Israel and Palestine: This is Not Your Fight

The most recent troubles between the country calling itself Israel and the other country calling itself Palestine has ignited a number of passions within the Dissident Right.  I would argue that the broader movement believes that Israel – because it is Jewish – is “bad” and therefore, by extension, Palestine is “good.”  There are, of course, others on the Civic Nationalist and even Southern “Patriot” spectrum (not to be confused with Southern Nationalist) who still hold to the belief that Israel is a blessed state and it is incumbent upon Christians to defend Israel.  They see things in two ways: (1) a Dispensationalist belief in the sanctity of the Jewish people and Israel; (2) Muslims have been killing Westerners – especially Americans – for decades, and thus, all Muslims are our enemy.

Let me be clear: neither side is good.

This is not your fight, Southern Man – or, for that matter, any White man, including those of Europe.  Neither Israel nor Palestine – and by extension, Jews and Muslims – have any interest in the advancement or preservation of the South, the Southerner, or the European.  In fact, both are overtly hostile to our causes and people.  Consequently, as sides are drawn between those who support the latest Intifada because they hate Jews, and others who support Israel because they mistakenly equate a country to the Biblical Israel, I recommend you choose Jesus Christ and your Nation. 

Avoid the Israel-Palestine entrapment.

Beginning with the country that calls itself Israel, to my Christian brothers and sisters, the geography comprised of a Jewish democracy is not the Biblical Israel.  Israel is a people.  Specifically, Israel is a people who have a Covenant with God.  This special relationship is established in Genesis 12:1 -3:  “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will shew thee: And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed.”  Look at the wording that is used.

The term “Nation” does not refer to a state (i.e., country).  The term means “People.”  Many are confused by the language in the modern world because they often assign the term Nation to mean country.  This is especially true of Americans – who will often call the United States their “Nation,” when in fact, the American people (in the broadest definition of the term) are their “Nation,” while the United States is their country – or more accurately, a collection of countries, such as Florida, Texas, Alabama, etc. (these “United” States or Countries).  Use of the term Nation-State at the signing of the Treaty of Westphalia of 1648 codifies this distinction.  But well before that, at the time of Moses, the Hebrew word for Nation was (is) אוּמָה (Goy) and Country was (is) מדינה (Medina).

The idea that the original Hebrew Israelites remained Chosen by God is where this concept breaks down, entirely.  Jesus Christ is quite clear about Salvation in John 14:6: “Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.”  Consequently, those who reject Jesus Christ cannot go to the Father.  God made a Covenant – establishing eternal life through the sacrifice and resurrection of His son – and God fulfilled that Covenant.  The Covenant is conditional: accept it or perish.  Jews do not simply reject Jesus Christ.  They abhor Christ.

The Talmud is explicit regarding its hatred of both Jesus Christ and Christians.  Throughout the defining texts of Judaism (noting that beyond the first five books of the Old Testament – the Torah – Jews generally disregard the sanctity of the rest of the Bible), the Talmud states that “Yashu (Jesus) is boiling in Tzoah Rotachat (hot excrement)” for eternity in (Talmuhd: Gittin 57a) Gehenna (a Jewish variant of Hell).  Meanwhile, the Virgin Mary is described as a whore: “She who was the descendant of princes and governors played the harlot with carpenters” (Talmud: Sanhedrin 106a).  The passage of Shabbath 116a explicitly states that the New Testament – the Gospel teachings of Christ Jesus and the Salvation of mankind – must be destroyed.  In fact, Christians are not even human beings according to the Talmud (Baba Mezia 114a-114b). 

A country that is predicated on apostacy – not only a rejection of Jesus Christ but the belief that His followers are sub-humans – is not blessed by God.

Of course, this sub-human element manifests itself in the treatment of Christians in their own, home countries.  Jews have been at the forefront of nearly every destructive practice in Western civilization – from the elimination of prayer in school to pornography.  They are also ideologically leftist and as such, usually the flagbearers of devastating policies – whether they be Culturally Marxist (Weimar Republic; Modern United States) or Communist (the Soviet Union).  The geography called Israel is the home base of a people who actively work toward the eradication of Christian virtue and Eurocentric societies. 

It makes more sense when you see the outcome of misplaced Israel worship.

The geography claiming to be Israel was established in 1948 by a Marxist global body, the United Nations.  Since 1948, the United States has remained steadfast in its support of that Israel while becoming increasingly more hostile to the Church (the real Israel).  Since 1948, the United States has not won a war.  If blessings are conveyed by God upon those who defend and support Israel, then how is it that the United States has not won a war since before it supported the Jewish country calling itself, “Israel?”  The answer is simple: the Israel that claims such status is not the Israel of the Bible.  The Biblical Israel is a people – the Christian Church – and the American Government’s attack on Christians is the real reason it cannot win a war.

