Why They Hate The South

The Marxist Left hates everything.  They hate God, nuclear families, the rule of law, borders, trade, animal food sources, and of course, people with traditional values. But the Marxist Left really hates the South.  Why? There is a simple reason: The South remains the core obstacle to a Marxist conclusion.  This article breaks down how the South has earned the enmity of the Marxist Left.

First, to begin, it is important to define the “Marxist conclusion.” A Marxist conclusion is the belief that a better – “fairer” – society will result when Marxism is finally universally embraced. It is a utopian ideal, in which individualism is replaced with “harmonious collectivism.”  Property is no longer a thing.  Individualism is dismantled by racial and linguistic uniformity.  Freed from the bonds of family and personal distinctions, we will see each other as “the same” and therefore, we will no longer fight over trivial matters, like food, water, oil, religion, and other human needs – be they physical or spiritual.

To achieve the Marxist conclusion, we must be willing to surrender those individualistic characteristics that keep each other distinct.  This goes beyond simple hair and eye color.  This is not even inherently race related, although that plays a role. Marxists need us to fundamentally agree that human individuality is the root cause of all evils. We kill each other because we see each other as competitors. Remove the competition by reducing everyone to a single standard and you remove war. Redistribute resources and the human condition universally becomes “better.”  Yes, some of us may not eat as well as others, but those who are not eating well today, will have more.

Of course, there is a problem with all of this: it is inherently ungodly – and therein lies the problem with the South.

More than any other region in the United States, the South has remained the champion of Godly virtue and that includes the preservation of the individual.  While other areas throughout the country have embraced political positions that are antithetical to the Bible, the South has remained steadfast in defiance of the secular lurch to the Left by the broader West.  The easiest place at which to see Southern defiance in action begins with a war over the origin point of individuality: the child.

At the core of a Godly home is the relationship between husband and wife.  It is the nucleus of the nuclear family. It is the center of kin-based networks that define clans and, ultimately, Nations.  That is why Marxists have fought so hard to kill traditional relationships between men and women.  If you want to destroy the Nation, you need to root it out, and that begins with the destruction of the nuclear family.  Being that the gender wars have not yet been able to manifest in a way by which procreation has been eliminated (although it has been curtailed), the Marxist Left has weaponized children.

No sane person would advocate for more abortions, postpartum infanticide, pedophilia, or permanent transgender treatment for prepubescent boys.  But, the Marxist Left supports all of those positions.  It is not because they are insane, per se.  Rather, they are ungodly. They know that children form a glue between husband and wife.  Children are the blood lineage of kin-based networks.  A child is an individual that derives from two individuals who (most often) willingly engaged in an act of union.  The South, which is strongly kin-centric, has done the most to protect children.  From restrictions on abortion to aggressive prosecution of pedophiles (sometimes in the hands of town fathers), the South has done what few other areas of the country are willing to do: defend children.

That is a problem for Marxists.  As long as the South continues to marry and have children, not only does the South maintain a consistent amount of growth among a racial demographic that is generally declining elsewhere, it is raising those children with Southern values.  Generationally, Southern children are more likely to hunt and/or serve in the U.S. military than other areas of the country.  Consequently, not only does the South raise children to reject Marxism, they grow up to be armed anti-Marxists.  

And what are those core Southern values?  Godliness and individualism.  The South’s relationship with God and personal consequences define Southerners today.

At its core, the South is uniquely comprised of an Anglo-Celtic heritage.  That heritage transcends blood.  It is spiritual.  It is impossible to ignore the defining impact of Presbyterianism and high-church Anglicanism by the South’s two great ethnic contributors: the Scots-Irish and the Anglo-Saxons.  To a lesser extent, but important nonetheless, are early Methodist settlers of English and Irish extraction.  This spiritual combination has led to two key cultural components of the Southern zeitgeist: (1) the individuality of spiritual ascendancy (i.e., choosing/being chosen by Christ; Scottish Presbyterianism) and (2) a respect for traditional hierarchical order (English Anglicanism).  

By the way, as I cover these faith-based cultural influencers, I do not mean the latest manifestation of these now tragically undermined faiths.  I mean their beliefs as they were during the settlement of the South.  One need only read Robert Lewis Dabney or the Archbishop of Canterbury Cosmo Lang’s chastisement of Edward VIII to understand that which I mean.

The combination of Anglo order and Celtic individualism runs directly contrary to Marxism.  It is also one of the reasons Evangelicalism has such a prominent role in Southern society today.  At its very core, Christianity is the only faith that is truly individualistic.  One must make an individual spiritual decision to accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior.  This decision cannot be contrived or compelled by human factors.  If the Holy Spirit is invited into the heart, Christ will be made manifest to the individual.  Unlike Islam, which can forcibly compel converts, or Judaism, in which individuals are simply born Jewish, the Christian must make a personal choice to choose Christ.  Eastern faiths revolve around the consequences of past lives, whether they be reincarnated or ancestral spiritual relationships.  Again, the individual is removed from the equation.  Not so with Christianity.  

