The Communist Coup: In Real Time

Time for some informal, light news blog posting. I normally prefer to leave this genre and style to more suited authors, but I found it necessary to compile a list of the current events going on and how they precipitate a total Communist takeover or an American Color Revolution. I’ll refrain from being too wordy here.

Covid-19 Hoax

Covid-19 has largely been a hoax. Yes, it is real, and yes, it has killed people. However, the numbers do not match the data when regarding deadliness, and it appears the primary fallout of it has been the weakening of the small business sector as well as skyrocketing unemployment. While there is certainly a health concern associated with the virus, particularly among the elderly and those with predisposed medical issues, the inability of state governments to police bloated, criminal infested urban areas allows for the virus to spread uncontrollably, particularly in black neighborhoods.

Firearms and Ammunition

If you have been paying attention, you will notice that the supply chain for firearms is evaporating, and it is becoming difficult for stores to keep ammunition stocked as well. Funny how Covid made that happen. This situation is absurd and getting worse. Keep an eye on this phenomenon because the news media is refusing to report it.

Meat Industry

The meat industry is an already neglected topic on its own, but Covid-19 has effectively shut down most of the largest suppliers of meat across the country. That supply will run dry as the virus continues to spread.

Military Indignance

Military officers have openly criticized Trump and some of his statements during the earlier weeks of America’s societal unrest. This included James Mattis. It is amazing they had the gall to do this and surprisingly received no repercussions for doing so.


Honestly, this story is nothing short of a comedy. This asinine experiment of leftist occupation lasted from June 8 to July 1, 2020, and protesters continue to march through the streets. It is a small scale example of how weak every level of American government is. Not only did these people manage to take a police precinct, but they held it for nearly a month.

Mass Riots and Civil Unrest

These riots could easily be quelled. However, military personnel, police officers, and leftist organizations, particularly the news, are constantly on the lookout for rightwingers to show up to fight the leftist mobs, and in some cases Black Nationalist militias, so that the Left may have a scapegoat. These rightwing groups have consistently been a no-show, having learned their lessons from previous experiences in physical activism, and have been so viciously targeted that they really do not have a presence in American society anymore, not even as a boogeyman.

As a result, radical leftist terror groups and sympathizers have effectively ensured chaos in urban locales across the country with the most concentration being in the South. An armed black militia named NFAC marched through Stone Mountain, Georgia on July 4th, 2020, one of the largest contemporary marches of its kind, and the leader mockingly made note of the fact that no white militias have shown up in opposition.

The Flag Debacle and Total Eradication of Southern History

This is an extension of the above topic and leads directly into the following topic. Mississippi changed its flag without the consent of voters. This decision was passed overwhelmingly by the Republican dominated state legislature. There are now calls for other Southern state flags to be changed due to their ties to the Confederacy. Additionally, the mass rioting has primarily targeted Confederate Monuments, but many other statues of White males have been targeted as well. In every scenario, the GOP has refused to resist the Left on any issue. In Mississippi specifically, many cucked on the flag issue because sports corporations discussed boycotting the state.

The Current Socio-Political Situation

The last part of the list also happens to be the one worth discussing in the most detail. This requires some historical context.

The Democrats and Republicans of the 1970s and 1980s realized they needed to rein in some of the more radical elements of the Left. The multitude of Black Nationalist and communist terror cells which formed during the 60s and 70s was astounding. Whites at the time may have caved on issues regarding Civil Rights but wouldn’t have allowed blatant terrorism. The country also desperately needed a massive realignment of the Overton Window and political party structures following the collapse of Jim Crow and the Solid South, so pulling back the radical elements was a necessary act.

Many of these violent, criminal groups quietly fell by the wayside by the 1980s but were never prosecuted by anyone. In some instances, the Weathermen’s leadership became celebrities. 

Since the Obama era, Black Nationalist groups have grown rapidly in number and re-established somewhat of a foothold in the South. Additionally, the unhinged parts of the Democratic Party have gained too much power to control effectively. All the old Dixiecrat-turned-Republican types and all the genuine Southern conservatives have died off. Additionally, the old guard Democrat moderates are on the precipice of death or are outright senile.

Joe Biden, though not yet set in stone, will most likely defeat a weakened Trump who has failed to accomplish any of his campaign promises. Under his administration, the Left will act unopposed. He will behave as a puppet and has even endorsed finishing Obama’s goal under the Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, an extension of the unconstitutional Fair Housing Act of 1968 which will utterly destroy the suburbs. The suburbs have their flaws, but the idea is full blown Bolshevik insanity.

