Arguing Within Their Framework

The mark of a defeated and cowed “opposition” is to accept the moral framework that your opponent gives you. You see this in the still small, and remaining vaguely right-leaning, commentary (where allowed) in local news stories, the occasional sports blogs and sites, and that old reliable Boomer holdout of Breitbart.
This is particularly true when the few brave (but naive) defenders of Southern heritage and our monuments to the Confederacy will try to present their case with appeals to the idea of the rainbow Confederate coalition’s legions of black soldiers fighting side-by-side with their White counterparts (see, we weren’t as bad as those racist Yankees who made them fight segregated).

The irony of defending the right to honor the heritage and valor of the Southern soldier, by using the same moral premise that the 1619 Project uses to castigate American history as carrying our “original sin,” is a losing strategy. Dressing in gray and arguing online about who had more black soldiers in their army plays right into the leftist frame.

Arguing from the same moral framework that has been provided to you by those who want to destroy your culture, have you replaced, and then laugh about you and your family starving in the street, while safely removed from the consequences of their own ideology, is repugnant and foolish. You do not owe these people your sympathy. You do not owe this system any allegiance. Rejecting their worldview and moral framework is the only way forward.

We are past the time for arguments with these people. They were never going to grant our grievances any sort of legitimacy. We are not being “governed,” we are being occupied by a petulant minority that have been the willing foot soldiers of the Establishment. Arguing from the moral framework of those that want you destroyed plays right into their hand. Just ask Gina Carano, after having compared her political takes to the treatment those who shall not be noticed recieved. Gina didn’t know the score, and now the rabid woke mob is dancing on the grave of her career.

The words and deeds of our ancestors gives us the example we should all strive for. And, they were not afraid to “call a spade a spade.”

-By WP


  1. Update on Gena Carano: ‘Gina Carano, Ben Shapiro announces new movie project: ‘They can’t cancel us if we don’t let them’

  2. The lying liberal snakes pose as our moral superiors. How sad it is that so many of our people give credence to their posturing.

  3. I view using the enemies political tactics (e.g. durr you r tha real nazi) as playing with the devils toys… you are doomed to wield his sword in the end.

  4. I patently ignore any Southerner, or anyone else for that matter, that begins their discussion about the South, our culture or history with black people. Any meme or info graphic that is relating us or our motivations to black people gets skipped right over, any remark or discussion that in anyway relates who we as being rooted in black people, the Yankee invasion or any of the racial pretexts they use to justify their tyranny will make me immediately turn around and walk away. That is how I deal with people, even if well intentioned, using the frame of the trash that is occupying our home.

    We are not defined by others or their relationships to us, we are defined by ourselves. I do not allow people that are not us to have any voice in discussions about our identity, including reconstructed clowns that operate solely from the Yankee framework, that is for is to decide and no one else. I suggest everyone adopt this zero tolerance policy.

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