The Magnolia Rises

Evidently, God Emperor Trump has been defeated by the forces of evil. Although, the man has been down many times, but never out. His prospects, of course, grow dimmer by the day as the average American shrugs his shoulders at massive electoral fraud and resumes watching Netflix. But, let’s take a brief moment to celebrate one of our few victories in Dixie.

We had several clandestine operations going on across the Southland but weren’t sure this was the most promising one. Not since we pulled one over on folks with the “new” Georgia flag (2003) has there been this much public success. Unfortunately, not all of our efforts have paid off like this one. We won’t ever forget (or forgive) our sleeper agent (codename “Coonman“) breaking ranks a few years ago after his cover was blown and becoming a defector for the American Soviets. That one still stings.

However, we did score a major win in the Deep South. Not only did we manage to break public support for the Stennis flag, but we were able to sell the idea of our own logo to a majority of Mississippians. Much thought, of course, went into the original design when we intended the magnolia blossom to harken back to better days we hope to return. We now have a rallying point in the new Mississippi flag without the divisive nature of the battle insignia. This new flag will allow us to continue to rise in power, while proudly, and quite publicly, displaying our patriotic symbols without our supporters fearing needless retribution. It also enables us to control the visual message the way the Maryland, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina and Virginia flags do without negative press attention.

The new Mississippi flag also sends a signal loud and clear to all who oppose us – that we are winning. We shall adapt. We shall not falter. We shall overcome. So, to the people of Mississippi, Identity Dixie thanks you for your growing and unwavering support. We pledge to continue to fight for you. This truly is a win for all of us.

God bless Dixie.


  1. I absolutely trust in God, but this is not my flag. Mine was removed by the spineless Mississippi legislature and governor back in July. I will never be ashamed of my Confederate ancestors who fought against Lincoln’s yankee terrorists and invaders from 1861-65.

  2. This is one Mississippi country boy who gives a 100% iron clad guarantee that the piece of cloth with the magnolia in the center is not now nor ever will be my flag. Not only that but for the first time in my life I will not vote for the reelection of any republicans currently in state government. I hope one day to see our 1894 State Flag back in it’s rightful place.
    Yes I really do have an ATTITUDE about this flag issue.

  3. That flag is a loss. That there was no real, united, orginzed resistance to it was a loss. That future generations might think its the real flag is a loss. That someone could even think of it as remotely a win because the real one should have to be hidden is a loss. That our children were raised by Yankees and feel shame for anything about our flags instead of great pride is a loss. That people watched Republicans cut their throat and push for that flag, because they are entirely ignorant of that party’s history with our people, and still go vote for any of them afterwards is a loss.

    That is the losers flag and only a defeated loser would ever fly it. To accept that flag as legitimate is to admit defeat. Thankfully politicians do not dictate to us what our flag is, who we are or anything else. We are a people, not a political party and are not represented by the government of a hostile oppressor, its time to behave as such. That is not, nor will it ever be a flag of our people. Disregard it and treat it with the disdain it deserves. When the actual people of Mississippi gather, fly the real flag and never under any circumstances recognize that or any other reconstructed rag as real or legitimate, that includes the carpetbaggers squatting in our home, not just the trash they produce. Never stand for it or pledge to it, it is not the flag of the people of Mississippi, it is the flag of oppression, the flag of hate and ignorance.

    That is the path forward, do not let them appropriate your identity by calling themselves Southerners, call them out for who and what they are at every turn.

    We must organize, we must do it now while there are some of us who still remember who we are and above all we must restore our identity and teach our children. Stop letting Yankees raise your children or raise your flags.

    1. Amen, brother! Anyone who supports this new flag is complicit in what the Yankees want- to erase our culture- because they despise it and they despise us. I will never let carpetbaggers and their interpretation of my heritage raise my future children!
      Never back down!

  4. Our ancestors fought against Lincoln’s burning, raping, and pillaging yankee forces. Never forget that fact.

  5. A loss is a loss, this is not a win whatsoever. The fact that 70% of Mississippians (and thus probably half of white Mississippians) voted for this flag is a sign of how lost the deep South truly is.

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