The GOP continues to constantly stab its jaded constituency in the back with the most notable recent act of tyranny being the Mississippi flag decision. The GOP also endorses changing the names of military bases named in honor of Confederate officers, and a number have even proposed swapping Columbus Day with Juneteenth. There is no resistance to the Left anymore. As the previously mentioned Black militia leader stated, without understanding the deeper significance of it, the Right has no means of resisting the Left or any willingness to make a physical appearance in a protest. The Left has utterly crushed its resistance. The typical modus operandi is to allow rightwingers just barely enough to form groups and even publicly protest, which allows the news media to run wild with stories about white supremacists and racists behind every tree. That no longer exists. The Right does not really even exist on the internet anymore.

Things don’t look too bright for the future, fam.


  1. Joe Biden, though not yet set in stone, will most likely defeat a weakened Trump,…

    People on our side of the divide keep saying this and giving their reasons – “a weakened Trump who has failed to accomplish any of his campaign promises” and whatnot. But this implies that the federal elections, such that they are, are legitimate; that the ‘American People’ really do (indirectly) elect the American President. Nothing could be farther from the truth.

    My offer still stands to wager a cup of coffee with you seers and prognosticators on the side of the opposite result. And I say that with all due respect to you, Sir. Just know that I expect full payment of that I am owed when this ‘weakened Trump’ wins his second term in spite of his weakened condition. 🙂

    It’s time for another lesson from Mr. Dabney:

    That popular suffrage does not now really govern this country, that it is notoriously a marketable commodity, that the United States have really ceased already to be what they pretend, a federation of republican States, no clear sighted man doubts. Under a thin veil of radical democracy, the government has already become an oligarchy. Are not State conventions traded off by the magnates as openly as blocks of railroad bonds? Are not legislatures bought as really and almost as openly as cargoes of corn? Are not “corners” made in politics by which the weaker capitalists are sold out, as really as in the pork market?

    It is Washington or Wall street which really dictates what platforms shall be set forth, and what candidates elected and what appointments made, not the people of the States.

    Some of you may have heard of the incident which happened in our neighboring town, in that year when our Southern conservatives, in their wisdom, made Horace Greeley their standard-bearer, hoping, it seems, like the superstitious Jews, to “cast out devils through Beelzebub, the chief of the devils”; to retrieve the cause of order and right through the arch incendiary and agitator of the country. Several hopeful souls were arguing his success from the many signs of his acceptance with the people. It was said, whole radical towns, whole Union Leagues in the northwest were coming over to Greeley. A sagacious banker standing by quietly shook his head. Our friends, almost vexed at his skepticism, asked: “Why? do not all these accessions, with the Southern support, promise him success?” His answer was: “Gentlemen, I do business in Wall Street, and Wall Street does not want Greeley.” And so the country did not have Greeley, and Greeley did not have the presidency he coveted, but went aside to die of chagrin.

    So Wall Street saw in the third term imperialism thinly masked, and as its oligarchs preferred to be masters themselves, rather than have Grant their master and ours. Wall Street sent to Chicago and nominated Garfield as its convenient lay-figure. But having carried its main point it really cared very little about the choice between him and Hancock, and for a time did nor trouble itself. So the people were about to elect Hancock. But one fine morning this simple minded “beefeater” perpetrated the faux pas of endorsing the greenback victory in Maine. And now that Wall Street saw that the Hancock regime was committed to “soft money,” it did trouble itself, and woke up and put its hand to the canvass. It would none of Hancock and his soft money, and so the people could not have Hancock nor he have the presidency.

    – R.L. Dabney, The New South

    1. Tbh man, I really can’t confidently predict this election. Trump may win because the left has gone totally insane, or Biden could win for the same reason. Either way, I do not foresee anything good coming from Trump’s reelection. It’s like voting for bad or worse.

      1. I unfortunately agree. While Biden would be bad for just about every white American, Trump is the true accelerationist President. We would not be facing total social collapse if he were never elected in 2016. Scared to think what 2021 may bring should he be re-elected.

  2. Dark days are ahead of us either way. One thing I know for sure at this point is God is punishing us. In the bible God punishes entire nations, entire peoples, even the good ones among them because everyone is ultimately culpable whether we like that fact or not.

    I’m of the opinion our best bet is to keep our heads down and go underground to survive the storm that is coming. This is what political entities in the soviet union had to do in order to survive.

    1. Agreed. The book of Lamentations discusses in detail exactly what God does to His people when they forsake his divinity.