“But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the Lord, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.” (Jeremiah 31:33) “Know ye therefore that they which are of faith, the same are the children of Abraham.  And the scripture, foreseeing that God would justify the heathen through faith, preached before the gospel unto Abraham, saying, In thee shall all nations be blessed.  So then they which be of faith are blessed with faithful Abraham.” (Galatians 3:7-9)

You – the Christian – who has Accepted Jesus Christ is Israel.  That which calls itself Israel, but in fact blasphemes the Holy Spirit through a rejection of God’s New Covenant, is not Israel.  “Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.” (Matthew 12:31) A country built on rejecting Christ is neither blessed by God nor occupied by the “Chosen.” 

“Grace be to you, and peace, from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.  Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: According as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before him in love:” (Ephesians 1:2-4)

You are the Chosen and you owe no such allegiance to those who pretend to be Chosen; they are liars, like their “father the devil” (John 8:44).

Now, that stated, let me address the Palestinians – for they are only marginally better.  It is true that there are Palestinian Christians who are suffering under the Jewish yoke in Palestine.  To them, I pray they are eventually relieved from this globally imposed and enforced subordination.  But at that, my sympathies for the Palestinians end.

From its inception, the Palestinian cause has been tied to the broader Marxist, anti-Colonial struggle – read “anti-White.”  While I am well aware that the Palestinian and Irish Nationalist causes often supported one another, both rhetorically and materially, the alliance was one of ideological convenience.  The Soviets and various anti-White global powers sought to disrupt those whom they deemed to be colonizers – such as, the British in Northern Ireland, the Jews of Palestine, and the White descendants of primarily Dutch settlers in Rhodesia and South Africa.  This alliance was one designed to expand an anti-White coalition to offset the strength of the United States and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), which was largely a White defense bloc.  Although the Irish are White, their struggle in Northern Ireland was a rare exception of Communist support for a (White) Nationalist movement.  The vast majority of Marxist supported nationalist movements were anti-European and that includes the Palestinians.

Today, anti-White Palestinian aggression is found from Dublin to Detroit.  Palestinian-American Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib (D, MI-13) is a great example.  She – like most of those in the Democrat Party – is extremely aggressive in her virulent hatred of White people and the Constitution.  Her overwhelmingly Palestinian-Muslim district supported her by more than two-thirds of its votes in the most recent election, indicating their support for an elected official who has called for outright ending law enforcement.  She has often demonized White men in her rhetoric and took direct aim at White Christians.  Interestingly, despite calling for an end to traditional law enforcement, Tlaib supports the creation of a law enforcement body designed to target Dissidents – who are, primarily, White.  Muslim Congresswoman, Ilhan Oman (D, MN-5) and Tlaib’s fellow “Squad” member said in a ridiculously absurd statement, “I would say that our country should be more fearful of white men across our country because they are actually causing most of the deaths within this country.”  But it does not end there…

Palestinians enjoy broad based support from their long-time allies in Ireland, especially Sinn Fein.  Of course, this is the same Sinn Fein that now openly advocates for homosexual marriage, transgenderism, draconian Covid lock-downs, an eradication of Catholic morality, and demographic replacement of the native Irish.  In other words, Sinn Fein espouses the very same corrosive Cultural Marxist ideologies of Judeo-Bolsheviks, while using Muslim migrant voters to secure those policies in Ireland.  This leads to a cyclical pattern of voting for the expansion of one policy in order to feed other policies.  Palestinians in Ireland support the replacement of the Irish in their home country.  The very same coalition of pro-Palestinian, leftist political entities in Ireland are leading the way in the expansion of African and Middle Eastern migration into Ireland.  With each new migrant, Sinn Fein gets closer to the Weimar Republic it hopes to eventually secure. 

How does the Palestinian leftist help the majority of Irish Catholics who will soon find themselves as a minority within a country that fought more than 700 years to establish?  Ironically, while Irish leftist political parties support a ban on Israeli-made goods because they are made on “illegal colonial settlements in Palestine,” various Muslim migrants – including Palestinians – are voting to displace the Irish on their own home.  With allies like that, who needs enemies…

The Irish, of course, are not alone.  In Paris, Berlin, and Stockholm, Muslim migrants are aiding the demographic displacement of the native European peoples and with that displacement comes ever increasing degeneracy as part of corrosive political platforms that seek to fundamentally destroy White society.  While the vast majority of these Muslims are not Palestinians, Palestinians overwhelmingly support their fellow Muslims and/or leftist ideologues politically, and weaponize their plight for sympathy from Europeans who are either anti-colonialist Left or anti-Jewish Right – sometimes, a mixture of both.

