while they rake in cash and power from it and we run in circles worrying about people who are too stupid to see it on the face of it for what it is or somehow believe that if we can just “debunk” it all one last time then everything will go back to normal. Why? What have we ever gained from doing it? Nothing, nobody even remembers SARs and nobody will remember COVID either, the only lasting things are the wealth and power they accumulated in the grift. If anything we should be selling masks and vitamins to them on the left, Gadsden flags and Q shirts to those on the right and using that to fund our efforts in areas that matter, you will never break the cycle as long as they have the apparatus in place to propagate it, don’t bother, they already have the next 20 variants waiting on you to waste your life “debunking” while they are sipping wine at the sprit dinner and laughing at your spreadsheets.

    They run us in circles with this nonsense year after year, and here we are talking about COVID instead of doing…. well anything meaningful, we should know better, people are depending on us knowing better. We should all be laser focused on the foundations of the organization, resources and education that is nessacary in order to one day reclaim our home, with our people intact, as who we are, not playing their game of wasting our time disproving their endless bullshit.

    The “majority” are idiots, pandering to idiots makes us the bigger idiots. Please, we need to section all of this stuff off from what is important, I beg you. We need a box, with a big Q on the side of it where we dump all of this garbage along with every other scam, we need a good blanket term for these things, which we don’t have, or maybe we do, but because we are so God awfully disorganized we will just waste more time reinventing the wheel to come up with it again.

    It has to stop, we should know better. We need to begin to do things that matter and that means not paying any attention to the news cycle whatsoever. We have to make everything we have learned over the years teachable and begin educating our own children, an education based solely on freeing our people and how to do it, the various factions, the tactics, the history, developing methodology, all of it including this scam cycle and how to use that to free our people, to reclaim our home and freedom, from the first day to the last day of their education like a laser. They should know these things for what they are the moment they see them as we do, without wasting decades we don’t have to develop that savvy, as I did. That will only happen if we make it teachable and then teach them as children, not waiting until they are boomers calling everyone Nazi DemonRATs incapable of learning and then the endless debating of whatever time sink the news cycle determined you should waste time on instead of effective discussions. It is a cycle we have to break, and talking about COVID only helps the left, even if it is just to disprove or ridicule it.

    I spend most of my time on GAB now and despite it being where most of the people that are at least somewhat awake are at, the top posts are all cope and tail chasing, smoke dragons and pipe dreams, talking about recounts that will change nothing, how the left are hypocrites, as if they cared about that, how Trump who has stabbed them in the back a thousand times will save them next time or how masks don’t work and here is the pie chart to prove it. Meanwhile our enemies just laugh. Its all so tiring.

    I am not judging anyone from a place of superiority, I wasted my entire life, at first trying to figure out what happened and then the absolute waste of time of trying to make boomers see it, I understand the impulse, I truly do, I am guilty of it myself, but it has to stop, we are out of time. We must spend all of the little time left organizing, codifying everything we have learned, regimenting the last of us and making everything we know teachable so the future does not have to waste their life retreading the same ground as I did. I should have never been a Conservative, if someone had taught me Dabney and history of the Republican Party I never would have been, instead decades down the drain. We must break that cycle.

    I am on this site because I read things like the mission statement from the authors, the clarion call of reclaim everything, people who understood things like our collective soul and shared understanding that cannot be magic dirted, the clarity that was lacking everywhere else I looked for it. We have to remain focused on that, everything depends on it.

    It really is as simple as the Pareto distribution, I did not know it, but that is who I was looking for, that 10% who got it, that had the hope of actually doing something that mattered. I don’t want to talk about COVID, that is for the other 90%, I want to talk about terminology and framing, organization, how to match our adversaries money printing abilities, the education of our children, the concrete methodology required to never make the same mistake twice and a million other things. Not Global warming and COVID, thats for the trending page on GAB or the CPAC grifters to hash out, throw it in the Q box and tell them to have fun.

    People are depending on us doing those things that matter and ignoring the rest. We must organize the 10% and ignore the majority, slient or otherwise, and all of their tail chasing distrations. That is what we should be doing and talking about to the exclusion of everything else including COVID, in my opinion.

    That said, thank you for taking the time to write for us here, it matters, don’t get discouraged.

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