    2. I don’t know that God is punishing us per se; I’m not sure actual punishment is needed at this point.

      I once heard a sermon in which the pastor made the distinction between two basic types of people – (1) those who earnestly desire to do the Lord’s will on earth and pray, “Thy will be done, O Lord”; and (2) those who deny him (in word and/or deed) and ignore His holy edicts, those to whom the Lord says, “thy will be done.”

      The inexorable laws of nature (which of course God established at the beginning) will not abide a nation like ours very long. Or, as JMSmith of The Orthosphere puts it concerning some of the ruling principles in this country, these are things “the earth won’t long put up with.” In any case, the judgments of the Lord are true and righteous altogether. Blessed be the name of the Lord!

  3. Still no sign of organization on our part. I dont understand it at all. Why are we not more organized? Why the hell cant we get it together as a people? What is going on? If I went and took a course on community organizing from some marxist school, would that help? Who would support me? Where would my pay check come from? I mean yeah we all see what is coming, but if you think they are going to let you ride it out in your shack in the woods you are a fool. If you and your family do not report to your assigned housing project you will be killed. If they catch them but not you they will be punished for your escaping them, and escaping them to what? Live like a cave man until you die of dysentery, alone with no memory of who we even are as a people? Death is better, but not the death of our people, and for us to survive as a people we MUST organize. My generation threw their life away so we could know who NOT to trust. So now lets get together and while there is still breath left in us at least write our history down, who we are, the 200 years of subjugation, what we have learned….. everything. Can someone at least point me in the right direction? Please dont say the SCV, they may be OK for what they are, but they cant do everything nor do they want to.

    1. As far as recording history goes, I have been doing that extensively, especially in regards to Reconstruction.

      1. Thats very admirable of you, bravo. But how do we teach our children that instead of what I was force fed in school? I still dont know my own people’s history and honestly I dont know who to even trust. I had a Federal Judge instead of a school board and we fought for homeschooling, but for what? They use the same books as the Federal schools. Where are our history books and curriculum to replace that? Also, will it be real or just more of the weak mouthed stuff I have read, where it almost seems like the author is ok with the invasion and he is talking about a game of laser tag and not the fate of our people. On a side note, something that bothered me in school, bare in mind I did not know anything about our people despite growing up in the Capital of Louisiana, why is it told in the 3rd person almost? Our books should be for us and reflect that. They should say “Then we did this” and “At this point our people were forced to” etc. It should feel like what it is supposed to be, us talking to our children and be the story of our people, almost like the bible. Our history is worthless if, I say again, we do not untie and organize. What good is that history you are writing if only a handful of kids ever see it? We all need to see it, and for that to happen, we must organize and before that can happen we must define, to a man, who we are. Is anyone doing that? We are overrun. That may be putting the horse before the cart as some organization is necessary even to say who we are and are not, what we are and what we are not. That cannot be a democratic process for obvious reasons, but is anyone thinking like me? Is there people out there joining us together and talking about it, and not in the past tense or 3rd person either. I could go on and on, I have a lot of ideas about what we need but no leadership to talk to, none that is real anyway, no RINOs and Hippie boomers tyvm. So who then? Who is going to take your work and codify it, fold it into our story?

        1. Dear Michael,

          I don’t have time at the moment to address every concern in your post, but let me address the following for starters:

          But how do we teach our children that instead of what I was force fed in school?

          Ans: By rejecting public schooling; by disallowing your children to attend these Yankee indoctrination centers; by becoming the “living textbook” for your own kids.

          I still dont know my own people’s history and honestly I dont know who to even trust. I had a Federal Judge instead of a school board and we fought for homeschooling, but for what? They use the same books as the Federal schools. Where are our history books and curriculum to replace that?

          You ‘fought for homeschooling,’ I presume, to protect the minds and souls of your offspring from being ruined by a false education. But who do you mean by the term “they?” Homeschoolers? You do realize, do you not, that homeschoolers aren’t all “created equal,” and that as such we don’t all use the same history books, nor follow the idiotic brain-destroying philosophy and methodology, of the government schools? Where are our history books? Why, sir, have you never heard the Lord’s words admonishing us to “ask and you shall receive, seek and you shall find; knock, and the door shall be opened unto you”? Internalize those admonitions, and you’ll most assuredly find your way to our history books sooner or later and a little at a time.

          All of that said, don’t believe I’m not sympathetic to your dilemma. I am, most assuredly. But complaining about the situation without doing anything to correct it will never get you anywhere. I’m happy to make you a short list of “essential reading” if you like.