Nothing can be more problematic for Marxists than a faith based on individualism.  If God demands the integrity of the individual as a core component of faithfulness, then secular modernity led by Cultural Marxists must be rejected by His people.  This is one of the key reasons that Marxists have focused aggressively on revamping Christianity, especially by co-opting previously conservative groups that emphasized the personal connection between God and man, like the Southern Baptist Convention.  

Added to this spiritual foundation within Southern culture is a respect for aristocratic order.  The South has the greatest number of impoverished working class, yet they do not embrace Marxism like their more affluent West Coast or Northeastern peers.  Why?  Because they lack envy as a condition in society.  Sure, jealousy exists, but very few natural born Southerners envision “taking” from the affluent and redistributing it to others. Rather, hard work and dedication are respected aspects of Southerners who seek to elevate their position in a society built on hierarchical order.  

Southerners are not materialistic in the same sense as Yankees.  They like toys that are meant to enhance life experiences.  I cannot tell you the number of Southerners I know who live in mobile homes, but own boats, ATVs, and other expensive accessories.  Anyone who has ever bought one knows that guns and tattoos are not cheap, yet they are prolific in the South.  Generally, the Southerner is rarely driven by “money” for the sake of achieving status.  Money is simply a tool used to procure things that are needed or wanted.  

Southerners who choose not to engage in the rat race are not lazy or uncaring – they are simply comfortable.  That is hard for many in other parts of the country to understand. But most Southerners who reside in a simple home do not lament or dwell on their temporal condition. More importantly, he does not blame the affluent Tidewater gentleman for his relative lack of means. He just prefers to live simply. In fact, unlike other areas of the country, there is a good chance that the affluent Tidewater gentleman is related to the man in the trailer park. They may see each other at family gatherings, discuss the college football season, share a beer and a laugh… This respect for order, affluence, hierarchy, and individual achievement are anathema to Marxists.

All of this ultimately translates to the ballot box.  While Yankees continue to vote for political positions that empower Marxists – from gun control (restricting the means to defend the individual from the collective) to affirmative action (the redistribution of higher paying skill positions to less qualified persons on the basis of race) – the South consistently votes against Marxist policies.  This enrages the Marxist Left.  More importantly, the kin-centric, locally minded Dixian generally rejects greater central authority, a requirement toward achieving the Marxist compelled collective – and ultimately “heaven on earth.”

One of the reasons I personally reject European fascism is that it runs contrary to Southern society. It, too, requires greater central authority to work.  I believe a kin-based, local hegemonic system comprised of an elevated aristocratic class of property owners would best serve the South.  That stated, rarely do such disconnected networks successfully defeat a Marxist leviathan when it is in motion.  Consequently, the Southerner must unite with other Southerners to push back against this attempt to completely destroy the very fabric of Southern society and her people.  Marxists appreciate this reality and therefore, the South, more than any other region, is under full assault.

In order to destroy the cultural glue that holds the South together and, ultimately, if necessary, fight back, Marxists must destroy every facet of unique Southern cultural identity.  Despite preferring to be left alone, Southerners will eventually get angry.  Before that happens, Marxists are seizing on the moment.  They are using the speed of current events to topple monuments, eliminate historic iconography, and rip out the heart of the Southerner before he realizes he must do something to stop the targeted cultural genocide.  Make no mistake about it – whereas Whites in general are being targeted globally, Southerners are the key.  Marxists know that New Yorkers, Minnesotans, Britons, Scandinavians, and Californians will embrace Marxism once it gains power.  They also know the South, with its rugged individualism, respect for tradition, and unifying heritage, will not.  

With every defiant act – be it attending church during a government-imposed lockdown or passing a bill to protect the unborn – the Southerner is the chief stumbling block to the Marxist conclusion. He stands resolutely in the way, with “his God and his guns.”  That is why the Southerner is so hated by the Marxist Left.  He is the chief stumbling block to progressive “progress.”  That is why they hate the South.  The Southerner stands alone as a Warrior of God and a Defender of the Individual.  

But the Southerner cannot continue to stand unless we unite for a voluntary and vigorous defense of Dixie.


  1. This is an excellent article, Sir! I applaud you for your ability to see things as they truly are so clearly. Not only for that, but also for your ability to articulate it all so clearly and concisely in writing. That’s a talent or a [*]skill that very few possess, and you certainly have it to a greater extent and level of refinement than yours truly. So Kudos, brother!

