They’re Playing Hate, Not Chess

The salient feature of the 2020 election is the lack of rationality that guides our transnational oligarchy. They sacrificed the remaining credibility of the Establishment with much of Heritage America in order to replace a personality popular enough to get elected president twice with a woman so unlikable she couldn’t avoid getting trounced in her party’s primaries.

Her political career is based on sexual favors that moved her through California’s Democratic machine. She’s never won a competitive election and doesn’t have the personality to be a conciliatory Gerald Ford.  

Worked well for Obama……

70 million people voted for Trump despite five years of denunciations by the MSM and a campaign of censorship hitherto unthinkable. Clearly, a massive percentage of the U.S. population rejects the narratives imposed on them. However, it still bought into the legitimacy of the system. If not, it wouldn’t have wasted time voting.

This is 70 million, mostly white, law-abiding productive citizens who’ve been kept in a state of complacency by the notion that they can vote to fix things, or at least to get somebody they like in office. That’s over now. It doesn’t matter how much the media outlets acclaim the election’s integrity.  

This is a highly problematic rhetorical situation. The Establishment spent four years harping about how Russia stole the election for Trump without any credible evidence. Now, they’re saying it’s impossible to steal an American election without any credible evidence.

The other issue in this regard is that they called the shot before it was taken. The MSM informed the public that if Trump were to lose, it would be via mail-in ballots that arrive after his voters have finished delivering him a victory at the polls. That would require real-time censorship of Trump and his supporters, and an effort coordinated ahead of time to legitimize the tallies. That’s exactly what happened.

The entire farce that America is a free country where it’s citizens can speak their minds about pertinent matters and vote to elect the candidates of their preference was laid to rest with this “election.” Even with fair elections, demographics dictate that everything from here on out will be blue state politics at a national level. For the losers, the perpetual illusion that there will be a political solution down the road is fading rapidly.

The ranks of the winners aren’t packed with the magnanimous. These are hate-filled tribal partisans who won’t even let you keep a statue to your ancestors in a cemetery. No gentlemen’s agreement applies to their enemies. Once he’s out of office, Trump will be prosecuted and his businesses destroyed. They’re already going after his supporters. Healing and unification won’t happen.

It was never necessary to kick over the edifice that maintains the complacency of Heritage America. Personalities don’t determine policies. That’s done by the Establishment. The people never get the policies they want, but most people are dumb. If they can keep voting for someone they want, that’s enough for them.

Trump did nothing to obstruct the agenda besides refraining from launching another full-scale war for Israel. Demographic replacement, the financialization of the economy, Zionist foreign policy, the virus scam, censoring dissent -all went full speed ahead. He didn’t even help his supporters attacked by people who wanted him dead.

They don’t have a neurotic loathing for Trump because of his ability or desire to obstruct their agenda. It’s because he’s an avatar for Heritage America’s will to live. We’re hated by them and our existence is perceived as a existential threat. Foolishly, our complacency was the price they were willing to pay to get him gone. This was based on hate, not sound strategy.

I suppose we should be grateful because if their actions were constrained by reason, we’d probably be doomed via “slow boil.” Over the long term, this election will be recognized as a milestone towards getting where we want.

In the event Trump pulls out a miracle and manages to win the election, nothing will change. Heritage America will never forget the widespread fraud and the leftwing violence to follow should Orange Man win in the end. If the other side is already talking about Nuremberg-style show trials following a contested election, imagine what 2021 is going to look like?


  1. The problem is every time they win, they outright win. When we win, they simply gain the freedom we fought for, which they use to win again.

    That’s it. When we win, then they win as well, when they win, only they win.

    We use all of our resources, time, energy and focus to prolong their already eroded freedom for a little while longer. They use all of their resources, time, energy and focus, coupled with the freedom we just spent everything we had to give them, to strip us of freedom and enslave us.

    We win = they win.
    They win = we lose.

    When I was much younger I thought about this a lot. All through the 90’s all of the time, angst and anxiety I suffered just to hold back the tide of the Left under the Clinton’s and all the evil that I did not understand, but I just knew it was evil and that it was all connected and very organized, was largely wasted effort on my part. We lost ground each time and they grew stronger each time, it was a pattern that just wouldn’t stop repeating.

    Thanks to having my history stripped from me in the Federal indoctration camps, I was not just fighting it, I had to simultaneously try and figure out what exactly “it” was and on top of that trying to warn as many people as I could about what I was seeing. It did no good, no matter how many people we “red pilled” or Republicans we elected, it just got worse.

    It drove me crazy that all of our energy was squandered just trying to hold the line and losing ground each time. We had no end game and nothing ever happened to those on the other side, except that I was throwing my life away keeping them free to try again for a little longer. I knew it could not continue if we hoped to be free.

    The only solution I could think of, and I thought about it a lot, was that there MUST be consequences for tyrants and their lackeys. That if all they had to do was wear us down while the RINOS gave them more with each turn of the wheel, then eventually they would just get us to the point when we could not even resist the little we were able to resist then. Now here we are.

    There must be consequences for those who would strip us, our families and our people of our freedom and ultimately, our life. Every time they even attempted to pass a gun law, if we somehow gained power like we did when we gave the RINOs the House, Senate and Presidency, like we did during the Bush administration, then we would have to punish those who were trying to strip us of our rights. As we started saying on the internet, after much soul searching and angst, “forcible removal from our society”.

    Its the only solution, we tried everything, we thought about it a lot, more than anything and we were not bad people, this was an antagonizing process in which we thought of everything we possibly could.

    We were “Meme Lords”, kids having fun, as our soon to be famous little meme of a cartoon frog peeing just because “it feels good man”, we were not fighting out of bitterness for the left, we knew they were just “libtards”. We were just kids and they were just by and large useful idiots being manipulated. We knew that, we did not want to physically fight anyone, we thought we could just use our magic to meme them out of existence, that there is no possible way these clowns could ever be an actual threat.

    But they were just part of a larger snake, one that was full of deadly venom and driven by pure malice. That snake has a head, and that head must be removed, there absolutely is no other solution.

    There must be consequences for tyrants, for those who would enslave us or be slow boiled all the way up until they no longer have to bother with the pretense of pretending about what they are doing.

    Trump and certainly not the RINOS have an end game plan. None at all. Our enemies do and in it we cease to exist, camps and genocide. What is Trump going to do with a second term? Give Israel a few more billion? Ban some bump stocks? Refuse to even acknowledge that we are in the end stages of a Bolshevik Communist take over? He will not even say the word Communism, much less admit that white people are being targeted just for supporting him. That is why he lost so much support from white men in the election, they, like me, know that it will not work. As you so rightly pointed out, there is no amoumt of voting, for Trump or any Republican, that will fix this nightmare.

    Consequences for tyrants and the forcible removal of their lackeys from society or we all die. Our families die. Our people die. When that’s on the ballot then I will vote, but it never is. Unless and until we have an end game, then go cut your families wrists and jump off a bridge, because that is much better then what they have planned for you. This is no childrens game anymore, they are playing for keeps. Either we do the same or kiss your loved ones goodbye and pray they are granted a swift death, but just know this, they won’t be.

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