Here’s a quick quiz:
1) Are you irritated at being told wildly hypocritical lies by the media?
2) Have you noticed that the government isn’t operating above board?
3) Would you like the situation to improve?
Anyone from the rightwing dissident sphere would check all these boxes. Here’s another:
1) Are you terrified of thinking of yourself as a bad word like “white supremacist” or “Nazi”?
2) Is the notion that the power structure of your civilization considers you an enemy too disquieting to entertain?
3) Do you get your information from mainstream sources like Fox News or Alex Jones?
4) Did you use Facebook to interact with political pages that were allowed until recently?
Any single question from the second list would be a critical point of divergence between us and the Q-Crowd. For the “yes” people on questions one and two, there’s nothing we can do for them. I don’t even think electrical torture could wake them up. Just like white liberals who rationalize absurd narratives in order to consider themselves moral and sophisticated, they’re incapable of accepting reality.
My suspicion is that questions three and four probably cover the most ground. Most people who don’t believe the media also don’t know that our sphere exists. It’s not because they’re stupid, it’s because we’re banned from everything. That’s why “Q-Tard” is an unproductive term. Tards are credulous imbeciles who trust the MSM.
They got to Q because that’s the furthest they could get from the fraudulent narrative. Q-Anon wasn’t banned until it was recently declared terrorism. In their defense, the Q stuff sounds way more plausible than the hyperbolic insanity on TV. Jeffery Epstein really was running a pedophile operation at the highest echelons of power. The total lack of moral constraint in the behavior of FBI agents has been on display for years. They really did try to remove Trump from office with dirty tactics. It’s also hard to ignore the satanic undercurrent of our era.
Q was one of the only ways to have all of this disturbing stuff make sense if you weren’t consuming Dissident Right content. The sheer number of people who really bought into Q caught both the MSM and rightwing dissidents off guard. When it dawned on the MSM, they responded with the customary neurotic horror and then everything was banned.
Our guys dismissed Q immediately because we have a coherent worldview that we confirm to ourselves by using it to accurately explain what’s going on. That’s what I did when I heard about it. I just figured it was an elaborate troll for idiots that sounded more credible than CNN. I was also delusional enough to assume Trump would win reelection like most incumbent presidents, so it would be stretching on for quite awhile.
I was talking to a guy at an airport bar back in 2018 who was going on about how Trump was taking on a cabal of Satanists who abduct children and rape them, which was why they were so desperate to remove him from office. I remember thinking to myself that it was something one would expect to see in an online forum for weirdos. It seemed odd that someone in his profession would be into that sort of thing but I didn’t give it any thought. Meanwhile, it was spreading like wildfire among Republicans.
Now that these people are being violently disabused of hope for the final denouement forecasted by Q and his material is considered worse than ISIS by mainstream platforms, it’s a valuable opportunity for us to provide better explanations. None of the problems that made them seek answers are getting any better. Another upside is that they’ll be forced to search in new places since everything is banned. The establishment made an enormous mistake with the Trump takedown because now they won’t be able to corral these people anymore.

I’m proud to officially announce my candidacy for the office of Dogcatcher.
I am on GAB and was before Parler was shut down. Then they came. Q everywhere, fresh off of not only years of that psyop, but years on a platform ran by Yankee RINOs running the same psyop they have always ran, controlled opposition.
Now GAB is full of them and my notifications are full of their angry responses to my comments on their absurd posts. There are always a few likes on my comments though, I pray I woke a few of them up.
But as I have said before, when we go after them or any of the other normies, we only ever leave a void. So Republicans are evil, Democrats are evil, Q is a manipulation and your leaders are sociopathic griffters robbing you blind. OK, so now what? Frankly, I don’t have an answer, Thats a problem, a big one. People will cling to all manner of nonsense just to avoid facing that void, I have seen it too many times.
I don’t know where to send the Qtards. We have zero organization, leadership, direction, an endgame, nothing. So now its either Q or a void, they choose Q, the comforting lie rather than face the void of directionless drifting.
As a Southerner, I can relate. We have some things now, like a goal, reclaim everything, but that was not always the case, we have an identity, an identity Dixie, but I could not have articulated that to someone a year ago, I was a Southerner, I knew that, but I could not describe that to someone else coherently. I could go on, but its that darkness that the Qtards actually fear, that nothingness of having the pillars of what they built their identity around crumble and disappear.
One of my comments something to effect of they would be sitting in a gulag while Trump spit on them wearing his little round hat and they would still be talking about how the plan is all coming together. I now fear Thats very accurate.
My heart goes out to them. We also have no organization, no leadership, no concrete plan with actionable steps, no anything tangible. But at least I know who I am, I knew it before I could explain it, they don’t even have that. Q is their identity in a lot of ways, its their outlet, in their mind, where they fight back, it comforts them and lets them sleep at night, after all, they only had to trust the plan and everything will work out, right? It allowed them to go through their day believing everything will work out in the end.
Its poison of course, it lulled them into inaction and complacency and made them waste untold amounts of their time chasing shadows, most importantly it kept them from doing anything worthwhile, as I am sure was its purpose all along. Thats why I feel no guilt by ridiculing them out of their own pages, for the same reason I would feel no guilt chasing them out of an opium den. But just as drug addicts, which they actually are, dopamine is a drug and Q is their dealer, you can’t just leave a void, the same principle applies to them.
I don’t know what to do with them or where to send them, and that greatly upsets me. There is a guy who was big in the Q community, his name I believe was Dylan Wheeler, now he spends his days waking up his former Qtards to the danger of Q and Trump for that matter, but the problem is, in effect, his identity still revolves around Q.
We need to look at Q and see ourselves. I can, and do wake up Southerners all of the time, but after I do, inevitably, they say well what do I do? Where do I go? I don’t have an answer for them. They, like me as well, are just about done with sharing memes and writing comments. Its largely pointless now, I have redpilled as many as I could over the years and that stage is about done now, who we got now is who we got period. If we want to avoid the fate of the Qtards facing the abyss, then we need organized avenues of resistance, tangible, workable things that we can simply plug into. We have to fill that void, we have to have a place to send our people where they can help each other in meaningful, productive ways. Not like the SCV either, picking up trash and raking leaves, but all geared towards one thing and one thing only, to reclaim everything for our people. We know what needs to be done, is there no one?
If not, then put on your tinfoil hat and grab your opium pipe, because at least Thats something and people will choose something over a void every time, no matter how absurd, they will cling to it like life itself.