    To your main points in the article, I have much to say, but will need to get back to part of it later. You are right on the money when you iterate that there is a strong element of traditionalism in the South, and especially within the under classes. Even the women in the South, as polluted as their minds in many cases have become by the meddling Yankee and his foisting the feminist doctrine upon them for decades, remain relatively traditionalist in their core beliefs and core values. This is why a lot of them half-jokingly point out from time to time that they have no desire to be “equal” with their male counterparts when they already enjoy a status of superiority to him, and have enjoyed that status for a long long time.

    You mentioned Dr. Dabney, whom I of course quote all the time in comments here and elsewhere. There is a particular quotation of his that relates to the above that I will go and find and post in a separate comment later on this evening since I’d probably muck it up if I attempted an accurate paraphrase.

    But anyway, kudos again, sir, you’re one of my favorite writers at ID.

  2. The designed purpose of Marxism/Socialism/Communism, is the annihilation of Humanity, under the guise of rescuing them from poverty, material want, and political/social repression.
    It’s final end is in the mass grave. Not in universal happiness, fulfilment and contentment.

    1. We agree. Unfortunately, Marxists believe it will end in a utopia. The belief that they can create heaven on earth with Marxism is another manifestation of their ungodliness.

      Thank you for the comment, Sir.

  3. Indulge me a legit question on Dixie’s christology?

    Does Dixie believe “Christ” to be an internal “saving” work of the individual man, or does Dixie believe in a coming external global “dominionist” and global collectivist monarch?

    How does a global monarchy (a monarch who is not your kin!) square with Dixie’s belief of, and all of Southern history toward individual and kin-nation sovereignty?Unmerited hereditary aristocracy/monarchy is anathema to our very ancient peoples, especially the Scot’s-Irish who practiced Tanistry: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tanistry

    1. Thank you for the question.

      Identity Dixie is not monolithic. There are a number of opposing opinions within the group. Perhaps the only things that really unify us are (1) a love for the South and (2) a recognition of a Triune God (God the Father, Jesus the Son, and the Holy Spirit). That stated, my personal opinion (I cannot speak for ID as a whole): I touch briefly upon tanistry in this article and I somewhat agree with your position. Kin-centric nationalism is – in my opinion – the most natural order for the South, whereby clans are united by blood bounds and led by a hierarchy of paternal representatives within the clan – who select a chieftain. We can call this something else in the modern era, should that be necessary (Senators, President, etc.). The selection can be achieved within a Biblical framework, not unlike the selection of Saul or David. I caution, however, that such a framework would have to marry some societal differences with our Anglo-Saxon counterparts within the South.

      Thank you for the question, Sir.

      1. and on the question of global messianic monarchy?

        “does Dixie believe in a coming external global “dominionist” and global collectivist monarch?
        How does a global monarchy (a monarch who is not your kin!) square with Dixie’s belief of, and all of Southern history toward individual and kin-nation sovereignty?”

  4. Good article. The part about transending and being connected by more than blood and history is something I try to explain to non-Southerners all the time, I tell them that moving here will never make you or your descendants Southern, we share a collcetive soul.

    Thats not something that you can steal or buy into. There is no magic dirt. I personally was one of the children that got left behind during “white flight” as we surrendered our homes to yankess and all the rest. Despite that, despite going to all black schools, being completely ignorant of our history, despite their best attempts to brainwash me in in the very violent indoctrination camps, with a Federal Judge for a school board, none of it mattered. I fought it all, unbeknownst to me, agrured with the brainwashers excatly like a Southerner would from a Southern viewpoint. I made Southern points, I took Southern stances on every issue, I fought for the South without even realizing thats what I was doing. I did that forever, and if you could go back to my life on the internet where I was fighting this online after being expelled from school for the hundredth time for “failure to conform” they said. I was on sites before a time we knew that marxists ran them all like the Huffington Post. For me you would simply have to switch out the word American with Southerner in my aguments and you would have no idea that I had been stripped of my own past, I was a Southerner, I just did not understand that. On that site I became so utterly frustrated and embarrassed by these “Americans” speaking to an international audience (something very new at this time) and getting it all wrong, that I deleted my account and made a new one named “Actual American” and thus began my life as a based and God-pilled, alt-right, redpilled, memelord, shitposter, praise KeK. Only none of those terms exsited yet.

    I had never read a history book and had the worst “education” imaginable. Despite that, day and night I agrured with highly educated people, who I now know to call yankees, simply because what they were saying about being an American and what that meant was completely wrong and people from other countries believed them. It drove me absolutely crazy. So I told them what it really meant as an “Actual American” and I was right, despite knowing next to nothing about history, the fake version or otherwise. I was attacked, gaslighted, called names, called stupid for missplacing a comma or typos, my account suspended and all the other tactics we all now know leftists employ against us. Back then I did not even understand they were leftists or what that meant. I spoke from my soul and I knew I was right, I knew it with certainty. Turns out decades later, I was right. When you say we are connected by more than flesh, I promise you are right.

