The End of the United States: 2020 and Beyond

Recently, two geriatric men debated over who should be president of the “free world.”  I didn’t watch the debate because I frankly didn’t care. The campaign is a battle between who loves Israel or the black community more.  It’s too early to call the election, but I’m operating under the assumption that Trump will win.  Echo chambers exist on both sides, but the widespread violence from the Left should keep moderates from voting Democrat.  Even with rampant voter fraud from the Dems (which is a good reason not to do a mail-in ballot), Trump should squeak by with a win.

Trump will most likely win 2020, but don’t you liberals fret.  2024 will be a shoe-in for the woke Left, Coalition of the Ascendant, or whatever these communists and Satanists self-identify as.  My bet for that ticket is Gavin Newsom and AOC.  The changing demographics make the loss of the Republican “milquetoast platitudes and aid to Israel” ticket of Nikki Haley and Dan Crenshaw (or Trump Jr.) inevitable. 

Assuming Trump manages to win 2020, he’ll realistically have a total of four appointments for SCOTUS. In an ordinary time, that would hamper the rise of leftism in the courts for several decades, but these are not ordinary times.  Prepare for the Dems to dust off FDR’s 1937 court-packing plan.  It didn’t pass back then largely because of “respectability,” but the Left has no need for respectability and will point to the Republicans refusing to hear Merrick Garland’s nomination to SCOTUS and pushing through Amy Coney Barrett as “hypocrisy” which justifies their perfidy. 

The Republicans have a slim majority in the Senate currently.  By 2024, the demographics should guarantee several seats flip.  With a majority Democrat House and Senate, could a court-packing law go through?  Unless the SCOTUS makes some ham-fisted argument that it’s unconstitutional, there’s no real reason why not.

If Trump wins in 2020, the SCOTUS in 2024 will likely be a 6-3 pro-Republican split (assuming Clarence Thomas is the next to be replaced).  If a court-packing plan like the one FDR proposed goes through and the Democratic Party gets 4 more SCOTUS spots (one for each person who will then be over 70), that’ll be a 6-7 pro-Democrat split.

Some Dem strategists have said a court-packing plan could backfire, but that’s not really the case today.  As I’ve previously pointed out, the Democrats are going to win the executive branch in perpetuity after 2024 because of the changing demographics. So, not only will two woke leftists win 2024, they’ll get re-elected in 2028. Then two even more woke people will win in 2032 and again in 2036.  2040 could be the first of two terms for an openly gay person and a Muslim to show how inclusive the party (and that faith) is.  Maybe even a trans Muslim will be president in 2048.  However, 2048 will be the last national election Democrats will win.

Now, don’t get your hopes up, faithful GOP supporter.  2048 won’t be the last one because suddenly the demographics that consistently vote against you and your interests will suddenly “read Locke” and open their minds.  They won’t suddenly love individualism, free markets, and things that data conclusively shows only appeal to white people (and only a narrow group of white people, at that). Nor will they suddenly realize “the Dems are the real racists” and embrace the party of Lincoln.  2048 will be the last election because by that point, the United States will be no more.

As Russia Insider previously pointed out, U.S. military tech is becoming far less effective. The military industrial complex (MIC) is now more a means of graft and pointless spending than creating viable military tools and equipment.  Don’t get me wrong, graft has likely been a part of the MIC from the start.  However, they used to make things that work well.  When you couple the flaws in the military tech with the fact that the military is focused on appealing to trans and nonwhite people, and the fact that the military is punishing the historically overrepresented Southerners in the military by banning our flag, you’re likely to see a more ineffective fighting force very soon.  Additionally, the inclusion of women in combat roles has been empirically shown to decrease battle lethality.

So, we have a military that is buying overpriced and ineffective equipment, actively recruiting people that have almost a 50% suicide rate without having post-combat PTSD, discouraging strong Southerners from joining, and creating less effective combat units to signal socially.  That’s a recipe for failure. 

The United States has neither won nor arguably even fought a war against a real country since 1945, but we seem to be gearing up for one. Whether the U.S. goes up against Iran, Turkey, or whatever enemy the Joint Chiefs of Staff believe is the greatest threat to “democracy,” it will devastate the U.S. military.  Whatever remains viable in the military before that war will be lost in what will, at best, be a Pyrrhic victory.  The exact details are anyone’s guess, but the result will be a loss of face in the international sphere. That war will likely happen by 2035.