          1. Sir, no offense but you have managed to miss the point somehow. We are completely lacking any coherent organization and if that continues to be the case we will disappear from this earth. I also dont know how could possibly read what I have said and then tell me to “seek and you shall find”, what exactly is it that you think I am doing here? The problem is nobody has the answers, and that is a fatal flaw and must be addressed if we are to survive. We dont need a reading list, we need a codified, unified curriculum written by our people, expressly for our people, from the standpoint of our people. Only we who share that collective soul of our people can write that, it cant be outsourced and reading random accounts and diaries of things that happened 200 years ago is not nearly enough. You dont understand the shape our people are in, we have been living under systemic oppression, gaslighted, cast into poverty, stripped of any real education, forced to work laborious jobs that leave no time for our own personal growth or our families, vilified at every turn, attacked physically as well as mentally, subverted, betrayed by leaders we trusted, had our identity erased and replaced with things meant to destroy us, stripped of our cultural sports, outcast from our universities, living in a forced drug culture to replace our real culture meant to destroy them and a million other things that come along with being under the thumb of people trying to kill us. That is who you are dealing with and you cant seem to grasp it. It has taken a great toll on us, and most people suffering it dont even know why they are being so remorselessly attacked. I cant tell someone “well just go seek inside yourself in your abundance of spare time for the answers” They dont even know what they are looking for, it needs to be very simple, plug and play, ironed out and codified. It must be based on the reality of this world. They need counter measures, food, money… hope. They are living from pay check to pay check surrounded by enemies on all sides, no sign of their own people or place to call their own, in their own home. Its our job to firstly understand that about them and look at them empathically through that lens and secondly provide them a path, not these boomer vagaries either, it must be a very simple, actionable path forward, with a goal we can all see and work towards, together, as a people. Reclaim everything. We have to provide that for them, THAT is what I am asking for honestly.

            No offense sir, but I read your replies here all of the time, and I like others I have seen who have tried to explain to you in their replies, you need you to understand you are operating off of an understanding of the world that is way, way outdated. Its the boomer mentality and it does not work. Quite frankly it did not work then, and we are suffering the consequences of it now. In one of your replies you told a young man to just go get a career, find a good woman and save money etc. the typical boomer answers that do not function in today’s world. You are speaking to him as if he is not covered in scars, as if he is not being forcefully pushed out of career paths (even in the Trades) as if good women are all around and that he has the means to support them on his own even if he did find one, which is very, very hard to find. Save money? You mean that shit they print that is based on nothing that is becoming more worthless everyday? That green stuff with pictures of Lincoln and cult imagery on it that can be taken from you with a keystroke from a bureaucrat thousands of miles away for a thought crime? Spend my life saving that just so it can be stolen? You want us to pretend that is going to be there in the future? Its not, we cant operate off of your outdated mentality, I wont rehash it, he explained it pretty well himself in his reply to you, meatspace I believe is the word he used, and meatspace is also what I am looking for here. Thats just the tip of the iceberg, its systemic, its everywhere and in everything, you did not have to grow up in that world, those rules do not apply anymore, if they ever did. There is a lecture by Jordan Peterson you should listen to where he explains the difference between your mentality and our peoples current collective mentality. He explains that your mentality only works for conscientious in long term stable societies that are likely to be there far into the future, the other side of the coin is hurry up and get while the getting is good and go into survival mode. Which of those do you think applies to our people currently? We need answers, and they need to be our answers, not vague ones either.

            I am not singling you out, please do not take anything I am saying personally, I am speaking in broad terms about lessons that I and many others threw their life away to learn, becasue nobody had the answers, the real ones, the ones that have a chance of working based off of the reality that we live in. Its the same in all the other groups I am in, not just Southern ones, we are all noticing that we are stalling out. Thats what the Southern Nationalists are doing too, stalling out, becoming a dead Church. The answer that we have formulated is, action. We must begin to act, that is the life of the Church, right now we are all faith, no works and that is death. Before we can act we must organize, before we can organize we must know who we are and we must know who to outcast and never give a voice in our discussions lest they no longer produce things that are actually us. We must organize, in a real way. Its nice to say “gather the tribes”, well, its time to actually do that, to do exactly that, not just say it.