    Even when I found this site and others and started to really try and learn about my people, it turns out the things I heard here like how we were asleep largely because we dont really concern ourself with what other people are doing and are always suprised to find they are obsessed with us or how, as you said, we only care for money in the sense that we can buy things that make life a little more fun or free, its not an end in itself and it certainly does not confer status, to even think it did would only earn you disdain. I even talked about Southerners collective soul, all without being told about it, ever being taught it or never even really living in an environment that you could call Southern, more like Mogadishu, Africaians with a yankee education. Despite that I would make bold statements and declarations about the South, America, God and all the rest without any hesitation, although I could not explain it to an academic who would demand to know how I knew, I just knew, I knew it with certainty. I. Just. Knew.

    Collective soul indeed, you are spot on.

    What you said about uniting and orginzing now is absolutely correct. I believe, and despite never having read it in a book, I am certain I am correct, that we dispersed and relyed on those spiritual bonds to keep us all intact as a people, that we retreated into our shared spritual home in order to surive and had faith the enemy could not reach us there, as our Founders did when they placed the wellspring of our rights in a spritual home, we as a people, largely lived together in that spritual place in order to survive, they could not touch us there.

    In milltary terms, we gave up untenable postions. We largely abandoned our cities and although there were casualties, like me for instance, the cost of holding them would be too high. We learned the importance of not presenting the enemy with a hard target. I just know it and I have never resented anyone for abandoning us as they did. I viewed myself as manning the walls, holding the line, buying ya’ll time. I trusted that you were behind me doing your part just as I was doing mine. I thought one day I would find you and everything would be in place and I could just fall in line and help. My Lord, was I ever wrong about that. I could go into that, but this is already more lengthy than I intended it to be.

    But sir, you are absolutely correct. Now is the time to unite and orginzie, we can no longer rely solely on those spiritual bonds, its time to gather the tribes.

    We must be prepared for the subversion that will come with that, if there is one thing my life on the wall has taught me, our enemies true weapons are subversion, lies and gaslighting. Only the truely Based survive. You must be Based. As we used to say as kids there, “Only the realest survive” or “Dont tolerate no fakeness” things like that, we had a million of sayings like that, they all revolved around being “real” and hating anything “fake”. Although we did not realize it, we were just little kids, heathens you could say, we were doing what humans always do, adapting to our environment in order to survive. That meant the best thing you could be was real, the worst thing that could happen would be to become fake. We must all take those lessons to heart, we paid a price to learn them. Any wiggle room on excatly who we are as Southerners, what race we are, how we define ourselves, what we stand for, who our God is or absolutely anyhting else, then we will be subverted and die. Whats worse we will die corrupted, we will die only after being turned into a gross caracutre of ourselves. I saw that a lot as a kid in their brainwashing camps, its the worst death there is.

    You sir, I believe may have an insight, the understanding, that will be absolutely nessacarry to help defend us agaist that subversion and that will be fundamental in our efforts to organize while fighting off the legions of subverts that will accompany any such attempts and I implore you to keep writing. I pray that you seek out and actively participate in any of our efforts to organize.

    Very good article, very insightful. I hope there will be more forthcoming from you in the future. I thoroughly enjoyed it and may God bless you in your endeavors.

    1. See realjewnews.com and dailystormer.name and the occidentalobserver.com as well as dr lasha darkmoonnsite and paul craig roberts site. If you arent aware of some of them you will enjoy them. Great points w 1 exception. There may just be magic dirt in the Glorious Confederacy because my moms family was from iowa(from the mayflower era) and my fathers from italy then he was born in chicago, but i was born in a military hospital in the “show me state” in the land of dixie while he served during war time against the militarist communist expansion of his young life and im as Confederate and southern as the day is long and while i grew up in the north i moved back even deeper into the country of my birth and never feel at home anywhere else. I now hang my hat in austin texas constantly menacing the filthy satanist jewish rabble and their libtard and hippy and millenial minions that invade our capital city every chance that i get !! When i bleed, i bleed gray with stars and bars !!

  5. It is time, truly, for the Southerner to come all this family, his kinsmen, and fight as one voice against the godless Marxist. Our cry is loud ! DEO VINDICE!

  6. This is a good essay. I am, however, discouraging my sons from joining Uncle Sam’s imperial military. There’s no good reason for them to join up and be sent 7000 miles away to invade and occupy countries which are zero threat to America, and particularly Dixie. All the remaining Bush/Cheney Republicans in Dixie are free to send their sons (and God forbid, daughters) to kill or be killed for Halliburton/Raytheon/GE, et al, profits. My sons will pass on that opportunity, and stay in Dixie to try to stave off the Marxists down here.

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