America imposes its will internationally through economic and military threats.  We are seeing the decline of American economic influence in real time.  Once the U.S. military is shown to be a paper tiger and is unable to project fear worldwide, we will see attacks on the U.S. (mainly in the form of cyber warfare, EMPs, and whatever else can be done to prevent the U.S. from launching nuclear weapons).  Additionally, without the U.S. being able to throw its weight around, wars between third world nations will increase and get deadlier.

With increased international conflict and without an effective military, there is no way for the U.S. to force open new markets, meaning greater economic compression and collapse domestically. Combine that with the theory that revolutions occur when the standards of living don’t improve according to expectations, and we get complete civil breakdown by 2050. That’s also not even touching the fact that the “protests” that are going on today will undoubtedly get more violent and more common in the coming years.  This is not meant to be a black pill. This is just stating the fact that a breakdown is going to happen and it’s going to be rough.

People in 453 AD likely could have predicted that Rome was going to collapse in their lifetime, but they couldn’t have predicted that the Empire would be replaced with a bunch of German kingdoms or that the Eastern Roman Empire would continue on for another thousand years.  Likewise, I’m not going to try to predict what’s going to happen when America officially collapses. I can only predict that it will.


  1. Trump’ll win. I’ve got money riding on it. But it’ll be the last time Lincoln wins a seat. from here on out it’ll be smooth sailing for the commies. They even have the Seat of Holy Peter the Vicar of Christ. In the next 4 years Trump’ll be president is the last 4 years you preppers have to prep and you ranchers have to ranch. Get your family safe. It’s all we’ll have. Baptists are caving and giving women roles in churches, Methodists are putting queer pride stickers on their church doors to show inclusion, Mormons are aiding BLM in exchange for leaving Utah alone, Episcopals sold out way in the 70s alongside the Reorganised Mormon church, and Holy Rome literally has a statue of Martin Luther in the Vatican. Any church that isn’t selling out (pretty much just the Orthodox and a few creepy fringe cults) will loose their tax exemption.

    Take comfort though, because once we all get pushed out they’ll ruin this planet. It’ll be too polluted and there will be too many fat people and feminine men willing to get their hands dirty and fix things. They killed this world trying to win the election, the same way Rome fell from over expansion.

  2. The Republic is dead…Uncle Sam is finished…not in 2030, not in 2048…

  3. The collapse will hit Whites in the states that went to war against Dixie in 1856-61, the hardest. Their whole identity, both individual and collective, is intertwined with the Lincoln-Hamiltonian abstraction called America®.

    1. Three staples to have plenty of: deer meat, salt, and flour…oh yeah, and if you live near a river as I do, get a catfish trap.

  4. Some predict a sudden ‘waterfall’ collapse.
    Some predict a slower ‘stair-step’ collapse.

    I am pretty sure this phase of this collapse is intended to blend seamlessly into the next phase of this collapse… and into the next phases of the next collapse.
    The script-writers would not have it any other way.

    (By ‘script-writers’, I am not referring to drama-addicted zionists and/or marxists.
    They are merely playground-actors hitting their marks and spouting their lines.)

    Ol’ Remus advises:
    * “Avoid crowds.”

    1. America is already collapsing, regardless of any election results.
      No one wants to hear it, but God is no longer blessing the united States of America. In fact, his judgement is starting to unfold.
      It is not some conspiracy theory, just look at the events of this nation in sequence since 1861. There has been a Satanic, systematic, targeted attack on Christianity and the traditional values associated with it in America since the invasion of the Confederacy.
      However, It is now just reaching critical mass.

      1. Most of the “Union” officers and a great many of the Northern political leaders in that war seem to have been daemonically possessed.
        I think even a few folks, here and up North, commented on it at the time.

        At any rate, I’ve heard over the years bits and pieces that suggested that the people who first settled New England, had made a deal with the Devil around 1620, or so. Or at least some of them had.

  5. Gavin Newsome? Unlikely. We have probably seen the last White male President in America. The corpulent joggerette Stacy Abrams probably is the nominee in 2024.

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