The fact is, neither Jew nor Palestinian is worth our support.  They hate us equally.  The only difference is a manner of means.  Jews control significant swaths of political, media and banking power – especially in the United States – that is then weaponized against White Christians, especially in the South.  Palestinians, along with other Muslim migrants, are playing an increasingly critical role in the power of leftist political dynamics in Europe, which is translating into faster demographic displacement of native Europeans.  Both are bad. 

Consequently, when asked, “Who do you support – Israel or Palestine?” Your answer should be simple: “I support my White Christian Nation.” (Whatever that Nation might be.)


  1. Excellent. Very clear Biblically based commentary. This is so obviously the truth of the matter, and should be so obvious to all who read their Bible, that one is gobsmacked by the confusion on this issue – and the default sycophantic philosemitism exhibited in most Western churches. But, of course, this presupposes that Christians study the Bible systematically and obediently, whereas most in the Churches seem to rely on “daily readings” interpreted by false shepherds who are immersed in the neo-liberal worldview. Instead of interpreting the World and Liberalism by the Bible – they interpret the Bible by liberalism, and “feelings”. Thinking, logic and truth are foreign concepts to them!

    1. Thank you for the compliment and reading Identity Dixie, Keith.

      The neo-liberal, Dispensationalist perspectives on Christ/Christianity probably do more harm than any other theological concept. You hit the nail on the head.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  2. But it is an opportunity to call out Jewish Nationalists (Zionists) both on the Left and the Right who are condemning the notion of “Nationalism” in America, particularly “White Nationalism”. As they push identity politics in the U.S. we are witnessing the peaceful transfer of power from one race to another, whites would have every reason to assert, and minorities would have no grounds to dispute, their common identity, and interests as whites.


    Dixie Serb

    1. Thank you for reading Identity Dixie, Dixie Serb.

      You are correct – ill conceived perspectives on Christianity have been weaponized by Zionists to make Whites compliant through false teachings regarding their demographic displacement. We use these opportunities – as I did in this particular piece – to attack those false teachings.

      God Bless,
      Padraig Martin

  3. I’ve grown up surrounded by Dispensationalist families, although our family was never explicitly one. I don’t want to discount those who have done serious study, but it seems for most Americans who buy into it, the rationale is that the State of Israel has the same name as the Israelites in the Bible, and it is in the same geographic region. No Biblical exegesis is done to require Christians to bless the State of Israel, just a glance at a globe. Southerners especially need to return to the theologians of Dixie, and while not perfect, they were certainly more coherent and historically grounded than many of the theologians around nowadays. Thank you for this article Mr. Martin.

    “the Jerusalem above is free, which is the mother of us all.” – Galatians 4:26

    1. The devil of Dispensationalism is indeed its simplicity and easiness to understand – especially in the context of an American liberal democratic mindset. The problem with the old theologians is often their very intellect and depth, which the common man often can’t easily grasp. What we need is fast, simple and obvious things to point to when addressing the issue; the Talmud is a goldmine in this and the ability to point to its very existence as a Jewish insult to Christianity will be useful when dealing with these Sola Scriptura protestants especially.

  4. Another great one, as always. I’m always shocked at the things I see in the Talmud. If my translation is correct, the key passage above says “Rabbi Shimon ben Yoḥai says that the graves of gentiles do not render one impure, as it is stated: “And you, My sheep, the sheep of My pasture, are man” (Ezekiel 34:31), which teaches that you, i.e., the Jewish people, are called “man,” but gentiles are not called “man.” Since the Torah states with regard to ritual impurity imparted in a tent: “If a man dies in a tent” (Numbers 19:14), evidently impurity imparted by a tent does not apply to gentiles.” I don’t feel comfortable having “allies” that view me as if I’m not even a human being.

  5. You are the best author I have ever read at being able to summarize current events to an audience that has been brainwashed. You identify (rightly) the keystones of our enemies propaganda campaign against our people and pull them down without getting mired in the tail chasing and smoke dragons the controlled opposition (Republicans) puts out to distract them with. By identifying, isolating and then pulling down the cornerstones of the fabrications that both sides use, instead of allowing yourself to get played wasting effort on angles of attack that do no lasting damage, that is not repairable as long as the keystones remain in place, you then become by far become the most effective at clearing out the tangle of lies for people who have trouble cutting through the thicket of the Uniparty’s rhetoric.

    It is a rare talent and we are blessed to have you put it to use for our people’s righteous cause of freedom. Have a blessed day and thank you for writing this.

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