            How do we proceed? That is what I am asking. I dont expect you to have the answers, I was hoping someone here knew what I was talking about and could point me in the direction of the people doing that. Taking action, organizing us, understanding that we are not yankees, africans, mexicans, jews or aliens from outer space. To know better than to invite Judo-Christians, to be able to explain the history of them and why not, how that is not Southern. No Democrats, for us its obvious why, but to a lot of people it is not, they dont have our life experience and we cant expect them to. We have to be able to explain that to them, if we had our own education like I am talking about then they would know. Be a living example? We dont live in your world anymore, we work from before the sun rises drive for hours, work 10-16 hours drive home hours again, never see our family and when we do, we are so exhausted and thats just to barely scrape by, pay check to pay check…. its more than that, its a synergy of oppression, its systemic, its everywhere. Thats why we need it so badly, the kids coming behind me have no idea what I have been through collectively becasue nobody wrote it down and put it in a text book for them to learn, so they are ignorant and will make decisions out of ignorance like I have, like we all do because our memory is erased each generation and we have to start over, make all the same mistakes and lose a little bit of ourselves each time, like our enemies planned. So here we are.

            This has become overly long, sorry, that was not my intention. I am going through a loss right now, my nephew was gunned down by one of these black BLM clowns and where I live the entire law enforcement from the mayor to the judges on down are all basically black BLM themselves and I am starting to see collusion in the justice system… so I am not in a good place at the moment. We are poverty stricken, I cant go to school or work because of this moronic quarantine, I cant afford a lawyer to make sure that justice is served, we cant even afford to bury him. So here he is his walking around free with people and groups supporting him and my family has nothing. Why dont our people have groups that help us support each other like they do? Where are we?

            So yeah, I have to go help his mom plan to scatter his ashes because we cant afford to bury him with his father, my brother, who was also killed by people who should not even be in our home in the first place. This kid was only 18, he just graduated, it was his first 4th of July as 18 year old man, finally free of school and now he is dead and this guy is walking around free. He shouldn’t even be in our home. So do you know of any resources for his family? They have nothing, no recourse, he does, he has a people and free legal advice and anything else he needs. Why dont we have that for one another? Why dont we have somewhere I can point his mother to for help? Can we start? I would like to help, point me in the direction, please.

          2. Michael, you wrote:

            In one of your replies you told a young man to just go get a career, find a good woman and save money etc.

            Uh, no, you’re mixing me up with someone else. The “just go get a career and save money” thing is not the kind of advice I would ever give anyone. As for “find a good woman [marry her and have lots of children] – well, guilty as charged.

            I didn’t finish reading your reply to me, btw. Too much rambling for my tastes. But anyway,…

    2. At this time the best organization would be a voluntary Militia Force free of government influence. “Militia” being defined as every civilian man and woman able to obtain and use weapons.

      A primary group would be an individual citizen or family determined to defend self, home and community with deadly force. As they let it be known that they will fight back if the riot/looter mobs invade their neighborhoods, others similarly determined will join them until they are numerous enough to elect leaders.

      Preferably the leaders will have police or military training to instruct them on how best to use their guns, ammo, supplies, etc. With the internet and other means of communication, they can contact more distant Militias and make plans for wide-spread defensive actions.

      Or offensive actions, if necessary. Remember, this is war.

      1. Our women are the last thing you should be advocating join a militia. We need them to keep our children on the righteous path. You remember that Marine Corps study, right?

        1. Which Marine Corps study, Paul Foley? Our women can keep our children on the righteous path by first protecting their lives.

  4. One thing our side failed at and where the other side has been very successful with is traditional political lobbying. Letters to the editor, picketing, boycotts, phone calls to senators offices, C-Span, etc., we don’t do these things much. We get caught up in echo chambers or we in-fight….Nothing impresses a politician as much as a real life meeting, this is what real lobbyists do (nowadays riots impress politicians more, I guess, but that is beside the point. Rioters must be politically correct though).
    The only thing that will create victory for us now is DOMINANCE. This is not the same thing as violence. Our organizations must cooperate more with other like minded organizations, and public displays should occur and be executed with great skill. No more Unite the Right flops.

    1. Thanks, David von bock. Please let us know when you persuade our organizations to cooperate for DOMINANCE. Until then, I’ll keep my gun.

  5. Under normal political conditions, mass rioting by blacks and the destruction of historic monuments covering a range from Confederate to Spanish priests in California and even elks in the northwest, and now a new public discussion on getting rid of the founding fathers….all this should have led to the creation of a new historic preservation society, one not so loaded down with ideology, a broad based movement just to stop the destruction. I don’t see this yet, as I think too many are putting too much hope in Trump saving what’s left of America. We all know Trump wont stop the destruction, it’s up to the rest of us to step up.

  6. If God punishes this nation it will be because of the evil that the nation has become as a whole and the ignorant evil we have done to other nations due to being deceived by our own government.Remember “Whatsoever thou shalt sow, the same shalt thou reap”

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